Baby is VERY constipated and in pain - October 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Baby is VERY constipated and in pain

Ahh!! LO is constipated and pooping is painful. I can’t get ahold of her doctor until tomorrow when they open. She is straining and crying. I tried 1oz of prune juice which has helped her go VERY little but stools are more firm and still painful. She hasn’t been doing solids much.

What should I do until I can get ahold of MD? How can I help her go? How can I keep her comfy?

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Lots of fluids. If she’s eating any solids, go for prunes and apples

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My LO didn’t poop for 5 days when he first started solids and I felt so bad for him�� I read some blogs and they say warm baths and massaging the tummy will help relax their muscles. And I found out that massaging the tummy really helped move things down and relax him. I also read that fruits that start with “P” are good for poop ( peaches, prunes, plums, pears)

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We did 1 oz prune juice three times a day until he was regular and they were soft. 4-6 oz of water daily per our peds. We fill one cup up with ~5oz daily and offer it to him during the day and that really helped too. I spree with pp. P foods really help. Some people are inclined to stop solids but then it just happens again when you reintroduce

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Ok! I’ve been trying line juice but my girl doesn’t want to eat/drink anything if it’s not her formula. I tried a syringe and no luck!! I have a feisty one!!!

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The Frida Windi or the tip of baby thermometer are really helpful in helping move things along when they’re struggling. Happened to my LO when first starting solids for days in a row she wouldn’t go then would be crying in pain while trying to go and the windi helped a lot! Now we add in lots of fruits with Ps and prune juice and water a couple times a week. Good luck!

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the tricks I've read is what I do! I do all the different belly rubs - clockwise, I L U, down strokes, etc. then all the kicks - bicycle kicks, knees to chest... just to help get things going. then I make sure I have a clean diaper underneath, I apply a good amount of coconut oil to the windi, knees to chest and carefully insert. I do hold it for a little bit if I don't hear a faint whistle (sounds means air coming out), by waiting I know that there's stuff in there lol after 20-30secs I slowly remove it! almost always there's poop in the windi and then it follows out. sometimes I have had to do more rubs and kicks but majority just the windi gets it coming lol

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Gripe water, leg circles!

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My daughter’s pediatrician recommended Epsom salt baths and fiber, basically any fruit he said and broccoli. I made my daughter a pretty thin broccoli puree that was just broccoli, water, and olive oil. She loved it and it helped very quickly.

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We had the same exact issue and our MD recommended 1/2 a pedia-lax suppository which helped her go a little to stop straining and then we started her on 1tsp miralax in her bottle 1x per day and she started pooping daily after 3 days of that

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did the miralax do the trick?

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Start baby on a daily probiotic if not already!

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Biogaia is perfect

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my pediatrician actually said no to Biogaia, which I was surprised because I used it and LO got relief, but she said culturelle has the ingredient in it that is recommended for babies and I guess it’s different than bio Gaia?

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no idea about that other one. It’s the my second baby that I use biogaia on and everything is fine. My pediatrician recommended it.

Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to listen to your pediatrician since I don’t know your baby’s history or the reason the pediatrician said no to biogaia.

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my pediatrician recommended the Frida Windi - when I first tried it, it didn't work.  When she was straining to poop or pooped a little, I used it and then it worked!

I also did belly massages, leg circles, warm baths and prunes! She went about 7-8 days without pooping, so I felt a lot better once the Frida Windi worked!

Good luck!

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