Where the River Meets the Skye by Felicity Snow | Goodreads
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Where the River Meets the Skye

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Skyelar McKenzie doesn’t believe in God. River Dawson was raised in the church and his faith is the most important thing in the world to him. It gave him strength when he needed it most.

Despite their differences, the two men have been roommates, and best friends for nine years. But things get more complicated when Skye starts to realize that his feelings for his best friend aren't strictly platonic. That maybe the pull he feels towards River, the desire to comfort him, soothe him, chase away his demons, and make him smile goes deeper than he thought.

When RIver starts to face unexpected health issues Skye is there for his friend just like he always has been, and the feelings grow even deeper. But how can Skye say something when River is straight? And is he really the best fit for his friend given their differing beliefs?

But then River starts looking at him in ways he hasn’t before, and touching him in ways he hasn’t before, making Skye wonder if River is really straight after all, and if, maybe, there’s a chance for the happiness he’s longed for with the most amazing man he’s ever known. If maybe, River has feelings for him, too.

As time goes on, though, and River’s health issues get more complicated, can Skye be the anchor his friend needs? Can they be each other’s strength and courage when it looks like things are falling apart and the answers they seek aren’t coming?

Will they find joy amid all the heartache and doubt, and will their love be enough?

Where the River Meets the Skye is an 83k word best friends to lovers mm romance featuring a slow burn, bi awakening, hurt comfort, opposites attract, a religious mc, and past trauma. This story deals heavily with chronic pain and illness. It contains adult content and is not intended for anyone under the age of 18 mentions and discussions of past SA, including a brief on page flashback, passing of a minor character, brief mentions of self harm

298 pages, Paperback

Published May 17, 2024

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Felicity Snow

7 books92 followers

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Profile Image for Renae Reads.
558 reviews532 followers
May 14, 2024
Where the River Meets the Skye is an emotional best-friends-to-lovers romance that deals with many challenging topics that I appreciated due to how uncommon they are in romance.

River and Skye have been best friends for over ten years and I love how much they cared for one another and how oblivious River is to Skye's feelings. Their slow-burn dynamic quickly changes once River suffers from significant health setbacks. I appreciate how the author wrote this aspect of their story. It was challenging to read about River's suffering, but I appreciate how reliable, helpful, and patient Skye was with his friend.

This love story takes its time and allows for feelings to mature and grow at a consistent pace while giving you very meaningful interactions between these two. Overall I enjoyed this story even when at times it was hard seeing River in so much pain, but knowing this is a reality for many, I loved how this was incorporated so compassionately.

*** I reviewed a complimentary copy of this story.***
Profile Image for Natalie.
321 reviews22 followers
May 12, 2024
River & Skye
Rating: 3.7 ⭐

- Best Friends-to-Lovers
- Hurt/Comfort
- Bi-awakening
- Chronic Pain/Illness
- Opposites Attract
- Religious MC (accepting)
- Past Trauma
- Roommates


This was an intense read with little relief, that left me strung out by the time I finished it. You can tell that it was a personal book for the author because you could feel the rollercoaster of emotions vividly. I was able to take breaks while reading this just to breathe but people that deal with this on a daily basis don't get to take a break, it's just non-stop. Overall, the writing and storyline was great and the characters were well developed, but it's an emotional drain. The couple is true love and loyalty at its finest.

These two are roommates in college and became best friends. Skye has always kind of been a caretaker for River but they have always been equal as roommates, doing what the other doesn’t like to do. After college and Rivers further education, they moved in together again and have been roommates at the condo for about five years now. Skye is a teacher who has always had a crush on his best friend but he kept the emotions from growing behind his mental ice wall, as he calls it. River is a physical therapist, devoted Christian and a victim of SA. Well, recently that wall has been melting and the guards are being chucked to the void. Skye has no idea how to handle falling in love with his "straight" best friend and he's starting to get jealous of Rivers girlfriend. Now, I will admit that I was thrown for a dang loop when it said River had a girlfriend because I was in no shape or form expecting to deal with a current relationship getting in the way of the couple becoming one. It's also part of the reason I rated this lower. I did end up liking the ex-girlfriend in the end though, she was very helpful to this couple throughout all of their suffering.

River gets in a car accident and Skye steps up to take care of him and help his healing. River starts to notice little things about Skye that he usually blocked out as just normal but now his feelings are shifting. Everyone around him kept trying to tell him that Skye "love" loved him, but it just went straight over his silly head. Once he's finally starting to feel like himself again after the accident, the world tilts and everything goes from bad to worse. The dominoes start to fall and it's just one thing after the next that keeps bringing River down. Through further health issues, family loss, a breakup, depression, and financial strain these two grow closer and cling to each other. Skye is a rockstar throughout this book, green flags all around. Even when he was strung out and at a loss for what to do next, he never gave up of his relationship or how he could help River. Rivers trauma from his childhood is always there and Skye has been an anchor for him since they met. Skye starts to learn more about the incident as it effects his intimacies with River, but he's always supportive and never pushes.

These two were made for each other and they go THROUGH IT!!! All of the pain and trials make them stronger and they persevere where true love wins in the end. There are time jumps from about the 60% mark to the end. That car/phone scene though...🔥🔥🔥

Content Warnings: Mentions and discussions of past SA, including a brief on page flashback while being intimate, death of family members (off page), brief mentions of self-harm

I received a free copy of this book via the author and am voluntarily leaving a review.

Verse: No
HEA: Yes
POV: Dual
Breakup: No
Cheating: No
Ages: Both 28, follows until they're 32
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 21 books545 followers
May 18, 2024

This is the sweetest, most beautiful story about best friends becoming so much more. One, a man sure of his sexuality but not so confident in his beauty. Another full of faith in Christianity and a rough past.

