Periodic Table And Periodicity of Properties : Pkeducation Blog


Periodic Table And Periodicity of Properties


Chapter No. 3

Periodic Table And Periodicity of Properties

Periodic Table And Periodicity of Properties_e0455684_04423966.png

Important Multiple Choice Question

1: Chemists spent a great deal of time in the twentieth century trying to organize components in a systematic way.

(a) The 18th;

(b) the 16th;

(c) the 19th;

(d) none of these

2: The discovery of ___________ was the outcome of their efforts.

(a)periodic law

(b) periodic table

(c) Vertical columns

(d) none

3: The components are arranged into the ___________ table.

(a), groups

(b), periodic table

(c), and vertical columns

(d).Periodic law

4: The table's vertical columns _______. Columns

(a) triads

(b) groups

(c) not one

5: Horizontal lines that go by the name ____. (a), times

(a), triads

(b), and so on not one


6: Elements are arranged in an orderly manner in accordance with _________.

(a) A higher atomic number

(b) a lower atomic number

(c) a higher mass number

(d) Each of these

7: That was discovered by __________,(a), John Ray

(a), Dobereiner

(b), and so on

(c) a German chemist.Mendeleev's

8. The average atomic mass of strontium is ___ __ ____.

(a) Oxygen and hydrogen

(b) Potassium and sulfur

(c) Nitrogen and chlorine

(d) Barium and calcium

9: Following ___________'s successful determination of the accurate atomic masses.

a) Mendeleev (1834)

B), Rutherford (1911)

c), JJ Thomson (1856), and

d) Cannizzaro (1860).

10: British chemist Newlands presented his in _________.

(a) 1864

(b) 1865

(c) 1866


11: Newlands, a British chemist, presented his findings in the form of __________.

(a)Periodic table

(b) both a and c

(c) Law of octaves

(d) none of these

12: _______ organized the known components

a) Mendeleev

(b) John Ray

(c) Niels Bohr

(d)None of these

13: An element's properties are a periodic function of its _________.

(a)Mass number

(b) atomic masses

(c) both a and b

(d) none

14: The earliest ever attempt to order the elements was the _______ periodic table.

(a), Mendeleev

(b), Niels Bohr

(c), and both of them

(d)John Ray

15: H. Moseley found a new elemental characteristic in _______.


(b) 1913



16: An element's properties are a periodic function of its _________.

(a) Mass number

(b) Atomic mass

(c) Atomic number

(d) Each of these

17: An element's atomic number is equivalent

(a), number of neutrons

(b), number of atoms

(c), number of electrons

(d).Number of protons

18: Moreover, atomic number serves as the foundation for _______.

(a)Electronic configuration

(b) both a and c

(c) no. of electrons

(d) none of them

19: Atomic mass is not the most fundamental attribute; _____ is.

(a)Molecular atom

(b) Atomic mass

c) Atomic number

(d) elements

20: Each element has an atomic number of _________.

(a) Mobile;

(b) stationary;

(c) unstable;

(d) not one

21: The atomic number of _______ elements can be the same.



(c) Three;

(d) Five;

22: In terms of fundamental properties, an element's atomic number is more important than its atomic mass.

(a) Three

(b) Five



23: It _______ on a regular basis between elements.


(b) increases

(c) decreases

(d) none

24: An element's atomic number was discovered in ________.





25: The variation in the atomic mass-based periodic law, or ______ _.

(a), Rutherford Ford

(b), Mendeleev

(c), both

(d)John Ray

26: The _______ is based upon the arrangement of elements according to increasing atomic Number.

(a)Modern periodic law

(b) Periodic law

(c) New lands octaves


27: _______ components shared characteristics with the first element.




d) ninth

,28: The behavior of every ninetieth element was comparable to that of atomic number ________.

(a), 17

(b), 18

(c), 16

(d) 19

29: The significance of the atomic number in the current periodic table's elemental arrangement resides in the fact that _________ is predicated upon atomic

(a) Electronic setup

(b) Groups

(c) None

(d) Periodicity

30: The elements are arranged in increasing order of atomic number.

(a) and periodic law

(b) Periodicity


(d) and the periodic table

31: Repetition of qualities known as __________ at frequent intervals

(a)time frames

(b) regularity;

(c) regularity;

(d) periodic law

by zeshan0306 | 2024-05-16 04:42 | Chemistry | Comments(0)


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