Spider-Tracer: Let's Talk "Spider-Man '98"... - Spider Man Crawlspace

Spider-Tracer: Let’s Talk “Spider-Man ’98″…

Hypothetically, of course! Welcome back, Spidey fans! If you’re like me, and your love of Marvel extends past Spider-Man, then chances are good that you’re also enjoying “X-Men ‘97” (Spidey even makes a cameo! Check it out!). It’s said that Marvel is considering other past Marvel cartoons for revivals given the success of “X-Men ‘97”. It got me thinking, given the current formula being used for Marvel’s Merry Mutants, what could Marvel do for a “Spider-Man: The Animated Series” revival? Join me as we take a look at 20 comic storylines and plotlines that could be utilized in a revival of the beloved series! We’ll also look at how some of these ideas could tie into the continuity established in episodes from the previous show.


So, let’s assume the show opens with a 2-parter with Spider-Man finding Mary Jane Watson and battling Carnage as Jack the Ripper in 19th Century White Chapel, just as the original showrunner, John Semper, Jr, intended. Following that, what could happen next? Well…


20. Kraven’s Last Hunt



I know I can’t be alone when I say that I’ve wanted to see an animated adaptation of “Kraven’s Last Hunt” for years. Christopher Daniel Barnes could pull off the emotional drive Spidey needs for this story with ease. Sure, Kraven was a little different on the 90’s cartoon, but all it would take is something like the loss of Mariah Crawford to push him over the edge and return to hunt the one man that ever gave his life a real challenge…


19. Gwen Stacy



While Gwen appeared the series finale of the 90’s show, we had yet to see her in that show’s main universe. Perhaps after travelling through dimensions, MJ needs a break from Peter and his world. With Felicia already out of the picture in Europe, this would be a great excuse to introduce Gwen Stacy. Plus, “The Death of Gwen Stacy” would be doable now without Fox’s limitations on the show in place. The show’s no stranger to doing things out of order (Hobgoblin before Green Goblin, anyone?), and it would inevitably lead to Peter and MJ getting back together, of course.


18. The Midnight Sons



With the 90’s show having already introduced Blade and Morbius, and Ghost Rider having appeared in other Marvel cartoons like “The Incredible Hulk” and “Fantastic Four” (he was also planned for “Spider-Man: The Animated Series”, but that never came to fruition, obviously), the Midnight Sons would be a great way to continue these character’s stories. Add in Black Cat, and maybe Dr. Strange (who also appeared in the 90’s Spidey cartoon), and you have a formidable team on your hands. What would cause these guys to team up with Spidey? Add in a little “Inferno” with a demonically-powered Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale would undoubtedly seek out greater power after his defeat in the 90’s cartoon), and you have the makings of a great crossover!


17. The Hobgoblin Saga



While the previous show already introduced Jason Macendale as the Hobgoblin, it’s no stretch to imagine someone killing him off and assuming the mantle for their own nefarious purposes. Introduce Roderick and Daniel Kingsley, as well as several other suspects, and you have a mystery that the original show never really got to delve into because “Hobgoblin Lives” came out after the show had already introduced the Hobgoblin character. It was also no secret that John Semper, Jr didn’t care for the Hobgoblin character, but was forced to introduce him (Avi Arad had Hobgoblin toys rolling out for Christmas). I’ve also heard it said that if the show had come back for another season, there were plans for Ned Leeds, and what better story to utilize him in than in this infamous frameup?


16. Call Him… the Molten Man!



Molten Man is a Ditko era comic villain that never made it to the original show (we’ll see another one of those further down on this list), but one that I feel would make for a formidable enemy to tangle with ol’ Web-Head. This might also help flesh out Liz Allan a little, since it seemed like she would be aiming for a relationship with Harry Osborn before the show ended its original run.


15. Bugged by the Beetle



Introduced in the 90’s “Iron Man” cartoon, the Beetle never made it on Spidey’s show, but he would be a cool villain for Spidey to tackle solo, or perhaps even alongside Iron Man or the Human Torch, the latter of which sadly only got to team up with Spidey in the Secret Wars adaptation, albeit with many other heroes.


14. Venom and Carnage Return



With “X-Men ‘97” showing more violence due to not being held back by Fox, there’s no reason to not bring these two symbiotic lunatics back for more faithful storylines, such as the one where Venom takes Spidey to an island for a huge showdown or even, dare I say it, a “Maximum Carnage” adaptation. Carnage’s crew could even be introduced in other stories on this list (such as a demonic Hobgoblin filling in for Demogoblin). They could even do their own version of “Planet of the Symbiotes”! Just, please, keep Knull out of it…


13. Flash Thompson and Scorpion Get the Venom Symbiote



Following a “Planet of the Symbiote” adaptation, it might be fun to see the Venom symbiote, separated from Brock, make its way through the likes of Flash Thompson and Mac Gargan before presumably winding back up with Brock. It’d be pretty cool to see Agent Venom teaming up with Spidey for a story or two, with Spidey shocked and annoyed to learn his new ally is none other than pain in the butt extraordinaire, Flash Thompson! Meanwhile, Scorpion would probably want to use the suit to help him steal more money so he can fund his wedding to Sarah (last name not given).


12. Mysterio Reenters, Stage Left!



I never really bought that whole Mysterio love story thing from the original show. I could totally see him using that whole thing as a way to convince Spidey he was dead so he could operate without his interference. Sure, Daniel Berkhart or Francis Klum could take his place, but let’s face it, nothing beats the original! Although, seeing Quentin Beck return to protect his legacy from those two losers might make for a great story, too!