River and Skye were friends for a long time while Skye has been in love with River for most of those years even while he denied it every other minute.

River experiences so much pain, both physical and emotional, and Skye is there for him even when he thinks he doesn’t need it.

This is a very slow burn but that build is everything.

It’s a hard read at times but you endure like River did and it only makes you love them more.
Profile Image for Joanna Grosz.
148 reviews6 followers
May 18, 2024
**A Wonderful Book - about Real Love, not the Disney kind. A Rare Gem!**

I am positively surprised, almost amazed, by this book. Very few authors today want to address difficult topics like chronic pain and long-term health issues in their books because they don't seem romantic to most people. Yet, such people exist, and they too deserve happiness and love. This is what touched my heart because I know a lot about health issues myself, and I can only say that they can take away the joy of life. Knowing you're not alone in such suffering helps in a strange way.

First of all, huge respect for courage of depicting a relationship where a Christian and an atheist coexist peacefully. This is a very, very rare sight in books, especially in MM romance novels, where 99% of authors portray all Christians in a very negative light. This is difficult for me to understand, as I have met many Christians who were positively inclined towards the LGBT community. It feels like the lens through which these authors view the world is strangely narrow, showing only the darkest examples of how Christians treat LGBT people, which isn't fair. Christians who are positively inclined or simply neutral are rarely depicted in MM romances.

Therefore, the author earns extra points from me for daring to show something very unpopular among these authors, and for that, she has my immense respect.

It's not easy to write against the mainstream tendencies, but this is precisely what I look for in books: originality and the courage to tell real stories of people, not just mainstream, typical trendy topics dictated by the dominant narrative.

The aspect of River's health problems was also very personal for me because, as a thirteen-year-old, I cracked my tailbone, and even a year later, I was feeling the painful consequences. So I know a lot about how seemingly minor issues can trouble people.

Now a few words about the main characters.

Skye and River fit together perfectly, like a true match made in heaven.
It's funny that Skye called River an angel when he was the one who was an angel for River all along. His love and support were unwavering from the start. His patience and understanding were almost superhuman. I don't know if many such people exist, but if they do—they are real angels.

The depiction of all the problems this couple faced, related to job loss, breakup with a previous partner, and financial issues, was also very realistic, showing how such health problems can impact not only personal and intimate life but also career and professional life.

Also their transition into relationship from just being friends was very organic. The bi awakening was done smoothly.

The book is written from a third-person perspective, with POV shifts between characters, and events sometimes jumping forward by several weeks, sometimes three months, six months, and then even a year—the story spans over four years.

For many, the lack of an obvious HEA at the end might be a reason not to pick up this book.

The book is written in an accessible and smooth style. It's worth noting that it is not a typical romance, let alone an erotic novel, because River is a victim of sexual assault in the past, and therefore this topic is treated very delicately and sensitively. Thus, the book leans more towards gay contemporary fiction rather than strictly MM romance.

It's important to keep this in mind when picking up this book because some people are clearly looking for more detailed erotic scenes and a more obvious HEA, but books like this are also needed, especially for people who don't necessarily live epic and romantic lives like in Disney movies and who deal with problems that don't resolve with a magic wand, as it happens in many traditional MM romances.

Therefore, I would recommend this book to those who want to read something that touches reality a bit more than a traditional fairy-tale story, where everything is perfect, sweet, and dreamy.

But this story has a beautiful and powerful message, and it's worth reading just for that: to see that love can be not just romantic confessions and declarations, but also simply everyday support shown in actions, not in grandiose words like in some romances where you read "you are my every breath" and similar high-flying declarations. Here, love is shown as a real effort, truly being there for the other person, even in tough times, and that is the immense value this book conveys. So, I highly recommend it to those who want to read about true love, not the Disney kind.

River and Skye... What a perfect names. And what a perfect title and a perfect cover!

Thank you dear author for writing this gem for us, people who don't live in romantic movies but still can find beautiful love amidst the life's harshest trials and tribulations. And yes, that's worth to celebrate :)

5 stars, more if it were possible!

Profile Image for Avery.
259 reviews8 followers
May 1, 2024
"You'll find the right person some day, Riv." "So will you, Skye." River gave him a small smile.
I found you nine years ago, River.

Skye and River (love their names!) have been best friends and roommates ever since they met in college. Skye is openly gay and always had a thing for River, which River knows. What River doesn’t know is that Skye has been falling in love with him and is finally admitting that to himself. River is a devout Christian, in a relationship with Anna and as far as he knows not interested in men.

River’s life turns upside down when he gets in an accident, resulting in a lot of physical issues, he is not the healthy man he was before and when they get one thing under control another illness pops up. Skye is there every step of the way to care for him, stand by his side and comfort him as much as possible. River goes from bad to worse, illness after illness deteriorates his ability and life leading to not just physical problems but draining him mentally as well until he is a shell of the person he once was. It kills Skye to see the man he loves this way, feeling helpless about the situation and his feelings.

If possible, the two men grow even closer, and when someone helps River to open his eyes to his own feelings for Skye it chances everything.

"I told you, Riv," he said, pulling away, "I love you. I want you. All of you.
All of your hurt and scars, all of your grief and pain. All of your heartache and struggles. I'm not afraid to love you."

The slow burn and pining in Where the River Meets the Skye is beautiful, it builds up the story in a perfect way. You get to see Skye, completely in love with an unobtainable man, set aside his feelings. Choosing to be there for River, never expecting him to be loved the same way in return. He is the epidemy of selflessness. River struggles so much with his new reality, understandably, but when he realizes his feelings for Skye, he dives in with eyes wide open.

This book had me swallowing back tears time and again, I have no issues with cruelty and hate but when people are this kind?! That hits me deep (issues, I know). These characters show up always, unconditionally and no matter how hard the road gets. A truly amazing story about love, chronical illness and finding new paths.

