“Getting To Know the World’s Greatest Artists: Mary Cassatt” by Mike Venezia. Children’s Press, New York, 2015, 32 pages, Grades 1-3.

“Getting To Know the World’s Greatest Artists: Mary Cassatt”
by Mike Venezia.
Children’s Press, New York, 2015, 32 pages, Grades 1-3.

Great art teaches everyone about the totality of creation. This includes both the beauty of life and the struggles people are faced with in daily living. Because art is so all encompassing, artists use different colors, themes, models and social movements to express their thoughts and feelings. Ancient art frequently uses the human body to express the artists conception of life. Renaissance artists often focused on balance and symmetry.

With the advent of photography, art began to experiment with different types of expression. A major school of art develops in France in the later decades of the 19th century known as Impressionism. Though there are many famous Impressionist artists, Mary Cassatt’s lovely works have stood the test of time. Mike Venezia tells the story of Mary Cassatt’s development and accomplishments in this highly readable biography, “Getting To Know The World’s Greatest Artists: Mary Cassatt.”

Mary is born in 1844 in Allegheny City, Penn. Her family is prosperous and cultured. At the age of 6, her parents move to Paris, France. The reason for this move is to help their children develop an awareness of culture and beauty. They take them to the famous museums and monuments of Paris and Mary becomes enamored with the beauty of the art world.

Mary decides that she wants to become a painter. Upon returning to the United States, she tells her parents of this plan. Her father, in particular, thinks this is a foolish idea. Who can imagine a woman painter? In his mind, women should be married and take care of children. Painting is fine as long as it stays a hobby.

But Mary is persistent and finally convinces her father to allow her to study art. At the age of 16, she enters the Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. After four years of study, she decides to relocate to Paris. There she fully immerses herself into the artistic world. Her great works will soon follow. How does she do it?

Which great Impressionist artists mentor Mary Cassatt on her rise to fame? Why is her art so gentle and pleasing? What makes her numerous paintings of mothers bathing their children so beautiful? To find the answers to these and other questions, go to the library and check out “Getting To Know The World’s Greatest Artists: Mary Cassatt” by Mike Venezia.

“Getting To Know The World’s Greatest Artists” is a book series of 47 famous artists written by Venezia. It is a remarkable introduction for children into the art and lives of artists. The series covers artists from the beginning of the Renaissance through modern times. Venezia creates funny cartoons when describing different events in the artists’ lives, which will enhance the enjoyment of the series for younger children.

Some of the most important paintings of each artist are included in every book. The paintings chosen for the Mary Cassatt book are delightful and charming. I hope you take the opportunity to check out this interesting title on the life of Mary Cassatt. You will enjoy the book as will the younger members of your family. Highly recommended.