Wan Chai’s two-dish rice restaurant opens with irresistible HK$20 deal


16th May 2024 – (Hong Kong) A new two-dish rice restaurant in Wan Chai has garnered attention among locals and sparked discussions online. Netizens recently shared in online groups that the establishment is offering a limited-time promotional offer during its opening week. Customers can enjoy a discounted price for two-dish rice during specific hours, with a selection of approximately 20 dishes available. Reviews from diners have been mixed, with some praising the restaurant while others expressing concerns about the quality and portion sizes. Nevertheless, many netizens have found the prices reasonable and are eager to try it out.

The newly opened two-dish rice restaurant in Wan Chai is catering to the busy working professionals in the area. Whether it’s for lunch or dinner, patrons can now indulge in affordable home-cooked meals. Wan Chai’s latest addition to the two-dish rice scene, located on Johnston Road, has introduced a promotional offer during its trial period. From 12pm to 1pm, customers can purchase a serving of two-dish rice for just $20. Early customers who have already sampled the dishes have shared their opinions, with varying reviews. One customer noted that the dishes were not served hot enough, particularly the rice, which was rather firm. While the variety of dishes was satisfactory, the lack of sufficient gravy made the overall experience a bit dry. They expressed hope that the restaurant would improve in these areas. Another customer commented that the $20 portion size was rather small and would likely only satisfy a female diner. However, they found the taste to be good and expressed their willingness to revisit the restaurant even at regular prices.

Online responses to the reviews have been mixed. Some netizens believe that during the trial period, the quality should exceed that of regular-priced dishes, stating, “If it falls short, it’s a waste of money” and “Lukewarm two-dish rice seems to be a common problem.” On the other hand, there are netizens who believe that for a $20 offering, the dishes look decent, and they wouldn’t expect too much, stating, “For $20, it’s not bad at all” and “They indeed give you a $20 portion, no complaints there.”