I received an ARC from the author in exchange for my honest review.
1,138 reviews10 followers
May 18, 2024
Skye is a gay man and River a devout Christian who became college roommates and years later were still roommates and BF's. River was a victim of assault in high school and even with therapy could never get over it but was empathetic and kind enough to accept and acknowledge God made Skye how he was, perfect in God's eyes. This book reflects that "Love Hurts" as the song goes, you can't choose who you love and the pain of loving your BF silently when he doesn't feel the same, the worry of losing them if you say anything. The physical and mental pain of chronic illness and how it takes it's toll on your family and friends. It's an emotional rack Felicity stretches you on as River suffers but a spiritual book of the comfort of love and marriage or a partner through life's trials, the blessings we have.
Profile Image for Tonya Roberts.
68 reviews3 followers
May 18, 2024
River and Skye’s story is heartbreakingly beautiful. 🩵

Skye is the epitome of the “for better or for worse, in sickness and in health” type of love. This book contains some sensitive subject matter, but the author has done a wonderful job of portraying the struggles and frustrations of living with chronic pain/illness. The takeaway message for me was, that we’re all deserving of love and dedication, no matter our health. We may struggle with a chronic illness, pain, or depression, but we are in no way any less deserving or worthy. We should all be so lucky as to find someone like Skye to love us. 🩵
Profile Image for Simoné (Colleen).
175 reviews4 followers
May 17, 2024
Where the River Meets the Skye is a standalone romance from author Felicity Snow. Here’s what you can expect from River and Skye:

- MM hurt/comfort romance
- Third person dual point of view
- Best friends to lovers
- Bi-awakening
- Chronic pain/illness representation
- Mental health representation
- Religious main character
- Finding love after trauma
- Happily ever after

As always, please review the content and trigger warnings to decide if this book is right for you. Note that this list of warnings may be incomplete. Take care of yourself while reading.

“You got this,” Skye told him. “You’re safe. I’m here.” I love you. You’re so strong. And so beautiful. And you’ve never let your scars define you. I am so proud of you.

Wow, it took me a few days to put together a coherent review for this beautiful book. I’ve had the privilege of reading Felicity’s releases over the past year, and I can say for certain that although this is completely different from anything I’ve read from her, it’s an incredible romance and love story. I was very intrigued by the mention of a religious character as well as chronic pain/illness representation pulled from the author’s personal experience and I think the outcome was so moving. River and Skye are lovely characters, and their story will stick with me for a while to come.

This book spans over the course of about four years. There are the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. I had tears in my eyes at certain points of this book as we experienced every sensation along with River and Skye. Their extraordinary love for one another, their stress and frustrations, and the changes and progress their relationship makes as time passes. I think anyone that’s experienced chronic pain and illness, or in turn, has a loved one with chronic pain and illness, will be touched by this story. I like that the author didn’t shy away from the difficult emotions. This was a book that dove into the nitty gritty and embraced it, and for that, I think it’s a beautiful story. If you have the capacity to read it, please consider giving it a try. I loved how the elements of this story blended together, even though it felt like the obstacles our main characters had to face were insurmountable.

Thank you to Felicity for writing this book! It wasn’t the easiest read, but it’s an important and beautiful one. These characters still get a happily ever after, and although it might not be what readers are hoping for, there’s happiness, love, and found family. Amazing work!
Skye was his home, his heart, his breath, and he never thought they would be here, that what had once been used as an act of cruelty, to break him, destroy him, was now being used to make him whole again.

I received an ARC of this book from the author and am voluntarily leaving a review.

May 9, 2024
4.5 stars

ARC generously provided by the Author

This is the second book I've read by Felicity Snow - Stepbrother Mine was the first and... let's just say there's quite a contrast between the two, haha - and it definitely won't be the last.
I really like the friends to lovers trope, and combined with the hurt/comfort, I guessed that I would probably need a tissue or two. I didn't use any, but several times I shed a few tears and the last chapters had me spiraling so I was just looking ahead of myself while feeling everything a human being is capable of and I was trying to redirect my thoughts back to what I had read.

Skyelar and River have been friends for a decade and are currently roommates.
Skye is a teacher (I used to be a teacher, and I loved his interactions with his sixth-graders), and he prefers to spend his time inside, unlike River, who enjoys riding a bike, rock climbing and running; anything that can be done outdoors. Skye is the one who begins to look at his friend differently first, but River is straight, has a girlfriend, and is also deeply religious - these are enough reasons for him to try to suppress these new feelings.
When River's health unexpectedly deteriorates, Skye is by his side, he helps him with everyday tasks, looking out for solutions, takes him from a doctor to another, encourages him - he simply loves him. And oh my god, how purely and beautifully so! At some point, he starts to feel that maybe his feelings are not one-sided, and he starts to hope.
"[…] Skye would feel complete if he could just spend the rest of his life taking care of River, and loving him to the best of his ability, knowing that River loved him back."

The relationship between River and Skye is beautifully depicted, both their friendship and their unfolding love are so beautiful and selfless and honest and deep that as a reader it was a great pleasure to get to know these boys and get a glimpse into their life together.

The whole novel is a rollercoaster; River gets knocked down by life itself from time to time - as soon as something good happened, as soon as they moved forward, there was something bad again: and I felt that this is just too much, this much suffering can't be handed to one single person, how can anyone expect River to get back on their feet again and again after all of this and have the strength to face another day full of pain?
But it's not just River who suffers, as time goes on Skye also starts to get tired of fighting, because no matter how much he wants to, he can't help River. And it hurt. It was another aspect of this book that I loved while it also ripped my heart out.
"[…] he felt so helpless. Like his hands were tied, and all he could do was watch as his husband suffered and withered away."

