So besides for the laughable amount of errors and mistakes committed by this d4 dev team…their latest brilliant idea is to take away the escape death potion? A mechanic d3 had for 9 years, and this game since release?
Out of the blue…I can’t even think of a good reason? Who exactly are we appeasing? Someone who wants a videogame to be more hardcore than hardcore already is?
Even Diablo 2 had loot corpse. So D4 now has the most unforgiving hardcore game mechanic in 20 years?

I can tell you for sure this was not implemented by anyone who really plays the HC mode. I’ve been playing exclusive since October or so and Ive just got my first 100. Many deaths around 80, doing too much or…get this…totally unexpected wonky game mechanics.

It’s just hard to fathom how someone really decided this was necessary…like woke up and was like, yea, we’re gonna take out the death pot just because.

It’s idiotic. But based on how this game has played since launch, unsurprising.

Tell me you understand nothing about pushing boundaries in HC without saying anything.

Literally impossible to do without a single fail safe. The only thing that makes long term hc tolerable to the psyche…a protection against total randomness.

Like put the potion back, stop worrying about my life so much and go back to yours.


Hardcore life is hardcore.



Playing HC with cheat death is not much of a HC play.

sorry you cant play hardcore light anymore.