Why did the UN massively inflate the Gaza casualty count by 200%? UN spokesman Farhan Haq: “In the fog of war, it’s difficult to come up with numbers.” : r/Palestinian_Violence Skip to main content

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Why did the UN massively inflate the Gaza casualty count by 200%? UN spokesman Farhan Haq: “In the fog of war, it’s difficult to come up with numbers.”

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“The UN significantly adjusted Gaza casualty figures, halving the number of women and children previously reported killed. While more than 9,500 women & 14,500 children fatalities were reported by UNOCHA on May 6, the number was two days later revised significantly downward.”

In Ukraine, the UN has a defined methodology using individual records of civilian harm, requiring a reasonable grounds standard of proof. As a result, the UN states that the actual death toll is likely higher, because their count is careful & cautious.

@Mike_Wagenheim @JNS_org: The Director of UNICEF Catherine Russell indicated in mid-March, she was citing Hamas health ministry numbers, 13,000 children had died in Gaza. The UN released totals yesterday showing that less than 8,000 children have died in Gaza as a result of the war, citing the same Hamas health ministry. Can you clarify the process for how those numbers were revised?

@UN_Spokesperson Farhan Haq:  “Yeah, the revisions are taken… you know, as we, of course, in the fog of war, it’s difficult to come up with numbers.  We get numbers from different sources on the ground, and then we try to crosscheck them.  As we crosscheck them, we update the numbers, and we’ll continue to do that as that progresses.

Q:  I mean, it’s almost half. It’s pretty significant.

UN: “Numbers get adjusted many times over the course of a conflict. Once a conflict is done, we’ll have the most accurate figures. But we’re just going with what we can absolutely confirm, which will always be the low end of what the numbers are.”

Q:  So can people consider those numbers reliable having been so off in this occasion?

UN:  “Well, you can consider them reliable from the fact that we’re continually checking them. We’ll continue to do that over the course of the war. But the numbers, you know, ultimately have to be regularly checked so that we can be sure that what we’re putting out is valid.”

Yet when Israel can be blamed, it’s the complete opposite. For Gaza there is no method or standard of proof. The UN simply parrots Hamas numbers, the source laundered by the UN as “Gaza Ministry of Health” or “Government Media Office.” In fact, both are run by terrorist Hamas.

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u/LongjumpingAdvisor86 avatar

what the actual fuck?


u/LongjumpingAdvisor86 avatar

I'm surprised he can keep a straghit face while saying that

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In Ukraine, the UN has a defined methodology using individual records of civilian harm, requiring a reasonable grounds standard of proof. As a result, the UN states that the actual death toll is likely higher, because their count is careful & cautious.In 2014, when the UN saw that its Syria death toll was way off, they stopped it.

Yet on Gaza—even as the UN effectively admits that it fed the media and the world completely false Hamas numbers—they are doing the opposite. They're doubling down.The truth is that when it comes to Israel, it’s clear the UN’s goal is not accuracy, but rather to immediately seize on any report, no matter how unsubstantiated or even manifestly false, in order to portray Israel as malevolent.The right thing for the UN to do now, as they did on Syria in 2014, is to admit their Gaza casualty count is a total failure. If UN officials continue to legitimize a Hamas-run system that is now shown to be completely false, they will be complicit with terrorist propaganda.


ie in the fog of war, it's easy to come up with numbers provided you want them to be overstated

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Willing to bet 99% of those “children” are males age 14 and above

A15 year old with an explosive belt in still a little child!

-UN, probably. In the fog of war, it’s difficult to come up with sources who would verify if the UN have said it.

False. 178% were children.

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Number don't lie

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u/cookingandmusic avatar

yoooo this is a great infographic. do you have sources from this bc I want to send it to everyone

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u/shpion22 avatar

The “fog of war” is a decent explanation but when you have a “fog of war” you make that clear and not have representatives of he organization throwing Hamas ministry numbers that are so POORLY (UN)VERIFIED YOU CUT IT DOWN IN HALF.

The UN treatment of Israel is that of a Jihadist seeking to destroy. There was nothing and is nothing of this scale of bias towards other countries.

u/Medical-Peanut-6554 avatar

So the Jews didn't use blood of children to make their Matzah? This guy is trying so hard to cover up his massive blood libel.

Actually things like black pudding and congealed blood, which some cultures do eat. Any blood based foods are not kosher. So no, We have never used blood to make anything. People are stupid

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Guess what - it's still over counted.