In terms of the emotions it evoked in me, I could best compare it to Never Leave, Never Lie by Thea Verdone, although the plot is not at all similar, the MC's backstory is totally different, yet there are some things both books share: the presence of depression, a supporting partner, and the impact of past traumas, which did not disappear without a trace, and are not resolved by love.
"So many well-intentioned people kept telling him to remember everything that was still good in his life, all the blessings he had, everything he had to be thankful for. But it was getting to the point where he just couldn't think of anything."

The author endowed River with his own experiences; the chronic pain and illness River had to endure is all hers and she has been living with this kind of pain for years. I'm so glad she has her own Skye!
I'm very grateful I had a chance to read this beautiful story.
Profile Image for Agalactiae.
1,306 reviews21 followers
May 20, 2024

Je me faisais une joie de démarrer ce nouveau roman de Felicity Snow, je n'avais d'ailleurs pas lu le résumé, ni les thèmes abordés.

Nous suivons deux amis de longues dates, River et Skye, deux meilleurs amis même, depuis près de dix ans, et vivent ensemble en colocation. Seulement, des sentiments autres qu'amicaux vont venir compliquer leur situation.

Nous avons droits à des flash-blacks permettant de voir leur première rencontre qui scellera leur amitié. Si j'ai ressenti le lien qui les unit, j'avoue avoir eu un peu de mal avec certaines choses. Le fait que Skye ouvre les yeux presque de but en blanc et tombe amoureux de son ami, alors que les choses semblaient évidentes... Genre, durant dix ans, il ne s'est rien passé du tout... Tout arrive d'un coup car la proximité des deux hommes est renforcée du fait que River nécessite de l'aide au quotidien.

Je ne vais pas en dévoiler plus niveau histoire. Mais on va dire que la situation de River va être compliquée et rien ne va aller comme prévu. Sa souffrance était difficile à lire mais ce que je reproche au récit, c'est que beaucoup de choses tournent autour du sexe. Ok, c'est important, quoique lorsqu'on comprend l'histoire de River et de ses traumatismes, cela ne devrait pas être une priorité. Le couple vit un quotidien compliqué et je trouvais dommage que les seuls moments de complicité mis en évidence par l'auteur était le sexe...

J'ai trouvé la fin expéditive en fait. L'ensemble manque, pour moi, de crédibilité, et ce, dans tout ou presque.
Si le thème principal était la maladie chronique dont souffre River, l'histoire aurait méritée d'être plus développée en ce sens, mettre en avant les difficultés et ne pas juste les citer.
Mais cela reste mon impression générale et comment j'ai ressenti cette histoire. Malgré tout, l'auteur nous offre de jolis moments de complicité entre les deux personnages qui s'aiment d'un amour inconditionnel.
Profile Image for Ash.
189 reviews9 followers
May 7, 2024
I knew it would hurt. I did. Felicity TOLD us it would hurt. But it hurt so good. This story was so beautiful and written so well. It felt like a documentary in some ways. 🖤

River is our sweet, shy and suddenly chronically ill MC.
Skye is the steadfast rock that will move mountains for River.

This story, while emotional, raw and real, is a story of strength. The strength River has to keep going and to try his hardest every day while facing the scariest challenges. The strength that Skye embodies and carries while being a teacher, a caregiver, a husband and all the other many hats he carries.

This story is true to both the side of the chronically ill partner and the caregiving partner. Being either is not for the faint of heart. 😔

There are religious aspects of the story because of River’s faith, but it is not a religious romance or anything like it.

If you are or know someone who is chronically ill, this will likely hit home. If you don’t then it will help provide some insight. This isn’t everyone’s story but in general, it provides a good look at life and love while being chronically ill. 🖤

I received a complimentary copy of this book but this is my honest and voluntary review! 🖤
Profile Image for Jennivie.
Author 6 books35 followers
May 11, 2024
The author warned us this would hurt to read and it did. Those are often my favorite stories though, to write and to read. The ones that rip you apart and try to put you back together. The ones that leave a lasting mark. This book and these characters have done that.

This is a beautiful and heartbreaking friends-to-lovers story featuring chronic pain, trauma, and illness. It’s about the struggles of both the caregivers and the one being cared for. It’s about not giving up on each other or on life. It’s about loss and grief and joy and triumph in the face of illness and debilitating pain and everything else life throws at you. It’s about unconditional love and strength and also about it being okay to not feel strong. As someone who deals with endless appointments and mystery conditions and all that it entails, I feel their pain and I sure wish I had someone like Skye here with me for the whole rollercoaster.

This is my second book by this author and it definitely won’t be the last.
Profile Image for Kaija.
970 reviews16 followers
April 29, 2024

This book is amazing and emotional!

It’s such a journey and I won’t lie I thought something bad may have been coming but thankfully they seemed to be okay!

It’s an amazing and emotional (Iknow I’m repeating myself) hurt/comfort book with quite frankly relationship goals! Who doesn’t want someone who loves them that much, even when things get hard.

Skye and River are proof that when life gets hard if you have someone who loves you it’s not the end, things will be okay

Im so thankful to have been able to ARC read this book!
Profile Image for DLB2572.
2,317 reviews21 followers
May 18, 2024
Heartbreaking and Beautiful

This story may be heartbreaking but it is also a beautiful story of perseverance and love. River goes through so much but Skye never leaves his side. The love these two shared, even before it turned to romantic love, was so beautiful.

I received an ARC and this is my unbiased opinion
Profile Image for Guilherme William.
74 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2024
The angst in this was very well done, in fact it was way too well done! It doesn’t read as much as a hurt and comfort, more as a “being stabbed in the gut and offered a wet wipe to clean the blood” situation.

