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'X-Men ‘97' understood the power of perfect timing

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u/Thek40 avatar

You could really see the love of the animators for the show, fantastic work.

Studio Mir generally does good work. Korra, Harley Quinn, The Boondocks, Voltron, My Adventures with Superman. I've yet to see them do a show or movie that I haven't enjoyed.

u/IamCaptainHandsome avatar

Oh wow, that's an impressive list.

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The Boondocks? Did not realize this.

That explains the level of quality.

u/Thek40 avatar

Agree, the Dota one was, weird, but Mir are very good.

Man Dota had so much potential, but you could tell they were rushing to squeeze a ton of content into just 8-10 episodes. It was awful to watch, as things moved so quickly that they barely made sense.

u/Thek40 avatar

There is a proverb in Hebrew that basically said, if you try to grab too much, you won’t get anything. They tried to do so much world building in the end the plot itself felt rushed and thin.

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u/everythinglatte avatar

This is why you hire people who have a passion/interest for the source material. When novels and comic books are adapted to screen, it’s much more noticeable when the creators like and care about the subject material at hand.

Also, I love how they recasted several of the original voice actors in new roles. Big shout out to the OG actor for Gambit now playing Cable.

u/Thek40 avatar

There are some many adaptation that are just a name drop to draw fans (season 2 of the witcher is a prime example) and so refreshing saying so much love and care by the team, closest thing to season one of One- Punch Man I seen.

Curious, do you know why the original voice actor for Gambit isn't voicing Gambit anymore? Did he just age out of the voice? Whoever's doing Gambit now sounds very very close to the original.

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u/adsfew avatar

Which further adds to the craziness of why and when they let go of the showrunner after seeing how much he loves the source material and how well the show turned out.

u/JaesopPop avatar

I mean, presumably there’s a solid reason given the issue wasn’t the actual show produced.

u/zakary3888 avatar

The fact that the show runner isn’t trying to burn down or rage against Disney or anything and is advising people on how to enjoy the show more makes me think he understands the reasons for the firing

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u/afipunk84 avatar

I agree with this 100%. Lack of passion is something Disney at large (marvel, star wars, live action remakes, etc.) has been suffering from badly. You can tell that those working on a lot of recent shows/films couldnt give a shit about quality over quantity. With a few exceptions of course, Xmen 97 being one of them.

Disney's been doing pretty well recently, at least on the TV front. In recent months XMen97, Bad Batch, Tales of the Empire, and especially Shogun have all been phenomenal.

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Compare this to Secret Invasion where the writers were literally told to not read the comics.

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Apparently one of the creators is a cyclops main on Marvel vs. Capcom

u/phigeo11 avatar

Cyclops did his arm pose for the finale!

u/riotmos avatar


Bastion: BEHOLD! My. Family... 🤨

u/epistaxis64 avatar

Here's my Sunday best!

Gene Splice!

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u/epistaxis64 avatar

Rogue does a few moves from the VS series as well

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FUCK I KNEW IT! Thought it might have been just coincidence or fuzzy memory.

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1, 2 or 3? 🤔

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Every moment, every scene is made with heart, and soul. Even those scenes that made us cry

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Perfect timing:

Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and Flash Thompson together watching TV during the last episode

I knew that was Flash! Gonna do a rewatch of the whole season

u/Arinoch avatar

I have to wonder if any behind the scenes talks had to happen for that. “Can we settle that Peter got MJ back? Please?”


Make Spider-Man 98, you cowards!

u/Arinoch avatar

Seriously. I think I loved the Spidey cartoon more than X-men back then.


Not to lessen the importance or greatness of the X-Men cartoon, I agree

Both are great shows, but I did like the Spider-Man cartoon more

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Chances are better than ever for that, it’s a shame Spiderverse couldn’t make it happen.

u/IamCaptainHandsome avatar

Oh god, I would love this. With the quality jump X-Men has had I can't imagine how good it would be with Spider-Man.

