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Week 17. Top 10 worst and best Depeche Mode songs

This is my last Depeche Mode ranking, so I'm going to thanks and say goodbye to all of you who liked these lists. See you, space cowboys!

10. Now This Is Fun

Ironic, since to me it wasn't that fun. Too fragmented and I don't like the uncoordinated sound and voice. Said this, I have to admit that even for being the tenth worst Depeche song for me, it isn't that bad.

9. Lovetheme

I know that putting an instrumental here is unfair, but I make the rules here. To be honest, this instrumental might be very relaxing in a good moment, but most of the time it's a boring interlude. They managed to do better instrumentals, but there's even a worse one, just continue to read…

8. What's Your Name Often considered one of their worst songs ever, this gay anthem (no offense, read the lyrics) is at best a guilty pleasure, at the worst a terribly poppy song. It's not the worst just because it's pretty energetic.

7. Slowblow

And this is the worst one. Apart from the name that seems like a dirty nickname, the song IS slow, so this is pretty much a pain since it comes after a lot of other instrumentals. By the way, the songs listed here still aren't that bad or outrageous, but from the next position there are songs that I almost can't stand.

6. Black Day

Ugh. This song actually exist? Why? It's short, repetitive, and it barely has any meaning. Some of Depeche Mode's worst tracks at least have the excuse of being an experiment, but this doesn't. At least it's short.

5. The Child Inside

This tune is like a “what if Depeche Mode didn't like instruments”. As you can imagine, this song barely has any melody, and that makes the song very boring. Still better than making the melody something insufferable, like the next positions.

4. Told You So

This might be a very controversial opinion, since I often see it being called one of the best, but, for me, it's a big mess. Every, dammit, sound, is trying to overcome the other. I don't want beef with anyone, but really, I don't like this.

3. I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead

An early and worse version of Told You So. As I already said, the name is deceitful, and the melody is straight out from a low quality party song.

2. My Little Universe

I have to admit, that even if everything about the song is unsatisfying, from the verses to the chorus, from the intro to the build-up, the lyrics are very neat. That's the only saving quality that doesn't put it in the first position, other than being shorter than the actual worst.

  1. Pipeline

You either love or hate this one, and you can easily guess what I think about it. An experiment? I get it, but why is it so long and boring? This track desperately drags on for the length of six, damned minutes, making this one of the longest in their catalogue. And their worst.

10. Cover Me

Spirit is very hated, but rarely I've seen this song being insulted; if you listen to it, you can imagine why. A country-rock ballad, tender and haunting enough to make me emotional.

9. Here Is The House

If there's a Depeche Mode song that screams 80s loudly, that's it. Danceable, catchy and funky. And one of the few that isn't depressing.

8. Mercy In You

I don't know what to say about this one, apart from being the most tripping and raw Depeche Mode song ever.

7. Suffer Well

Usually debuts are pretty much experiments to becoming better, but the best track that Dave has written is his first one. This track isn't only great, but also hits me at home.

6. Home

Martin’s marriage life wasn't very easy during the SOFAD and Ultra era, also because of his alcohol addiction, and this song is probably one of the most intimate depictions of the feeling of fault and desperation. And don't forget the strings, those, WONDERFUL, strings.

5. Peace

Powerful vocals and majestic sound, this song doesn't get enough recognition. Martin considers it his best tune by lyrics, and I gotta say that it is one of his best works. The live version is something incredible.

4. Ghosts Again

We can call this character development: how the sound has changed, the writing improved and the voice trained. It's a long journey, and this might be the testament of the greatness of Depeche Mode; however, that's not the end.

3. Enjoy The Silence

I think that there's not a better way to start the top 3 if not with the hit that made Depeche Mode famous in the world. Their most cohesive work, sums up everything that made them what they are.

2. Precious

If Home was the “I can't be helped” of Martin, this is the “I'm sorry, my kids”. This, from the first note to the last, is a roller coaster of bitter and sweet emotions.

  1. Walking In My Shoes

And that's the best. It's not emotional like Precious, but this is the song that I listen to when I’m on the ground. The piano, the guitar, the voice, and the lyrics, are marvelous at least. Not only Martin’s, but also my favorite. My favourite song, ever.

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u/Depeche_Devotee avatar

Thanks, I liked your lists.

  1. Halo

  2. Question of Time

  3. Behind the Wheel

  4. World In My Eyes

  5. Strangelove

  6. Master and Servant

  7. Precious

  8. Suffer Well

  9. Policy of Truth

  10. Rush

I couldn't name 10 bad DM songs, but I'd pick them from the first 3 albums, and Spirit

Thank you too.

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Your knowledge of musical theory is lacking somewhat if you think that Child Inside is bereft of melody. 🤷‍♂️

In all honesty I don't have a great musical knowledge, but I like to listen to a lot of songs.

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u/Razor12704 avatar

My Little Universe from the album is such a disappointment, especially when you get the opportunity to listen to the Demo, the Demos for Delta Machine totally blow the Album versions out of the water

Worst.Though I'm not saying I dislike them, apart from no.1.

1/ what's your name. 2/ jazz thieves 3/ meaning of love 4/ easy tiger 5/ the great outdoors 6/ fail 7/ now this is fun 8/ breathing in fumes 9/ dirt 10/ work hard.


1/ Clean ( best song ever) 2/ kaleid 3/ behind the wheel 4/ world in my eyes 5/ happiest girl 6/ I feel you 7/ ghosts again 8/ precious 9/ sister of night 10/ ice machine.

I guess that your favourite album is Violator huh? Good list tho

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My picks from the worst include Black Day, More Than A Party, My Little Universe, Eternal, Jezebel, The Child Inside, What's Your Name, Work Hard, and Comatose.

My picks for the best include Black Celebration, Walking In My Shoes, Ghosts Again, Wagging Tongue, Never Let Me Down Again, Fragile Tension, Should Be Higher, Blasphemous Rumours