11. Sin-Eater



While Jean DeWolff never appeared in this Spidey show, her role could easily be filled by Terri Lee. Seeing such a dark Spidey tale play out in this show would be sensational to see, and if it gets Daredevil to return for another team-up, all the better, then!


10. Spider-Man and the X-Men vs Arcade



One thing many fans of the 90’s animated Spider-Man and X-Men cartoons will remember is the crossover that occurred in Spidey’s show, which also featured the X-Men’s voice actors coming along for the ride! Arcade is a villain that stands out as both a Spidey and X-Men villain, and their teaming up to take on the white suit-clad villain would be a great sequel of sorts to that original crossover! Perhaps Herbert Landon, in a bid for revenge on Spider-Man and the X-Men, hires Arcade to finish them both off! I’m sure it’s something his boss, the Kingpin, would happily pay Arcade to do! This would also be a nice way to remind fans that both shows take place in that same shared continuity, as well as help promote each other. And, if you owned a gaming console in the early to mid-90s, there’s a good chance that you’ll remember the game “Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade’s Revenge”, and this would be a nice nod to that, as well.


9. The Clone Saga



It seemed as if “Spider-Man: The Animated Series” was setting up “The Clone Saga”, given Miles Warren showing up near the show’s conclusion, and Scarlet Spider’s inclusion in the 2-part series finale. There’s enough “Clone Saga” material that it could make up an entire season. Seeing Scarlet Spider returning, as well as Kaine and the Jackal debuting, would be amazing! With Norman trapped in another dimension, I could see him influencing Harry again to be this Clone Saga’s behind the scenes mastermind.


8. Return of the Green Goblin



While this originally occurred during “The Clone Saga” in the comics, this could easily be made into its own storyline. Norman’s return could lead to him buying the Daily Bugle to ruin Spidey’s reputation more than Jameson could ever hope to (just as he did in the comics). It could even lead to something akin to the comic storyline, “Dark Reign”. Beating J. Jonah Jameson in a mayoral race could lead to his commanding his own team of sanctioned Spidey villains to hunt the Web-Slinger down (just like when he ran the Thunderbolts or Dark Avengers in the comics).


7. Superior Spider-Man



Love it or hate it, this was probably one of the biggest comic Spider-Man stories to happen in years! Of course, I could see the show only running with this plot for 3-5 episodes, but it would undoubtedly be a neat direction for Doc Ock to take in the show when he returns. Sadly, voice actor Efrem Zimbalist, Jr has long since passed away after the original show ended, but if Doc Ock is dying (which originally led to him swapping brains with Spider-Man in the comics), it would be a nice way to explain a change in his voice between shows.


6. Meet… the Rose!



Richard Fisk made his presence known in the 90’s show, particularly when he framed Peter Parker. However, Richard never did don his villainous persona from the comics, and his return as a crime boss to challenge his father in a bid for revenge would be a great direction for the character to take! This could all lead to a big gang war, which the comics were always known for having!


5. Enter… the Sandman!



With James Cameron’s movie no longer an issue, and Hyrdo-Man dead, it’s the perfect time to bring in the Sandman! He was one of the important villains from the Steve Ditko era that never appeared on the 90’s cartoon, and it would be fun to see this Spider-Man try and tackle William Baker, or Flint Marko, if you prefer, for the first time.


4. Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut!



One of my favorite Spider-Man stories of all time, “Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut!” would make for an incredible adaptation! Juggernaut appeared at least three times on the original X-Men cartoon of the 90’s; his pal, Black Tom Cassidy, even did, too! Maybe shortly after arriving to drop Spider-Man and Mary Jane off in their home dimension, Juggernaut attacks to get Madame Web! Seeing Spider-Man try and stop the unstoppable would make for an unforgettable episode!


3. Captain Universe/”Infinity Gauntlet”



Before the original show ended, Spider-Man participated in an adaptation of the original “Secret Wars”. Of course, the show put it’s own spin on the classic comic storyline, and that’s just what they could do with “Infinity Gauntlet”. While Spidey typically operates in a more down to Earth setting, he does go cosmic from time to time, and what better way for him to grapple with an Infinity Gauntlet-powered Thanos than with the powers of Captain Universe? A mega threat deserves a major power upgrade, and that’s just what Captain Universe could offer our hero (as it did in the comics). Plus, think of all the other Marvel heroes that could appear, including the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic Four! It would be a colossal crossover for the ages (even bigger than the aforementioned Secret Wars)! It’s said that the “Silver Surfer” cartoon of the 90’s is considered canon with “X-Men ‘97” (as well as Spidey’s cartoon, of course), so we know Thanos is already out there somewhere in the cosmos, waiting to strike…


2. Spidey Joins the Avengers



I don’t necessarily see this as a full “New Avengers” comic adaptation, but it could certainly borrow elements from it. Maybe there’s a big breakout where Spidey and the Avengers arrive to help round up as many of his villains as they can, and, after seeing how he fights alongside them, they offer him membership (I’m sure Cap and Iron Man would put in a good word for him, too). By the end of the crossover, Spidey decides to take a reserve member status, but it could set up for team-ups between Spidey and the team down the road (see number three!).


1. The Death of Harry Osborn



This story would more than likely need to take place before Norman’s return, but the comic storyline really tugged at the heart strings and would make for an emotional tearjerker. As “X-Men ‘97” has demonstrated, they’re not afraid to pull punches and kill off long time characters, so let’s see a little of that for Spider-Man’s revival, shall we?


What do you guys think? What stories or plots would you like to see a revival run with or pull from the comics? I originally started this list with 10 but had to blow it up to 20! And there was still plenty of other things I wanted to see! So, sound off in the comments section below!

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