I mean I do appreciate them updating the numbers. Unfortunately no news will report about them and no one who needs to will see them.

u/LiavTheAce avatar

At least they admit they're "coming up" with those numbers and aren't checking

Because the UN is a shit organisation?

Cake icon Edited

I love how he says "We get numbers from......" Long pause. He realized he couldn't say Hamas, so his tiny brain finally suggested him to say "different sources on the ground."

fatality report by UN: They now publish only identified fatalities admitting large number are made up by Hamas. Women & children half the “14,000 kids” killed often claim. Now 24,700 fatalities identified and >14,000 are combatants according to IDF. For months UN & media claimed Gaza “health authorities” report numbers based on bodies counted, but as far back as April 7 Hamas admitted it was missing data on >11,000 claimed deaths. First time the UN finally stops parroting the 34,000 number that is literally made up. The 34,000+ number now includes 10,000 "missing" or “under rubble” which means no one has any idea. This missing/rubble number comes from the "Government Media Office" not the “health authorities.” Media at this point cannot credibly report 34,000 “have been killed in Gaza.” It is possible to interpret the chart as ~35,000 fatalities plus 10,000 under rubble/missing for 45,000 total. It just makes it even more absurd -- only 25,000 identified plus 10,000 under rubble plus another 10,000 just from the air?(not missing or under rubble?)

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Anybody who believes the UN is a fool

u/iconocrastinaor avatar

Doesn't make any difference. Everywhere but a few media and a few safe spaces, everyone is still talking about Israeli occupation and genocide and Jews killing babies, I mean IDF killing children. Just look at how many empty chairs there are in that room.

I remember the same thing from operation Cast Lead, after that war the number of claimed casualties was revised sharply downwards. In the end, Hamas Interior Minister Fathi Hamad stated that between 200 and 300 Hamas fighters, another 150 "security forces" and 250 policemen were killed.

(Israel provided proof that the police were also part of the terrorist apparatus.)

All in all ~850 out of ~1200 casualties were determined to be combatants. Human rights organizations and the media were taking Hamas initial numbers at face value, and combatants coming to hospitals and morgues in civilian clothing were counted as civilians by human rights organizations.

South African Justice William Goldstone chaired a committee that wrote a report for the UN that initially claimed war crimes were committed on both sides, and then (two years later!) he disavowed his own report saying that Israel had not intentionally targeted civilians while Hamas most definitely did with indiscriminate rocket fire and their attempt to kidnap civilians at the border through tunnels.

Sound familiar? Ignore Palestinian war crimes while loudly trumpeting about Israel's that turn out not to be true, allow hugely inflated and distorted casualty numbers provided by a propaganda ministry to be taken at face value and then revised quietly, inflate civilian casualties while downplaying military ones, ignore the fact that Hamas and its allies were targeting civilians, burning crops, and trying desperately to invade and kidnap civilians under cover of burning tire smoke, and through tunnels, cry about mosques and hospitals being destroyed while ignoring secondary explosions after ammunition caches were hit (I've seen the videos), and publish a never-ending stream of propaganda including video and images from other wars around the world and staged ambulance runs in front of CNN's Anderson Cooper and other eager world media.

the casualty numbers for Operation Cast Lead were revised downwards to approximately 750, with the vast majority of those being combatants. Human rights organizations initially took Hamas' inflated numbers at face value and counted combatants in civilian clothing as civilians. Justice Goldstone later disavowed his own report, stating that Israel did not intentionally target civilians while Hamas did through indiscriminate rocket fire and attempts to kidnap civilians. This is a common tactic of the Palestinian propaganda machine, which includes staged ambulance runs and images from other wars to manipulate the media.

u/iconocrastinaor avatar

Do you have a source for that 750 final number? I quoted the most reliable number I found on Wikipedia at 1162.


"It's important to bear in mind that in Operation Cast Lead [the last Israeli ground offensive in December 2008-January 2009], Hamas and Gaza-based organisations claimed that only 50 combatants were killed, admitting years later the number was between 600-700, a figure nearly identical to the figure claimed by the IDF."

u/iconocrastinaor avatar

This article is talking about militant/combatant casualties. I thought you were downwardly adjusting the total casualty figure. Your number and my number of adversary casualties basically agree.

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u/Proof-Turnip-5563 avatar

Ah, the UN back at their selective guessing game. When are they going to take accountability for their organ group UNRWA, who are STILL operating and taking donations?

u/cookingandmusic avatar

I'm not saying I like this guy, I'm just saying if he and mr. FAFO had a sitcom where they're roommates, I would watch it.

“They’re reliable bc we publish them”

“We’re revising” 
