Graduate Profile: Sama Shah, MTS '24

May 13, 2024
Sama Shah, MTS '24
Sama Shah, MTS '24 / Courtesy Photo

Favorite Class or Professor 

There are too many courses and faculty to list! Professor Jocelyne Cesari challenged my writing and analytical abilities; she pressed me to think deeply about Islam, politics, violence, and peacebuilding. Professors Jacqueline and Homi Bhabha at the Kennedy School and FAS, respectively, gave me the theories and practical knowledge to pursue my own research on gender and migration post-graduation. Professor Muhammad Habib took my broken and shy Arabic and turned me into someone who can confidently hold a conversation with a native speaker.  

Finally, to Diane Moore, Atalia Omer, Hilary Rantisi, and Salma Waheedi – taking Narratives of Displacement and Belonging in Palestine/Israel was a blessing. I have never felt so heard and held by a teaching team. Thank you. 


Message of Thanks  

My mother – If I have done any good in these two years, if I have known any measure of success, it is due to her constant prayers and deep love. 

My husband – I could not have done half of what I did if I did not have the love and support he provided at home.  

My siblings and friends for the ways in which they have pushed me, carried me, and brought joy to my life. The HDS DIB Office – Melissa, Steph, and Matt – for witnessing me in all my chaos and supporting me through it all. The HDS RPL Office, and especially Diane Moore, Hussein Rashid, Hilary Rantisi, Susie Hayward, Judy Beals, and Atalia Omer, for possessing the kind of intellectual and personal bravery this university so needs. Ann Braude, my advisor, who approved my course plans no matter how insane they started looking. Katie, who has held and sustained us with much more than just food (although the food was always appreciated). The HDS Muslim community for all its diversity and poetry and dance and pride in our beautiful tradition. 

All Harvard students in solidarity with Palestine – what an honor it has been to know you. 

What I Hope to Be Remembered By 

Oh my gosh, I’ll be happy if I am remembered at all! I feel like I spent most of my time in class or studying. If anything, I hope I am remembered as someone who was intellectually curious, introspective, and kind. 

Future Plans 

This summer, I’ll be working with Al-Haq through RPL’s Religion, Conflict, and Peace Initiative. Then, in September, I’m headed to Amman, Jordan, to begin a nine-month research fellowship on gender and migration with support from Harvard and the Refugees, Displaced Persons, and Forced Migration Studies Center at Yarmouk University.