Libra horoscope Today, May 19, 2024: Ganesha indicates the possibility of incurring expenses related to vehicles as well
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Libra horoscope Today, May 19, 2024: Ganesha indicates the possibility of incurring expenses related to vehicles as well

You may discover that trading in shares yields profitable returns. Businesspeople have promising opportunities for income from overseas. There's a possibility of receiving a promotion and ascending to a higher role in your job. You will experience a sense of alertness and vitality.

May 19, 2024 / 04:50 AM IST
Libra Daily Horoscope - 19th May 2024 | Day: Sunday; Tithi: Ekadashi upto 13:52:20; Sun Rise: 05:27:55; Sun Set: 19:07:32; Auspicious Timings: From 11:50:24 To 12:45:02

Libra Daily Horoscope - 19th May 2024 | Day: Sunday; Tithi: Ekadashi upto 13:52:20; Sun Rise: 05:27:55; Sun Set: 19:07:32; Auspicious Timings: From 11:50:24 To 12:45:02

Financial horoscope for Libra
Ganesha says there are chances of vehicle-related expenses also. You may also spend more money in the name of comfort and entertainment. You will find that you are getting good profits from trading in shares. No matter what the market conditions are, you will profit. Continue this streak of good luck by doing some more trades that have a solid reason behind them.

Business horoscope for Libra
It is possible for people working in the stock market and lottery betting to get benefits. This time can be very good for getting financial benefits. There are good chances of income from foreign places for businessmen. Don't trade without thinking, but if you use your best judgment today, you may find that it helps put some extra cash in your pocket! Also, explore alternative investment options. The flow of money will be very favorable for you and will lead you towards financial prosperity. You should be ready to adopt new and useful solutions in your business that will help you move forward.

Career and Education horoscope for Libra
You will feel very energetic, active, and courageous. You may get a promotion and a higher position in the job.

Family and Friends horoscope for Libra
Family life is likely to run smoothly. If any old dispute related to land or house is going on with you, then you can get success in it.

Relationships and Love horoscope for Libra
Other people will be impressed by your personality and nature; hence people of the opposite sex will wish to be friends with you.

Health horoscope for Libra
You will have fewer health-related worries. You will feel alert and energetic.

Chirag Daruwalla
Chirag Daruwalla is an astrologer with more than 18 years of experience advising clients on career, health, finance, business, money, and love marriage related queries, and on all kinds of life and work problems. Visit, call/Whatsapp +91 8141566266 or email
first published: May 19, 2024 04:50 am

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