I haven’t been keeping track of my sober time for a while but realised I hit 6 years alcohol free earlier this month. Checked in today and it’s a nice round number so sharing it.

Not drinking is not something I really think about any more. I genuinely cannot imagine a situation that would be better with alcohol.

Learning to do life substance free has been a ride that has coincided with some big mental and physical health stuff alongside some big life changes.

I’m currently at a point where it feels like I am really starting to put the lessons I’ve learned through recovery (in the broadest sense) into action. I recently split with my partner of 20 years and have ambitions to go travelling and live some of the dreams I didn’t think were an option for me.

I know that things will change and I will have to keep learning and relearning the same lessons, and that life will likely to continue to be a series of existential crises :sweat_smile: But I feel optimistic about my ability to deal with that and about the future. That’s new. Stopping drinking was the start of that process.

Things are busy and hectic at the moment as I try and get the farm ready to sell and then work out what the hell I’m doing next :see_no_evil: So I am not sure I will be super active on the forum. But I am so grateful to all the sober fam here who supported me along the way so I wanted to drop in and say thank you :sparkling_heart:



Nice to see you again.
Make those dreams happen


Thank you! Lovely to see lots of familiar faces. If I ever make it to Oz will let ya know!


So great to see this!!! Congratulations!!


Ya you Siand!!! Huge congrats on building yourself a life worth living! Keep building and keep living! I know you will. Thanks for sharing your success :people_hugging:


So glad you came to share these amazing sobriety, recovery, and LIFE milestones with us! Congratulations to you on these big steps toward a future for yourself that sounds authentic to YOU and your dreams. I’m so happy for you. :heartpulse:


WOW this is so amazing! Sorry about the split but so very happy to hear that you are healthy and living your best life with such a zest to fulfil your dreams :heart:

A huge congrats on your 6 years of sobriety!


So happy to hear from you @siand! Sounds like you’re onto bigger and better things in life. Wishing you the best in this next chapter. :two_hearts:
Congratulations on 6+ years! :tada: :partying_face:


Hell. Yes. Sian!

Congratulations on 6 heccin years, my friend. And thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. You have no idea how much your example and friendship have meant to my own recovery.

Wishing you all the best on your next grand adventure. It sounds like a lot, but you’re well equipped! :v:t3: :pray:t3: :heart:


Happy 6 years plus @siand :sunflower::woman_fairy:

Thank you for the update and sharing. As my own life is still undergoing some major changes I want to say: Your post echoes deep in me, it’s great that you will go travel and stay curious. Good vibes for your new chapter(s) in life :four_leaf_clover:


Congratulations dear Sian!!! I am thrilled for you!! I respect and admire you so much and am eternally greatful for your friendship and the wisdom you so readily shared + support. You led the way to finding a healthier way of being and I am so grateful.

I did not know about the farm and feel there is a lot there. I hope all is okay. I know whatever is in store, you will rock it.

Super big hugs and loads of love!!



So good to hear from you Siand! :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Congratulations for your :six: years milestone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball: Life has much in store for you!
dancing-number-dancing-letter (1)


Congrats! Six years of freedom. Thanks for sharing!


Congratulations! That is really great! Keep going


Congratulations @siand :tada::confetti_ball: It’s lovely to see a checkin from you! I wish you well on your travels. I do hope you will post some pictures for us :heart::heart:


Congratulations @siand ! Wonderful! Looks like lots is coming together for you in a good way! Happy for you and great to see you check in at 6 years and going. Wishing you the best with yourself and with your life! Big hugs. xo



It is So great to see you !! HUGE congratulations on 6 years. You’ve been such an inspiration to me and I’m so glad you checked in and are doing well!


I’ll add one of those things where we relate to the post…

I hear ya and feel the same. Drinking is now the last thing I think about. It’s firmly planted in my soul that there’s just nothing good for me in drinking or drugging.

But damn… All this stuff we learn and practice in recovery is with me daily. The little soul squirrel running in the spirit hamster wheel, wondering as Mr @Yoda-Stevie says, how to keep getting better at getting better?

Cuz life keeps on lifing, that’s for dang sure. It’s reassuring to know we’re not alone.


Huge congrats and the round number proves youre in the right place at the right time! Thanks for sharing your experience


Congratulations on your new life Siand. We’ve missed you. I so happy for you and your future. And that 2200 days. Sounds like we do get to recover.

How bout a pic of Mags for old time sake. It is Maggie right? I hope she is well :heart: