Home remedies for hair growth: Use the health benefits of coconut oil, aloe vera, and others
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Home remedies for hair growth: Use the health benefits of coconut oil, aloe vera, and others

Haircare tips: Hair loss also known as alopecia, can affect both men and women. It can cause because of hormonal changes, medical conditions, stressful experiences and more. Treating your hair loss with home remedies is one of the best ways to get rid of hair loss. Here are some natural remedies to regrow your lost hair.

May 11, 2024 / 09:30 AM IST
Eggs are rich in nutrients essential for hair growth, including proteins, zinc, sulfur, and iron. (Image: Canva)

Eggs are rich in nutrients essential for hair growth, including proteins, zinc, sulfur, and iron. (Image: Canva)

Hair loss, or alopecia, can occur due to various factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, medications, stress, nutritional deficiencies, poor hair care practices, ageing, autoimmune diseases, and environmental factors. Genetics play a significant role in male-pattern and female-pattern baldness, while hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid disorders can trigger temporary or permanent hair loss. Understanding the underlying cause is crucial for effective management and treatment of hair loss.

However, there are natural remedies that offer a holistic approach to address various hair-related issues. From stimulating hair growth to preventing hair loss, these remedies harness the power of natural ingredients to promote hair health.

Here is the detailed exploration of 8 natural remedies to regrow your lost hair.

Aloe vera: Known for its soothing and healing properties, aloe vera is a popular choice for hair care. It contains proteolytic enzymes that cleanse the scalp, unclog hair follicles, and promote healthy hair growth, says Soni Pratap, a trichologist currently associated with Vinayak hospital in Bangalore. Aloe vera also balances pH levels and acts as a natural conditioner, nourishing the hair and scalp.

Coconut oil: Versatile and deeply nourishing, coconut oil is known for its ability to penetrate the hair shaft and reduce protein loss. Rich in fatty acids, it strengthens hair, protects against environmental damage, and promotes hair growth. It can be used as a pre-wash treatment or a post-wash leave-in conditioner for optimal results.

Fish oil: Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil supplements support hair growth by improving hair health from the inside. These fatty acids nourish hair follicles, enhance hair density, and contribute to the hair repair cycle. Regular consumption or supplementation can address dry scalp issues and promote overall hair health.

Curry leaves: Often used in Indian cuisine, curry leaves prevent premature graying and promote hair growth, says Pratap. Boiling them in coconut oil and applying the resulting mixture can combat gray hair and enhance hair growth.

Egg mask: Eggs are rich in nutrients essential for hair growth, including proteins, zinc, sulfur, and iron. Egg masks nourish the hair, improve its texture, and accelerate hair growth, leading to shinier, healthier hair with regular use.

Onion juice: Onion juice is a potent remedy for addressing hair loss and improving blood circulation to the scalp. Its sulfur content boosts collagen production and promotes hair growth, leading to enhanced hair thickness with regular use.

Garlic: Known for its health benefits, garlic stimulates hair growth, improves blood circulation to the scalp, and prevents hair loss. Its compounds nourish the hair follicles and maintain scalp health, leading to improved hair density and thickness.

Beetroot juice: Packed with nutrients like vitamins C and B6, folate, and potassium, beetroot juice promotes hair growth and offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular application to the scalp or consumption can improve hair health and stimulate growth.

Incorporating these natural remedies into your hair care routine can significantly improve hair health, stimulate hair growth, and address various hair-related issues. Whether applied topically or consumed internally, these remedies offer holistic solutions for achieving luscious, healthy hair.

Nivedita is a Delhi-based journalist who writes on health, fashion, lifestyle and entertainment. Views expressed are personal.
first published: May 10, 2024 04:53 pm

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