Gas? Colic? How to help… - April 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Gas? Colic? How to help…

Baby is 4 weeks old

Breast milk during day, formula at night

Now having intense crying mostly in evenings - will be fine, happy, relaxing and then all of the sudden screaming crying - farting, legs/arms flailing… lasts about 30-60 seconds and then back to relaxed.

We are using Mylicon drops, bicycle legs, gas tricks etc.

I’m sure this is part “witching hour” and colic or gas… but any other tips to help ease discomfort? I feel horrible just rocking him through it…

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My baby is the same!
I found bicycling the legs didn't work for us. I will do a tummy massage and then take both her legs and push them towards her chest at the same time. You have to use a decent amount of pressure, probably more than you'd think and really try and get those knees close to chest. We always get some toots that way!
Solidarity though, I know it's hard. We also started probiotics and she seems to be a little less cranky, not everyday at least.

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hey mine too, your baby got any better? My baby strts to cry in thr evening it lasts till night.

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