I know it aimed for realistic, and it did a very good job with all the medical bills and despair, but I really wanted a more uplifting ending. River could have at least have his job back.
Profile Image for Wren Vale.
254 reviews21 followers
May 5, 2024
This beautiful story is so personal to me for several reasons.
I was a victim and I live with chronic pain. River's journey both broke me and healed me in so so many ways. And Skye's unwavering love and devotion reminds me how grateful am to have my own Skye to my River.

Felicity Snow writes this story from a place of personal experience and understanding, and it shows, the depth of emotions I lived through whilst reading this story are unmatched. And the s*x scenes, hot hot hot!!

Another masterpiece from the amazing Felicity Snow
Profile Image for CM Daniels.
7 reviews
May 30, 2024
Before I start, let me just say that this book features the single best depiction of contracting and living with chronic illness that I have ever come across.* It is also a beautiful love story between two best friends who realise they’ve always been crazy for each other. The book concentrates on the relationship between the two characters and how that changes, develops and survives as life throws everything it can at them. It’s an emotional roller coaster of a book, and if you’re a crier, be sure to have the tissues on hand. The book has an HEA, although some might consider it a HFN, as not everything gets tied up in a perfect bow. However, that is the nature of chronic illness, and so I find it perfectly fitting for the novel. I cannot recommend this book enough as a gorgeous love story and a poignant piece of prose.

The book begins with the familiar tropes of the sweet gay guy pining for his apparently straight best friend. Felicity Snow handles this with humour and wit, and allows us to sympathise for Skye as he creates his “ice wall” behind which he intends to hide his romantic love for River. River is equally adorable, as Skye’s quiet and kind companion of ten years.

This story is far more than a simple BFFs-to-lovers one however. (Though there’s absolutely nothing wrong with BFFs-to-lovers books; I adore and devour them!) Rather, it is a journey between these two men who know they would do anything for each other, and are sadly tested on that knowledge time after time.

Snow caveats the book with an understanding that the time frame, volume and severity of these health crises that befall River may seem unrealistic to some, but that they are in fact not. She is absolutely correct; sufferers of chronic illness can sometimes feel that it is simply one thing after another, and there will never be any respite. This is the reason that chronic illness and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety often go hand in hand. Snow deals with the premise thoughtfully and shows us the strain that pain and illness can put on a person, and also their relationships. I found it fascinating the way the author presented River’s struggle with his religious beliefs, and how his atheist partner supported him through this.

Felicity Snow really captures what it is to feel like your body is giving up on you. She also truly understands, and puts on the page, the frustration of constant medical appointments, tests and treatments, without getting any definitive answers. At one point, River laments that the doctors don’t understand why he isn’t improving and he deadpans “they say I’m complicated. Yay.” I laughed out loud when I read that, because I’m pretty certain I’ve said those exact same words.

There was another part to River and Skye’s story that I have not had to face due to the luck of being born in Britain, and not the US. That is all the financial struggles that accompany long term illness due to lack of employment law and public healthcare. I won’t go into detail, as I feel that it is an important part of the story and should be experienced as Snow wrote it, but let me just tell you that I was appalled at how people can be treated when they get sick.

All in all, this was a remarkable novel that I truly enjoyed reading, and I would strongly recommend it. If you’re a mood reader, this is a “I want to love these characters so much that I cry when they cry and laugh when they laugh” kind of mood, enjoy.

*Not to go into my personal life too much, but I have been dealing with chronic illness for pretty much my entire adult life, so we are looking at at least two and a half decades of experience. I am also the kind of person who seeks out representation on my own issues in fiction, be that TV, film, theatre, music or literature. I’m telling you this so you know that when I say this is the absolute finest portrayal of chronic illness I’ve ever experienced, you can have confidence that I know what I’m talking about.
Profile Image for J Morrison.
5 reviews1 follower
May 23, 2024
This is the most moving book I have ever read. Felicity wrote this book with a representation I haven't seen. It was real and raw. This book touched my soul. It is written about things I personally suffer with. River and Skye made me feel seen. A character who has walked in my shoes. And Felicity wrote it all. There is no magic cure. It doesn't go away. The acceptance you have to reach to live in chronic pain with devastating side effects.

River. This man suffered through so much loss. He lost his family, job, health, freedom, independence, and so many other things. He moved me in ways I've never experienced from a book. The struggle with his faith, the depression and desperation, and the anger is all real. The feeling of being a burden to those around you. Feeling helpless. River was so strong. He found a way to keep going. He never stopped loving. His healing journey, full of ups and downs, is a reality so many people face. River was relatable to me. And that means the world.

What to say about Skye... Skye is the epitome of love and devotion. His character is well built. His love for River unfailing, no matter what they faced, they faced it together. Skye showed his strength, compassion, and love every day, even when he was lost, exhausted, and overwhelmed. He never made River feel like a burden or blamed him for their situation. He was there for River. Comforting and patient. The way he faced his fears and discomfort to encourage River in his faith. Not everyone gets the chance to find their Skye. That person who is there through thick and thin even in the face of adversity.

Where The River Meets The Skye was a beautiful book. I cried the whole way through it. Sometimes happy tears, and some sad. It was moving. I am so grateful I got the chance to read this arc. Thank you to Felicity for the passion and reality you poured into this book. River and Skye are so sweet. The perfect example of friends to lovers to husbands. I think everyone should have the chance to read this book. To the people who suffer through chronic pain, disease, mental illness, and many others. We see you, and we understand. You are not a burden. You are loved and treasured. Don't give up. 💚💙
Profile Image for KindleMMRomanceReader.
239 reviews25 followers
May 24, 2024
***ARC Review***

This is my honest and voluntary review for the ARC I received.

This book is hurt/comfort at its best. That said, you might want to read the Author’s Note on this one. There are mentions of past SA. The book also highlights chronic pain and illness.