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X-men 97 is definitely my favorite show of the year so far

It was just so much fun, with moments of drama and great action

Every character got one moment to shine, very well Done

No idea how the MCU can never get close to this level of making the characters work but hope writers are up to the challenge

I'm just hopeful that this show helps to steer people back to seeing the way the X-Men are supposed to be rather than believing all the misdirection and mess that was Singer's convoluted, inaccurate FoX-Men.

u/Cant_Spell_Shit avatar

They had Cyclops kidnapped for the entire 2nd movie, killed him off in the first 30 mins of the 3rd movie and gave his girlfriend to Hugh Jackman.  

As if he was a side character or something and not the leader of the X-Men.

u/tdeasyweb avatar

As a huge Cyclops stan, I knew I was in for the ride when the first episode made him an absolute badass - as he should be.

u/Impossible-Fun-2736 avatar

As a lifelong Cyclops fan, honestly cathartic to finally see him done justice again. Reminded me of him one-shotting the Sentinel neither Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee and even Storm could take down in the first episode of TAS.

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u/ImmortalMoron3 avatar

Using his power to slide around the battlefield was both really cool to watch and let me know we were in good hands since they remembered his eye beams are kinetic force and not just generic lasers. A lot of people screw that up.

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u/2_72 avatar

I loved the Morrison and Whedon run on x-men which really showed how interesting Scott Summers is. And why he’s the leader (most of the time).

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As someone who was introduced to the X-Men via the movies, it 110% gave the impression that Scott was just a side character.

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I still enjoy a few of the X-men men film X2, Logan, X-men first class are great films

But I do hope we get versions more like this…we have done the more “real life” mutants and now it’s time for comic accurate ones

u/obi_wan_keblowme avatar

I loved when Cyclops handed the garish, comic-y costume to Cable and said “What did you expect, black leather?”

u/Puppetmaster858 avatar

Don’t forget days of future past which is awesome and imo one of the best superhero movies. The misses were awful but the hits were great

Those Sentinels are legit terrifying.

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I’m going to rewatch that one soon. I liked it but didn’t love like many others did but going back and hoping I love it

The future stuff was great, it was the past that wasn’t as good in my memory (quicksilver aside)

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u/ArchDucky avatar

I rewatched DoFP the other day and it was way more disappointing than I remember.

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I do still love the Bryan Singer films but they were so preoccupied with navel-gazing their continuity that now those X-Men are just nostalgic husks to burn to keep the MCU warm. X-Men ‘97 is so much more than that and reminds me of how television can engage with material at a deeper level than even the best movie.

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Did you catch the Singer X-men shade in the 8th episode?

u/5Assed-Monkey avatar

I must’ve missed it. What was the reference?

When they have to retrieve their old school outfits, one of them (I think cyclops) said, “What were you expecting? Black leather?”

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u/IGotBoxesOfPepe34 avatar

As a big fan of Night Of The Sentinels, I’m glad to hear that it sounds like X-Men 97’ has delivered the true essence of what the team was all about to begin with

u/Maldovar avatar

The comics have been there for years

u/Puppetmaster858 avatar

It was a mess and super convoluted but we also got some really great stuff out of it, x1&2/first class/dofp/logan/deadpool1&2, so while the misses were usually really damn bad the hits were really good, dofp and Logan are among the best superhero movies ever imo and the others are all good

u/Truethrowawaychest1 avatar

I just watched X-Men and X2 the other day and wow everyone aside from Logan is useless. Cyclops is constantly losing his glasses, Storm kinda doesn't do anything, Jean is a scientist which is cool but she's pretty weak, Rogue just spends the movie screaming or being kidnapped. They all get easily defeated by Toad

u/BruhMoment763 avatar

It’s been a pretty huge issue for the X-Men. Instead of being portrayed as a team, it’s usually more along the lines of “Wolverine and His Many Sidekicks”. I get he’s one of the most popular X-Men, but writers really gotta chill with giving Logan everything (which I think 97 did a good job of).

