(From Parchment to Pixels: The Evolution of Communication in the Digital Age - Animated Video By gilford antigua - Mango Animate
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(From Parchment to Pixels: The Evolution of Communication in the Digital Age

gilford antigua
2024-05-14 23:19:20
Once upon a time, people communicated through handwritten letters and messages carried by travelers. Knowledge was scarce, mostly available to the privileged few with access to books and scholars. But then, in the latter half of the 20th century, a technological revolution changed everything.Computers were invented, and soon after, the internet was born. Suddenly, with just a click, individuals could connect with others across the globe instantly. Information became readily available, breaking down barriers of distance and time.As the internet evolved, so did how we shared information. Social media platforms emerged, allowing people to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences with a global audience. News spread quickly, thanks to online sharing.But along with this abundance of information came challenges. Misinformation and fake news became rampant, blurring the lines between fact and fiction. Privacy concerns grew as personal data became a commodity for tech giants. And not everyone had access to this digital world, widening the digital divide.Despite these challenges, the information age continued to progress. Technologies like artificial intelligence and big data analytics transformed how we process and use information. Smartphones became common, putting the power of the internet into billions of hands worldwide.Today, we're at the forefront of a new era in the information age. The possibilities are endless, from a more connected world to potential pitfalls of unchecked technological advancement. As we navigate this ever-changing landscape, one thing remains clear: the power of information to shape our world has never been greater.

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