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With A Little Help From My Friends


Evan takes a breath after all is said and done before saying Eddie’s name incredulously.

Eddie’s face twists guiltily. “I-I can explain—”

~ or, the one where Eddie goes from unexpected guest to Evan Buckley's boo-thang


I blame my friend Amanda for this.

Work Text:

If there’s one thing Tommy Kinard has come to learn about Evan Buckley in the last few months, it’s that he’s very vocal.

Which, don’t get Tommy wrong, he is all for vocality, especially in the bedroom. He just didn’t expect it. Most guys he’s been with sexually haven’t made it as obvious that they’re into him, resorting instead to half-hearted grunts, so witnessing Evan—all robust, six-foot and some change of him—let go… it does something to him he can’t explain. 

Which is why he is where he is now: on his knees in Evan’s kitchen, sucking the life out of him.

Fuck, Tommy,” Evan moans, tightening his grip on Tommy’s thick, chocolate brown hair. Tommy pulls off him, but not completely, leaving Evan’s swollen head tucked in the corner of his mouth as he grins around it. “ Shit, you’re gonna be the death of me.”

Tommy kisses the tip of Evan’s head as he lets it slide out of his mouth just to say, “Not a bad way to go.”

“Definitely not,” says Evan breathlessly before Tommy’s diving back in. This time, he gets all the way down to the hilt, where Evan’s day-old stubble prickles his nose. He hears Evan slap the counter and looks up in time to see his face contort into that of surprise and pleasure. With his other hand, Evan’s grip tightens again and then he’s using it to face-fuck him. Tommy goes willingly despite the initial gag it elicits out of him and soon they fall into a nice rhythm. 

That is, until the door to the loft clicks and opens and there, standing in the doorway, is Eddie Diaz.

Evan must not hear or take notice, because his eyes are still squeezed shut and his grip on Tommy is unwavering as he relentlessly slams into him, and Eddie, Eddie may look like a deer in the headlights to anyone else, but Tommy recognizes that body language. Pupils all the way dilated, hand itching at his side. Eddie likes what he’s seeing, and Tommy’s not one to back down from a challenge. So instead of doing the right thing in this situation, Tommy continues what he’s doing, this time with his gaze on Eddie as he does it. Every lick, every suck, every gag—it’s all a show now.

Evan uses both hands now to keep up with Tommy’s intensity. “Shit, Tommy, I’m—I’m close,” he says, and, with the same hand that was itching at his side, Eddie actually starts palming himself through his jeans. 

Tommy grins and then, with the subtle tilt of his head, is urging Eddie over. Eddie’s eyes blow wide but Tommy just nods—as best as he can anyway—encouraging. Eddie goes, crossing the few feet between them before getting on his knees next to Tommy. Tommy pulls off Evan with a pop, who immediately takes notice. 

“W-what’s—?” he asks, eyes still shut. Tommy nods for Eddie again, even scooting to give Eddie more space to work. Eddie gives him a questioning look, but his eyes are completely dark now. Tommy just nods again and that’s all it takes before Eddie’s reaching up and wrapping his hand around the base of Evan’s length experimentally. “S-shit, Tommy, oh my God.”

Tommy, still on his knees next to Eddie, rubs Eddie’s back in slow, encouraging circles and watches in awe as the man then guides his cock into his mouth. Evan actually whimpers alongside Eddie and soon, Tommy’s moving his hand from the top of Eddie’s back to the nape of his neck, where he buries and tightens his fingers in his equally thick hair before pushing him further onto Evan’s dick. Tommy quickly removes his hand when Evan’s find Eddie’s hair and then he’s just watching the two of them.

“Tommy, I’m gonna, I’m—”

Evan finally opens his eyes and Eddie pulls off just in time for Evan to shoot his load all over Eddie’s face, who—aside from a couple points where he squirms—takes the facial like a champ. Evan takes a breath after all is said and done before saying Eddie’s name incredulously.

Eddie’s face twists guiltily. “I-I can explain—”

Evan then directs his gaze to Tommy, who just grins. Then Evan’s grinning too before he noticeably tries to train his expression into something serious. “We’re gonna have to talk about this later.”

“Later,” Eddie agrees, standing up.

Then the two just stare at each other, nodding, before Eddie surges forward and seals their lips in a kiss and Tommy… Tommy’s pretty sure he hasn’t been happier about the prospect of a breakup in his life.