Home Read Classic Album Review: Diana Ross | Every Day Is A New Day

Classic Album Review: Diana Ross | Every Day Is A New Day

Even the diva seems disinterested in this supremely disappointing set of ballads.

This came out in 1999 – or at least that’s when I got it. Here’s what I said about it back then (with some minor editing):


Someone who worked on a Diana Ross album once claimed to me that the diva had almost nothing to do with it — others selected, arranged and recorded the songs, and she didn’t even hear them until she showed up to sing over the guide vocals.

I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m tempted to buy it after sitting through the abysmal and supremely disappointing Every Day Is A New Day, an hour’s worth of insipid, Diane Warren-style ballads that are collectively as invigorating as a glass of warm milk. Even Miss Ross barely seems awake, turning in vocals so disinterested she could have phoned them in from the back seat of her limo. Hey, who knows — maybe she did.