10 Actors Who Just Played Against Type (And KILLED It) – Page 7

10 Actors Who Just Played Against Type (And KILLED It)

4. Josh Hutcherson - The Beekeeper

Dev Patel Monkey Man

Josh Hutcherson is another actor best known for playing boyish, well-meaning Good Guys if not outright heroes, best typified by his star-making work in The Hunger Games franchise.

Scan through his filmography and you'll find few instances of him playing card-carrying baddies, but that all changed with his role in Jason Statham's latest action romp, the surprisingly entertaining The Beekeeper.

Hutcherson plays an ultra-sleazy tech-bro douche by the name of Derek Danforth, who is hilariously later revealed to in fact be the son of the President of the United States.

Hutcherson takes all the likeability that defines most of his major movie roles and totally flips it, playing a despicable scam artist without a single redeeming quality, and absolutely rising to the occasion.

There's not even the faintest sign of Peeta here - Hutcherson instead bottles the arrogance of a Hall of Fame-caliber nepo baby who truly believes he's untouchable. That is, until The Stath's Adam Clay comes a-knocking, of course.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.