Spelt with rye levain. - Dining and Cooking

9% rye flour (100g from the levain), 91% spelt flour (1000g), 65% total hydration (100g from levain, 610g added to the dough), 2% salt.

Whisked levain into water, added flour and left for 30 mins fermentolyse.
Added salt and worked through the dough.
Stretch and folds every 30mins x 4.
In between and after finishing the S&Fs dough was kept in fermentation chamber at 21°C.
Once risen by 75%, preshaped then bench rested for 30mins, then suspend and placed into banettons.
After 30 more mins and passing the poke test dough was placed in refrigerator at 2.5°C over night.
The pictured loaf was taken out of the fridge after 13hrs and baked in a Brunswick cast iron bread pan, preheated for 30mins at 250°, at 230° with the lid on for 25 mins, then lid of at 220° for 10 or so more mins.

by Misabi

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