Editorial cartoon for May 17, 2024 - West Central Tribune | News, weather, sports from Willmar Minnesota




Editorial cartoon for May 17, 2024

Editorial cartoonist R.J. Matson draws on the low poll numbers of Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Editorial cartoon for May 17, 2024
Editorial cartoonist R.J. Matson draws on the low poll numbers of Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
R.J. Matson / Cagle Cartoons

This cartoon is the opinion of the cartoonist R.J. Matson . Send feedback to: cartoons@wctrib.com .

More Cartoonists' Opinions:

More cartoons:
Editorial cartoonist Dave Granlund draws on the 0% house down payment plan.
An editorial cartoon by Dave Granlund.
Bonus editorial cartoonist Marshall Ramsey draws on the winning of 34 felony convictions for Donald Trump.
An editorial cartoon by Dave Granlund.
This cartoon is the opinion of the cartoonist John Darkow. Send feedback to: cartoons@wctrib.com.
This cartoon is the opinion of the cartoonist Dave Whamond. Send feedback to: cartoons@wctrib.com.
Editorial cartoonist Jeff Koterba draws on the multiple felony convictions of Donald Trump.
Editorial cartoonist Dave Granlund draws on the 34 felony convictions of Donald Trump.
This cartoon is the opinion of the cartoonist Christopher Weyant. Send feedback to: cartoons@wctrib.com.
An editorial cartoon by Dave Granlund.
More opinion content:
From the commentary, "Democrats fulfilled a long-held fantasy — the ability to label Trump a convicted felon ... But they’ve also given Trump the thing he most thrives on, concrete confirmation of his martyrdom."
From the commentary, "Most public figures, those answerable to the voters, show some humility and remorse in the face of evident wrongdoing or embarrassment (at least they used to). Not these justices."
From the editorial, "Ultimately, it will be up to the American people to decide in November whether the legal offensive against Trump represents the legitimate pursuit of justice or an unprecedented partisan crusade to cripple an opposition candidate."
From the commentary, "Do the other groups — college protesters, shoplifters and Klansmen — have the right to obscure their identity? They say so, but they shouldn't."
From the commentary, "Whether Trump’s felony convictions will help or hurt his chances won’t be clear until November."
From the editorial, "Across the nation, Americans, with the help of strategic regulations, have done a pretty good job with the easiest ways of reducing air pollution. We can’t let up on those efforts ..."
From the commentary, "No one is above the law. It is only appropriate that he be held to a high standard. That is what Alvin Bragg did in prosecuting him. Voters should do the same."
From the editorial: In April, law enforcement officers across the state issued 5,380 citations for hands-free cell phone violations during a month-long distracted driving enforcement campaign.
One purpose: to approve a sorely needed (and mostly apolitical) capital investment bill. Some projects can't wait, or risk getting more expensive after delays.
Jenny Schlecht laments the lack of order in her garden but assumes the produce that comes from it will taste just as good as if her rows stayed straight.



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