Why does the Wikipedia article for this game include "rape and violence against females" as one of the listed features? : r/torncity Skip to main content

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Why does the Wikipedia article for this game include "rape and violence against females" as one of the listed features?

Just started playing about a week ago. Loving the game so far, all my friends are hooked on it. Was doing some random google searching and came across the Wikipedia article for the game. This is what it reads in part:

"Torn was first launched in 2004. The game involves a virtual world based around gang violence and business as well as rape and violence against females. The torn female populous has dwindled due to the gross nature of players."

WHAT? I know this game has been around since 2004 and I'm sure there were plenty of horrible pieces of shit playing the game back then that were making the game unhospitable for women, but HOLY SHIT having it be the first thing that comes up on the Wikipedia article is concerning. I have two questions for yall.

  1. I saddens me that i have to ask this, but there's no gamified S/A or anything like that in this game.... right?

  2. Was there at any point or is there still a large subsect of the community that are sexist/generally pieces of shit towards women? (or any of that stupid shit, racism, homophobia, etc.)

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There is a player with a horrible player name. After asking him to change it, followedy his refusal, and then getting no satisfaction from leaders of the faction we were both in, I complained about it to staff. Some of my friends complained to staff, too. Several times. A staff member argued that the name might mean that the player likes rap music. But, if that were the case, his name would be RAPPY not RAPY. I gave up on fighting it eventually, but it’s shit like this that keeps women from wanting to play.

What exactly was the name? Just rapy?

Yes, RAPY, all capital letters.

It says he's from the Netherlands, perhaps it's a language barrier issue?

Well, not after he’d been educated on it by me, my friends, his faction leaders and others.

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u/Affectionate-Buy-881 avatar

Probably just rapey and it's not a big issue and I'm sure it jus keeps her from playing the game not the whole female demographic .

It does not keep me from playing the game, as I’m still playing. I just find the name extremely rude and distasteful, and the staff’s choice to not require him to change it symptomatic of something ugly. Torn is a really good game, lots of variety in it and freedom to do a lot of things. It would appeal to a lot more women if the culture was a little friendlier toward women. It has gotten better over the years, but RAPY is still called RAPY.

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u/Awkward_Chard_5025 avatar

I've been around since 2005ish, and it was the wild west as far as inappropriate sexual activity goes.

Nudes leaked on forums, relationships that would be considered "grooming" by today's standards, "revenge porn" before it was a thing etc.

It's worth noting, back then the world was a different place, the internet was different, and torn wasn't anywhere near a professional business as it was back then.

Not only has torn cleaned up significantly, but as the player base has grown and matured, this is also policed by the community really well.

Obviously, it still happens. But when it's brought to the attention of torn or the community, appropriate action is taken

Edit to add: I also do my fair share to wreck the game for anyone harrassing/bullying women in game. If anyone ever needs help with this, please message Jet and he can mass the troops

u/DohnJoggett avatar

Was there at any point or is there still a large subsect of the community that are sexist/generally pieces of shit towards women? (or any of that stupid shit, racism, homophobia, etc.)

This is still a major problem. You can't kick people during a ranked war and one of my former faction mates decided to be a complete and utter piece of shit in faction chat during a war. You can't mute people in faction chat so we had to get a GM to chat-ban him until we could kick him from the faction.

One of the things that keeps me playing this game is making sure bigots like that have a full medical item cooldown.

Another former faction mate spent billions on bounties to harass one of the women in our faction. We literally started a Private Security Firm to shield her from bounty harassment by one of her own faction mates. Faction leadership valued their friendship with the turd too much to kick him for blatantly bullying a female faction member.

Pride month is coming up soon and I expect that I'll be spending a LOT of E hospitalizing the bigots that show up in the Pride Thread like they do every single year. There's a discord server to track their posts...

oh do share that server

u/DohnJoggett avatar

PM sent

Yes please.

u/DohnJoggett avatar

PM sent

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u/MushroomAdjacent avatar

If you set your gender as female, you will have to deal with sexual harassment and misogyny from NPCs, at the very least. For instance, Duke is an NPC you'll cross paths with a lot, and the difference in dialogue if you're female is...disgusting. I get around that by changing my gender to nonbinary, but I still feel bad about playing a game that writes that into dialogue and will probably eventually leave because of it.

Edit: I answered your first question. I think the down votes we're both getting and the reference to your question as "silly" gives you the answer to your second question. You can read the difference in dialogue of just one interaction for just one NPC in my response to this comment. I noped out at that point, so there's no telling how much more is written in.

You forgot the /j.. right?

u/MushroomAdjacent avatar


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u/MushroomAdjacent avatar

I don't know how to do spoilers, so here is your trigger warning: sexual harassment and misogyny.




Here's some of the text for one of the first missions uf you're nonbinary or male:

Well well well, what do we have here? Come in and take a seat, we've got important business to take care of. . . . Now get out of here.

And if you're female:

Well well well, what do we have here? Give old Dukey a twirl and let me get a look at ya! You may not look as tough as some of my guys but you're damn better to look at. With buns like that, girl you could open a bakery. Park that behind of yours on a chair right now, it's distracting me and we've got important business to take care of. . . . Now get out of here with your buns missy, I can never think straight with a woman in the room.

The fact that this is one of the first introduction missions is very disturbing to me…

I don’t know the history of the game, so please correct me if I’m wrong. I would assume that the introduction missions would be some of the first things created in the game. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if these were created by Chedburn himself.

It really does show that they aren’t worried about how they talk about woman. It’s a very bad look for the START of your game. The time when you need to make the best impression.

u/MushroomAdjacent avatar

It might have been the very first mission from Duke, but I can't remember. I wish they would change it so that everyone gets the same dialogue, regardless of gender.

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u/Complex-Problem-4852 avatar

I just found it funny

u/MushroomAdjacent avatar


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u/TheGreatTesticle avatar

No, the source is just some generic page with nothing to do with any of that. I've been playing since back then and there was nothing of the sort.

Yeah, that was added by a misogynistic cock / incel prick who hasn’t exceeded the ‘idolised’ rank.

Ignore that bollocks and remember that Wikipedia is usually manipulated by pricks.

  1. There is absolutely none of that in this game. Definitely a silly question.

  2. There is a minority of people who love to troll the forums with racist/homophobic bullshit, but you're going to find that pretty much anywhere where users can post their dumb thoughts and ideas.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Mistereman0113 - This links offers some context to the edits. It's just an angry troll.

u/IAmNotMoki avatar

You can view edit history on any wikipedia article, that line was added by a "Mistereman0113" several times and removed on repeat. Seems to have been a seriously disgruntled ex-player with an axe to grind based on some of the other edits. Looks like someone reverted it back to those lines on the 9th, and someone just undid the line a moment ago.

u/DohnJoggett avatar
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u/Fitzerinoo avatar

It's a troll that added that a week ago.

1Theres no gamified sa in the game. Closest is a crime fail that sends you to jail for sexual harassment

2 there's pos everywhere

LMFAO lately being a subscriber gets you screwed every month