Italy's national train strike on Sunday postponed after government order


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Italy's national train strike on Sunday postponed after government order

The Local Italy
The Local Italy - [email protected]
Italy's national train strike on Sunday postponed after government order
A high-speed Freccia Rossa train in Milan's Centrale station. Photo by Gabriel BOUYS / AFP

Italian Transport Minister Matteo Salvini on Thursday issued an injunction postponing a national rail strike planned for Sunday, May 19th, citing public order concerns due an overlap with the Emilia Romagna F1 Grand Prix.


The transport ministry said in a statement the decision was "made especially in view of the important weekend for Formula 1 fans, as it coincides with the Made in Italy and Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix sporting event at the Imola Circuit".

An estimated 200,000 people are expected to attend the event over the course of the weekend, the ministry added, meaning a strike "could have had significant repercussions and caused problems for public order and safety".

The government's statement referred to a "postponement", indicating that the walkout will be allowed to go ahead at a later date.

As of Friday morning, PdM/PdB, the union that called the strike, had not yet issued a response.

Salvini has issued strike injunctions on several occasions since becoming transport minister in October 2022, including one limiting a planned 24-hour public transport strike in December to just four hours.

His actions have come under fire for what some have described as an "abuse of power", with critics noting that striking is a right guaranteed under Italy's constitution.

Keep up with the latest updates in The Local's strike news section.


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