How to access the hidden flight simulator in Google Earth - Times of India

How to access the hidden flight simulator in Google Earth

Explore the world from an airplane's cockpit through Google Earth's hidden flight simulator feature. Accessible to virtual aviators on Mac, Windows, or Linux computers with specific requirements and controls for an immersive experience.
How to access the hidden flight simulator in Google Earth
Explore the world from an airplane's cockpit through Google Earth's hidden flight simulator feature. Accessible to virtual aviators on Mac, Windows, or Linux computers with specific requirements and controls for an immersive experience.

Did you know that Google Earth has a hidden flight simulator feature that allows you to explore the world from the cockpit of an airplane? Whether you're a virtual aviator or simply curious about soaring through the skies, accessing this hidden gem is easier than you might think. Follow these simple steps to unlock the flight simulator 'game' in Google Earth and start your virtual adventure:
Before diving into the skies, ensure you meet the following requirements:
Google Earth installed on your Mac, Windows, or Linux computer.
A joystick for optimal flight control, though a mouse and keyboard can suffice.
Launching the flight simulator:
  • Open Google Earth on your computer.
  • Navigate to the menu and click on "Tools."
  • Select "Enter Flight Simulator."
Shortcut keys:
If you prefer shortcuts, use the following key combinations:
  • Windows: Press Ctrl + Alt + a
  • Mac: Press ⌘+ Option + a
Choosing your plane:
Once in the flight simulator, you'll have the option to select your aircraft. Choose from a variety of planes to suit your flying preferences.
Flying your plane:
  • Navigate through the skies using your joystick or mouse and keyboard controls.
  • Monitor your flight's progress and vital information with the head-up display (HUD).
  • Press Ctrl + h (Windows and Linux) for in-flight assistance.
Exiting the flight simulator:
Ready to land? Here's how to exit the flight simulator:
Click "Exit Flight Simulator" in the upper right corner of the screen.
Alternatively, use the shortcut keys: Ctrl + Alt + a (Windows) or ⌘+ Option + a (Mac).
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TOI Tech Desk

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