Skyelar (28) and River have been best friends (and roommates) for a decade, despite being total opposites. They have different beliefs, (River is religious; Skye is not) but they make it work. River and Skye complement one another in various ways. Things take a turn when Skye starts to have feelings for River, who sees himself as straight.

While Skye struggles with catches feelings for his best friend, River is struggling with chronic pain and health issues. He is also dealing with a past traumatic event. This book is a slow burn, but eventually Skye and River come to terms with their mutual feelings for one another. They still have some other issues to work through, but their connection to one another is strong and their determination to be there for one another is evident. Skye loves River with everything he has. Either Skye’s help, River has the space to heal from his past trauma.

In terms of his chronic illness, River’s positivity and faith are put to the test as a medical diagnosis continues to evade him. It was really impressive seeing Skye step up to the plate and help River as much as he could. Skye is already so good to River for the majority of the book, but when the tension/exhaustion/stress is almost at a breaking point, Skye takes it upon himself to accept the help offered by Pastor Phillips of all people. Accepting help is an underlining matter in this book. I was happy that River and Skye find a way to get to that point.

River’s aunt (Jodi), friends Nick and Jenna, Skye’s former student (Claire), and Skye’s mom (Grace) all serve as crucial support systems at different moments in the book. This story is hard to read at times, (so many things rock River and Skye’s world one right after another), but it’s also beautiful and real. (Yes, there is an HEA). The MCs could represent any one of us and I think it’s important to have people on your side when you need them the most.
Profile Image for Meera.
25 reviews2 followers
May 3, 2024
ARC Review : Where the river meets the Skye by Felicity Snow

“You’ll find the right person some day, Riv.” “So will you, Skye.” River gave him a small smile. I found you nine years ago, River.

Wow, this was an emotional read. Heavy. River and Skye are college roommates. Skye doesn’t believe in God but River is a firm believer and goes to Church religiously. Despite their differences, the two men become close over the past 9 years. They end up living in a condo. Even though Skye has feelings for River, he doesn’t show it.

🔹Friends to Lovers
🔹Illness/Chronic Pain
🔹Forced Proximity
🔹Religious MC
🔹Past Trauma

As time goes on, though, and River’s health issues get more complicated, can Skye be the anchor his friend needs? Can they be each other’s strength and courage when it looks like things are falling apart and the answers they seek aren’t coming?

Will they find joy amid all the heartache and doubt, and will their love be enough?

My heart goes out to River. No one deserves to go through this much of pain in their lives. I’ve never been more grateful for my health and I pray and hope that those people who suffer with Chronic pain, find some relief. May God be kind with them all.

Skye loves River and that’s an understatement. True love survives everything. The way Skye took care of River, as more and more health issues popped up and the way he accepted River’s frustrations and anger. The way he sympathised his suffering but always encouraged him. They way he made love to River. OMG, I cried at so many points.

This book is a show burn with steady angst, filled with pain and heartache but true win loves at the end. It doesn’t matter how different you are, how difficult the situation is, people who truly love each other, will never ever give up. These two men are made for each other. Their perseverance is unmatched. Tender, sweet and adoring Skye with his perfect, soft but strong River.

Highly recommended if the above tropes are your jam. But please check TWs, before you proceed!
Profile Image for Kiki Reads.
285 reviews8 followers
May 19, 2024
This is a love story.
Where the River Meets the Skye may be one of the saddest, most heartbreaking, yet ultimately life-affirming books you’ll ever read.
When Skye, an out and proud young man with no religious affiliation is picked to room with straight, devout River their freshman year in college, no one could have predicted they’d become close friends. Or that after college teacher Skye and physical therapist River would continue to be roommates.
When River faces an unexpected health crisis after an accident and his health deteriorates, Skye is there for him. Slowly these two best friends become more, in a slow-burn that feels organic to the story.
Going in, I knew River was a SA survivor, but his story broke my heart. It was not what I expected, and the unbelievable cruelty he had to endure would have broken most people. Thank goodness he had his faith.
What these two beautiful souls go through would test the strongest of bonds. Their journey isn’t easy, and the way chronic illness is depicted is raw and real. Sweet, gentle River will break your heart. And Skye, the pure love and steadfast care he shows River will bring you to tears.
I liked how River’s faith is depicted. He is a believer, and his faith is kind, loving, and accepting. And Skye going outside his comfort zone to seek spiritual help for River is just beautiful.
There is a HEA. River isn’t magically cured, although he does get some answers. Skye is at times overwhelmed and exhausted. But the love they share, and the decision to celebrate the small victories, is everything. It’s what love in its most perfect form should be. Committed. Selfless. Enduring. Resolute.
Skye and River live their wedding vows every day. When the finally catch a break and receive help, I felt myself exhale in relief.
I think this is my favorite book Felicity has written. Yes, parts are hard to read. But there’s also joy, laughter, and some surprisingly spicy moments.
Heed the trigger warnings, but know this is written with delicacy and empathy. It’s hard fought, but the HEA is worth it.
Profile Image for Gabrielle.
23 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2024
🪽𝐀𝐑𝐂 𝐫���𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰🪽
🪽𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟕𝐭𝐡🪽
🪽𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬🪽
🪽𝐁𝐢 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠🪽
🪽𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧/𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬🪽
🪽𝐎𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭🪽
🪽𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚🪽
🪽𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐂🪽
🪽𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐖🪽


Firstly, let me just say I love how the title of this book was a play on their names. 🩵🩶 There were so many times I wished I could reach into the book and just hug River for the longest of time. He couldn’t catch a break. He went through so much. SO SO MUCH. It was one thing after another. Back and back. He didn’t know it when meeting his roommate for the first time that he would need him in more ways than one. I’m sorry, River, but he became MY SKYE as well. Skye was AMAZING in every single way. The torture he had to endure at first just to be there for his best friend in ways never stopped him from trying to take some if not all the burdens River had to carry. He was determined to help River in any way he could. I’m realizing more and more that I adore the characters who are caretakers. I’m not really a religious person. I do believe there’s a God. I also believe that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. River is a fictional character, but what he went through is a reality for so many people. The mental capacity you have to be in, to stay in living with Chronic pain/illness I find very admirable. I find those people to be some of the strongest people, even if they feel otherwise. I think that was written so well by the author. River being a religious person and almost wanting to give up on his faith was so realistic, but Skye wouldn’t let him. Skye went through a lot. Everything fell on him and he didn’t complain. This story isn’t about spice, it’s not about romance—it’s about trauma. Pain. Sickness. Struggles. Even depression. It’s about a reality of all of that which one must learn to live with.
Profile Image for Steph.
638 reviews12 followers
May 17, 2024
Skye and River, River and Skye; even their names align. They have such a special connection that they both felt even before they understood. If only life was fair, these two would have the world. River has chronic pain and other health issues that are so consuming. He counts minutes, rather than days, he's in so much pain. Exhausted, weak, but he has Skye. Skye is his strength, his courage and his heart. Once they discover their love for each other, it's beautiful. It's hard to completely comprehend what River has to endure, Skye is so strong, despite feeling helpless. Watching the man he loves go through so much. Their love shines through the darkest days, nothing can break their bond. It is hard to not let the bad days dull the best days. This goes deep, there is more depth to River's suffering from when he was younger. Just when they catch their breath, a stronger wind takes it away. It's frustrating and unfair and you wish you could press the stop button that says, okay, they have had enough; but it's chronic, nothing lets up. It is an emotional read, overwhelming with pain and sorrow for these beautiful men. This is a story of love winning, love giving strength to go on and taking kindness as it comes. The ending shows some hope, and lots of love between each other and their special friends. I like to give awards to supporting actresses, women in books are often portrayed in a bad light. Anna deserves a mention, the ex-girlfriend, who really was a nice kind person. She had dignity and didn't stoop to a scorned woman. She turned out to be a wonderful friend too. A 5 star read, with watery eyes throughout. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Jenn ReadsBooks.
294 reviews16 followers
May 21, 2024
River and Skye are roommates, best friends, and eventually husbands. Skye doesn't believe in Gd, while River was raised in the church. River is straight, while Skye is not. Despite this, River and Skye's friendship endures for over ten years. The two men are as close as close can be through personal tragedies and triumphs.

When Skye realizes that he feels less-than-strictly platonic things for his very straight bestie, he's at a loss on how to move forward. When River's health issues begin taking over his life, Skye is there for him yet again, marrying him so that River can have access to Skye's health insurance. A marriage of convenience turns into a genuine partnership when River realizes that his feelings for his bestie-turned-husband are no longer bestie-level.

From here, Felicity takes us on a journey of pain—physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. However, she also makes sure that the car they travel in is one full of love, faith, loyalty, respect, and patience. These two beautiful men said vows for one reason, but held fast to them as soulmates. Their relationship is hard to read, only because it hurts to watch River suffer and Skye feel helpless to fix him. Through all the terrible cards they're dealt, they remain true to the love and friendship that has held strong for the years of highs, lows, and everything in between. Where other foundations would have crumbled, Skye and River's held strong and weathered every storm.

Where the River Meets the Skye
Felicity Snow
Profile Image for Tiff_Loves_MM.
62 reviews9 followers
May 20, 2024
• Arc Book Review •
Where The River Meets The Skye

•Slow Burn/Low Spice
•Past Trauma
•Chronic Pain & Illness
•Best Friends To Lovers
•Third Person POV
I’m going to start off by saying that this isn’t your typical romance story - it’s more of an ‘meant to be soulmates’ kind of love story between River & Skye.

River & Skye start off in this book as roommates in college, and over the span of many years, they become best of friends.
River is shy and religious, but he never tries to force his beliefs onto Sky or tell him being gay is wrong - he accepts Skye just as he is. Skye tries hard to keep a wall up to stop himself from falling in love with River, but he fails miserably. He’d literally do anything and everything to make River happy.
After an accident, things start to go downhill fast. River keeps experiencing more pain in places all over his body, but he can’t seem to find any concrete answers as to why his body is breaking down on him. Things get tense for a while because River becomes so frustrated due to suffering from pain for so long, that he starts to feel like he’s a burden on Skye. *Me shouting from the rooftops: SKYE DESERVES THE GOLD MEDAL FOR BEING THE MOST PATIENT & CARING MAN EVER!*. Not once did he turn his back on River, instead he loved him wholly every single day, and reminded him that he was safe and that he’d be there every step of the way with River.

This story hit close to home because I have an auto immune disease that causes me to live with pain and other issues. So I felt for River when he became upset and felt lost, like nothing was ever going to get better. And while reading this, I wasn’t sure if River & Skye were ever going to get their HEA that they deserved, but they did, thank goodness. Felicity did a great job writing a character with chronic pain, and writing the HEA because it was so realistic. Their story was beautiful, and it definitely tugged on my heartstrings.
You can also find my review on Instagram @tiff_loves_mm
Profile Image for Roxanna Mascarenas.
37 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2024
When River and Skye meet that first day in college little did they know they would become best friends and roommates even nine years later. After graduating school, relationships and careers, for two people who are so different, they could not be more perfect for each other. River is a devout man who has been tested in the past, and he is going to be deeply tested again. Skye doesn’t believe in God, but he believes in River and would do anything to help his roommate and best friend.

🤍“You’ll find the right person some day, Riv.” “So will you, Skye.” River gave him a small smile. I found you nine years ago, River.🤍

When River has a car accident and is home bound for several weeks, Skye takes on a caregiver role and realizes his feelings may not be as just friends as he thought. But when health complications cause River to rely upon Skye even more, River discovers that the person who he wants to give his heart to is not the one he was expecting but is the person he loves already.

