Beat the Street: Supporting communities one step at a time - Intelligent Health Skip to main content
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Beat the Street: Supporting communities one step at a time

In an age where technology often isolates individuals, the need for community engagement and physical activity has never been more critical. Beat the Street, an interactive game that transforms neighbourhoods into vibrant, active, and connected communities, is paving the way for positive change. Beat the Street is a transformative tool for a place that brings people together, promotes health and wellbeing and creates lasting connections. 

At its core, Beat the Street encourages individuals of all ages to get active by walking, cycling, or wheeling around their neighbourhoods. By simply tapping their Beat the Street card on designated sensors, players earn points and compete against each other to see who can travel the furthest and earn the most points. This friendly competition shows a possible world that motivates residents to explore their surroundings, engage with their neighbours, and lead healthier lifestyles. The emphasis on physical activity not only improves physical health but also has significant benefits for mental wellbeing. Studies have shown that regular exercise can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, enhancing overall mental health and wellbeing.  

Systematically, a place can benefit from implementing Beat the Street by gaining valuable insights into the local environment and community dynamics. By encouraging residents to explore their surroundings through the game, community leaders can gather data on areas of interest, popular routes, and community preferences. This information can inform decision making processes, planning and resource allocation within public health initiatives. 

Beyond the physical benefits of increased activity, Beat the Street serves as a powerful tool for public health and places to engage at scale. It provides a platform to engage directly with residents and gather feedback on their experiences. By interacting with residents during the game, public health leaders can build relationships, establish trust, and gain insights into community priorities. This dialogue can help understand the perceptions, attitudes, barriers and different audiences’ experiences and support to facilitate change, improve health at scale and tackle health inequalities.  

Beat the Street can provide valuable information on physical activity levels, community dynamics and social interactions of different neighbourhoods and populations through data analysis. Local partners can identify disparities in access to resources, opportunities for physical activity, and social connectedness, which are often key contributors to health inequalities. 


Some ways in which Beat the Street can help address health inequalities include: 

  • The ability to identify areas of high needs: By analysing participation rates, activity levels, and route preferences of residents in different neighbourhoods, it is possible to identify areas where there is a lack of access to safe and convenient spaces for physical activity. This information can help prioritise resources and interventions in communities with the greatest need. 
  •  Tailoring interventions: The data can help understand the preferences, interests, and barriers to physical activity within different populations. By tailoring interventions to meet the specific needs of diverse communities, public health can increase engagement and promote behaviour change among populations that may be at higher risk for health inequalities. 
  •  Monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes: The data collected through Beat the Street can be used to track changes in physical activity levels, social connections, and community engagement over time. By monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes, public health leaders in a place can assess the impact of their interventions on reducing health inequalities and adjust strategies as needed. 
  • Advocating for policy changes: The data can also provide evidence to support advocacy efforts for policy changes that address the social determinants of health, such as access to safe and walkable neighbourhoods, parks, and recreational facilities. By using data to demonstrate the impact of environmental factors on health outcomes, leaders can advocate for policies that promote health equity and reduce disparities. 


Beat the Street also has the potential to revitalise public spaces and promote local businesses. As participants explore their neighbourhoods, they discover new routes, parks, and landmarks that may have gone unnoticed before. This increased foot traffic not only benefits the physical environment but also supports local businesses by driving customers to nearby shops and establishments. 

By encouraging active travel, promoting social interaction, and fostering a sense of belonging, Beat the Street creates a more vibrant, active and connected community. Neighbourhoods can become safer, healthier, and more inclusive spaces for all. 

This transformational tool also helps bring together stakeholders from across sectors, such as public health, urban planning, transportation, education, and community development, to collaborate on promoting physical activity, social connectedness, and community engagement. Such partnerships can help leverage resources, expertise, and networks from different sectors and reach a wider audience. By aligning partners around common objectives, Beat the Street can facilitate collaboration and coordination to achieve collective impact. This provides opportunities for local stakeholders to build capacity, share best practices, and learn from each other’s experiences in promoting physical activity and community health. By fostering a culture of collaboration and learning, Beat the Street can help strengthen partnerships and enhance the collective impact of efforts to tackle health inequalities. 

By taking that first step towards introducing Beat the Street to your community, you can be part of a movement that promotes wellbeing, fosters connection, and creates a brighter future for all. Let’s move together towards a healthier, happier, and more connected community through Beat the Street. 

Ready to transform your town into a vibrant, active and connected community? Contact us today to get started.