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All the claims in the rate of the app stores is being like this

It is starting a change of position in the community about “Abusive prices”. You have to spend hundreds of dollars, without regionalized prices, and it is suposed to be a indie game, with the main objective of be a calm, peaceful and cozy game. What is not happening because they are stimulating FOMO in to buy with real money itens, and expensive itens that up to 30 dollars in one item. And if you have to farm to pay itens, they make the farm inefficient, forcing you to buy in game currency with dollars again. All that money and few real changes in the game for years. They left the development of the lore in the past. No effort anymore. And bugs and glitches for months or years without solutions.

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While I really enjoy being able to explore at my own pace and without worrying about too deep of a lore, I can understand how it can feel a bit like wandering aimelessly at some point. Honestly, I feel like just a bit more stuffs in the decor, and more interactive stuffs, would already make it more enjoyable. The murals are pretty cool, but not used efficiently imo, and some of them can be hard to understand. While I appreciate keeping the game as wordless as possible, having a small guide to recognizes and understand the murals would be great ! It could even be a part of the story in itself, a group of explorers trying to decipher them and creating a guide along the way. And as for the places of living like the treehouse, the windpath houses, or the oasis crescent village, they can feel a bit too empty. Having more unique stuffs laying around that can tell more about the lifestyle of that region of the world would be so cool !

With the amount of iap, and how it's like one small item at a time, I was expecting each of them to be a couple bucks, maybe 5 for the bigger one. But I wasn't ready for the 15 to 30 at all. Just the Journey pack costing twice as much as the game Journey, it's laughable. I am at least glad that cape with special shapes seems to be a bit more accessible, for example with the days of bloom, but I still have this feeling of having 2 groups of players separated by economic privileges (not putting the blame on the privileged ones of course, good for them to be able to afford what makes them happy. I'm disappointed towards TGC for making minors/players struggling financially feeling left out at every event, all of that for money).

And for the limited amount candles you can earn per day, at first I was fine with it because I thought all the prices would stay similar to the ones from the permanent spirits. But having to plan out weeks in advance your savings or else you will miss out on your favorite traveling spirit, it makes the whole relaxing part of the game fall apart. A higher daily limit or longer booster would be really helpful.

u/slider2k avatar

Or be reasonable, don't obsess over cosmetics. It's exactly what TCG exploits in players with their ridiculous prices.

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u/Saltyvengeance avatar

You need an editor. I cant even tell which side of the argument you’re on.

That is MY comment on app store

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u/ko_harui_ii avatar

I guess it never affected me because I never liked iaps in games. Not that I dont like how it looks but personally, I don't like spending my money on games I could potentially lose interest (i learned that the hard way with genshin). I don't shame others for doing so btw, this is just for myself lmao

But I am really disappointed for the story, I love it and really liked how simple yet complex it is depending on how far you look into it. My only problem is that they never expanded it to Eden, and the most we got is hugging a light child. Like huh?? Won't they explain what happened with eden through a cutscene or something? The storyline have so much potential and yet the devs never bothered anymore. As much as I like seasons, one of the best way to keep your players updated is also by the storyline, its not always about the seasons and events tbh. I love sky, I met lots of friends but I mainly downloaded this for the story, left disappointed that the main storyline was never worked on again

u/Aria-chan avatar

I just finished the story for the first time. I loved Journey and Flower so so much, so I was excited for this game now that I finally have a device that can run it. But it was an unexpectedly frustrating experience. Felt like I was constantly fighting the camera and controls. Then I finally finished the story, was sent back to the village, and had a look at the shop. Nope. Just nope. Also the game threw a bunch of timers at me, for good FOMO measure. And from what I understood, the game is very grindy, all to just change the default looks of my character??

How did they take the almost spiritual experience of Journey, and make this frustrating and greedy thing out of it? Really? I'm just glad they didn't do this to Journey itself. Can't imagine one of my favorite gaming experience ever came this close to such a terrible mess. I'm very very disappointed. Been literally waiting for years to get the chance to play this.

Make all IAP $3-$10 and I'll buy many items.

$30 for one? Get lost, I will not buy anything on principle.

Not to mention the fact it's a low texture blob when I can get full games for that.

seriously. i would have deeply considered buying the cinnamonroll plush if it had been $5~, but since i knew it was going to be overpriced i hardly even bat an eye. honestly, they would make MORE money if they just made things cheaper, because way more people would be willing to buy

u/Twisting8181 avatar

Before you all go HAM on TGC for the Sanrio pricing consider that Sanrio probably had input on the prices too. TCG can't use their stuff without them signing of on it, and getting a cut. I am betting that is why it was different than other events. TCG runs things the same every time, this was different, it was probably Sanrio who had the final say.

I did not think about that

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Problem is IAPs prices sky rocketed lately. They weren’t so espensive at the start.

  1. Company got bought out and new owners are milking it.

  2. New CEO who wants to up numbers and don't care about playerbase.

  3. Game dieing and they need cash flow to support their team.

  4. Greed

Choose any. In reality it is mobile game, it is set in market where it is norm, so they don't care. I don't see it changing any time soon, mobile market is huge and I don't see them running out of people to milk any time soon, esp with lack of good social games out there.

u/Saltyvengeance avatar

Wait, was the company bought out or not? What do you mean by “choose any”?

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u/alaike avatar

Not really, its just inflation. On dollars, the average price of each IAP remained the same, with a few outliars there. Example, since days of love 2020, they made a 20$ prop, same for 2021, and 2022. IAPs were always expensive, its just that they are stacking more and more now, inflation hits the other countries that dont use dollars hard, and i think that some platforms iaps can cost a little more than others.

Also with the game coming with so much bugs each update makes people wonder more if iaps are worth it or not.

Yea the IAP is expensive but I’d be willing to swallow it if the game’s bugs don’t come up and annoy me frequently. ok I bought the plush, Sanrio and TGC got the profit you’re welcome, but here I am not able to play with my friends which is a basic core function of the game due to server splits or candle bug. Like come on now

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Also sucks because they legit take away any afk places like..literally try to reduce it to none..when farming wax is already a chore.

In addition to "fixing" bugs that were bothering no one (see the recent OOB nest change), while ignoring the bugs that are actually detrimental (sending hearts is still buggy unless you do it in person, etc.).

I love this game but I hate some of the decisions TGC have been making recently.

To get hearts these days I have to log in, open friend constellation, collect daily light from friends, log out, log back in, open friend constellation again, and then collect hearts. Sometimes I can just go through a realm or two instead of logging out and back in, but that’s not guaranteed. It’s been broken since the start of the double heart event (during which I got fewer hearts than normal because of the glitches) and I can’t believe they haven’t fixed it yet!

I haven't been to the nest in a bit, what oob change?

So in beta currently, there is a reset barrier set up not far from the nest, so it's no longer possible to build on the tower (and possibly other places outside—I'm not sure exactly how much space you have until you hit the barrier).

This is, ultimately, a needless restriction and a prime example of TGC wasting development time fixing an issue that was never an issue to begin with, since literally no one was complaining about this and it wasn't being used maliciously.

u/slider2k avatar

How nice of TCG to give us more reasons not to buy furniture for the nest!

I will have to look, i was able to fly to the tower and put a see saw on it just for grins.

Wonder if it is still there, gonna go check!!

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u/alaike avatar

The send hearts thing been fixed on beta in a while, it happened before the nest change even, wich is another problem. They cant push many hotfixes (they blame nintendo for that) as much as they used to when the game was mobile only, so even when they do a good thing, it can take a sad while to come to live.

I would certainly believe Nintendo's policies here have pushed them into a corner with regards to not being able to release fixes as often as they'd like. But if they want to continue like this, it would probably be better to slow the release schedule and put more time into QA and testing than to stubbornly keep to their current schedule (which is not really working out very well right now).

Like, the complaint that Nintendo's store policies are overly strict and stifling is a valid one. But in the face of that, they can either do something to make it easier on themselves (and us!), or......not. And it looks like they've chosen not.

u/alaike avatar

They always push updates no matter what, its unfortunate

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yeah the heart trading glitches are soo annoying, like you can't even count on heart trading at all anymore. especially with so many items costing lots of hearts recently.

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