🤍"I told you, Riv," he said, pulling away, "I love you. I want you. All of you.All of your hurt and scars, all of your grief and pain. All of your heartache and struggles. I'm not afraid to love you."🤍

This story had me hooked, I read it in a day, even with having to put it down to wipe the tears. It’s hard to imagine one person going through everything that River went through but you know it happens, and it either breaks them or makes them stronger. I am grateful to have taken the journey with the characters and recommend the book. Please read the author’s note and content warning before reading.
Profile Image for Abby Lai.
14 reviews
May 9, 2024
💭: 5💫/3🌶️

🤎🤍Thoughts(no spoilers):
I fell in love with Felicity’s warm writing after I read Hope For The Holidays, which focuses on grief and new life. When I knew she’s gonna publish another one focusing on chronic pain and surviving, I knew I could trust her to do the job right with care, kindness, and love.

Idk how to translate the weight of this story into words, but it is a good weight. It feels heavy, dark, hard to read, and suffocating, but also tender, soft, warm, and hopeful.

It is well-paced, blended with funny and spicy moments for us to take a breather, and the romance isn’t rushed or forced, but satisfying and sexy, rich with support and devotion. Even with all the angst, I can honestly say this was an enjoyable and smooth read, with plot points well arranged to prevent readers from feeling dull with constant struggles. And despite the unworldly torture characters go through, they aren’t winey or annoying, but strong, confident, and charming.

I’m not suffering from any chronic pain, but I do battle against mental illness daily, so I relate to River’s situation to some extent. Far from being able to imagine the suffering, but enough for this story to feel close to me.

This story humbles me, it broke my heart to witness how unfair life can be, and the strongest man can completely lose hope and still be the most beautiful soul ever.

Part of me is relieved that it happened to River, as his incredible mind makes the whole experience a lot more bearable. But I also wonder how much worse this can become if River isn’t who he is. My heart breaks a little more at the thought, knowing that there are real people who are not River, experiencing this. I feel nothing but pure respect towards them.
Profile Image for Kristi.
273 reviews8 followers
May 3, 2024
Skye and River. River and Skye. *Sigh* This book is the epitome of true love and fate. As roommates in college to best friends to roommates after college, Skye and River were drawn to one another. Skye, the teacher, with a SERIOUS crush on River. River, the physical therapist, Christian and victim of abuse. Skye has been in love with River for years. But River is straight. Right?

After an accident, Skye is more than willing to step in to help River through the healing. River starts to feel shifts in his heart - his feelings. River also starts to suffer from some unexpected and unexplainable pain. And Skye is there. River's nightmares continue. And Skye is there. River starts to feel more than ... something for Skye. And Skye is there.

Every one of Skye's dreams comes true as River realizes that he's been in love with his best friend for a long time. As his heart soars, his pain does too. The constant in his life is Skye. They are so good together and Skye loves River unconditionally, fully and with his whole self. And River loves Skye the same. There is nothing they won't do for each other.

This book is a low and steady angst, best friends to lovers, pain and heartache, true love wins story. These two men are made for each other. Their perseverance is unmatched. Tender, sweet, adoring.

Story 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Spice 3.5/5 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (that car/phone scene though 😉)
May 17, 2024
🌊☀️Where The River Meets The Skye // Felicity Snow☀️🌊

Felicity Snow has such a talent for writing books that make me feel so deeply! Where The River Meets the Skye is an emotional and beautiful book that showcases a perfect love in times of struggle.

THIS is how you do a best friends to lovers, hurt comfort romance. River and Skye have such an incredible bond built on love, comfort, and support that their romance feels inevitable! The trust that they have built over a decade of friendship, is what our broken boy River needs to feel loved and vulnerable.

These characters and their friendship are so well written and detailed that the bond between them feels like fate! Absolutely stunning. And the pining!! Oof, the pining for the best friend hurts so good.

River’s pain in his trauma and his chronic illness is a huge part of this story. This is a very real story of healing of tremendous pain, and of very real love that withstands life’s hardest obstacles. River’s battles with chronic illness are intense and can be hard to read about, in the way that real life pains and struggles can be the scariest ones.

☀️ Best Friends to Lovers
🌊 Emotional
☀️ Hurt Comfort
☀️ Bi Awakening / It’s always been you
🌊 SA Survivor, Trauma + Chronic Illness
🔥 Slow Burn

✅ book has listed trigger warning:Yes

💋 @read.me.romance

Profile Image for Leelah&#x1f341;♋️ Orion.
1,202 reviews25 followers
May 21, 2024

Oh my wow I feel seen. This this this this. This book was everything. And before anyone says this can’t be real because how it just compounded on, I’m gonna tell you to get your head out of the sand. From two knee surgeries, an ankle surgery, back pain, migraines, and a heart attack all before the age 39, that’s exactly how it happens. And I still don’t have answers to why.
The feeling of being a burden, that your partner would be better without you, nailed it. Im so glad they had each other. It was so beautiful watching them through the struggle. Watching them love one another so fiercely. Thats what true love is. It not about the smexy or the looks it’s about choosing to love a person in every single part of life.

Thank you for writing a book with positive religion. While people use religion to hurt people, there are people who are doing it well. There are religious bi/gay men i feel like that’s forgotten.

I only have two gripes. 1. The time jumps. That made the story feel a little disjointed. Which made it hard for me to feel their connection at times. 2. WHERE ARE THE BROWN PEOPLE? You were in Indiana Ohio and Kentucky. I know there are brown people there. Heck I’m a brown person from there. Even if you won’t write them as a MC why can’t we make it as a side character? It’s 2024, how do our characters not have brown friends?
Displaying 1 - 30 of 70 reviews

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