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 misdirection and mess that was Singer's convoluted, inaccurate FoX-Men.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you here. Given that his job was to reintroduce X-Men to the masses, Singer's did a commendable job of getting to the essence of X-men. I feel like people are rewriting history when comparing the OG TAS series with the Singer movies.

No way. As a fan watching the original movies, I was excited to see them, but in the very moment I was sitting in the theater I knew that these weren't very good representations. Seeing wolverine was probably the best part in both movies.

Ultimately, I was happy with what I got because that was all there was to enjoy, other than blade.

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Every character got one moment to shine

I don’t know, I’m still waiting for Morph to justify their existence in the opening credits.

An excuse to have cameo of some other characters

I hate that this is correct.

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u/TheAquamen avatar

Morph doesn't have development but they have a role in the team. Morph turns into people to mock others, either by showing them how obviously upset they are when they're trying to hide it or by turning into whoever they don't have the courage to talk to. They're like a mockingbird, reminding everyone else that they will only be happy if they are honest with themselves and others and become who they want to be. Something that comes naturally to Morph.

u/tfresca avatar

Pretty sure he is attracted to Wolverine. That was shocking but tastefully done.

u/TheAquamen avatar

Beau Demayo confirmed they are.

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u/previouslyonimgur avatar

I'd say there was some very very subtle morph stuff. thats probably gonna get explored far more next season. Morph was a character who needs to actually be developed since he was fairly "new" to the original show at the end.

u/chinesedragonblanket avatar

It wasn't pushed to the forefront of the show, but I do think there's an underlying Morph thread around their fear of Sinister, which culminates in Morph's mockery of him in the finale.

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I think, character wise, the MCU has had some moments at this high of a level. Probably not post-Endgame, but I think all of the recent stuff has made people forget how good earlier MCU movies were. In terms of action, I honestly don’t know if it’s possible to replicate that very clearly anime inspired awesomeness in live action. There are certain things that animation can achieve that a real human and camera cannot.

u/-KFBR392 avatar

This story would be a hard sell for a blockbuster movie aimed at all ages, especially to reach a worldwide audience.

I don't think you can really do an X-Men movie, I think it has to be a series so you have enough time with multiple characters. You could do a movie as a storyline capstone or something, but I think X-Men just does not fundamentally work as a stand alone film.

u/-KFBR392 avatar

I feel like the X-Men franchise has produced 4 great films (1, 2, New Class, Day of Future Past) and a couple of ok films so far, which is better than most superhero franchises. There has been duds but they're batting above average in the industry.

u/amazonstorm avatar

It's First Class, not New Class, but you are correct.

Those, the Deadpool movies and Logan are the best the film series put out.

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u/bellmospriggans avatar

Bruh when Rouge clapped I got chills

Gotta say the best part was her fight and that clap.

They really made Rogue go off in this series. She’s had a spotlight on her and her sheer power like never before

u/-KFBR392 avatar

They did a good job of making them all seem powerful. Which was a pleasant change from the original series where their powers could barely knock out a non-mutant.

Jubilee even makes reference to it before delivering a big hit to Bastion.

u/ImmortalMoron3 avatar

Her little exchange with General Ross was great.

"I thought you were the good ones"

"You killed all the good ones. Now you get me."

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Yeah, everyone had at least one moment that was way more badass than anything in the original series. Storm’s “give ‘em the forecast”, Cyclops’ “see you on the ground”, Nightcrawler with the rapiers… just amazing, all of it.

I’m still confused as to what jubilees fireworks actually do to an enemy

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u/tdeasyweb avatar

The animation lead is a huge Marvel vs Capcom 2 fan and included some of her moves straight from the games. Fantastic niche easter egg, the show is just so full of love from the creators.

Edit: They also managed to include a Mango Sentinel. Yipes made it to the MCU in a way!