I read people talk about test cycles of perhaps 300-500mg, do you then go back to your usual dose (mine being 100mg) ?

I’m not considering this anytime soon as I’ve only just started but I presume the effects would be much higher if you cycled higher for a period of weeks. Add in Var as well.

I’m probably being naive though :person_shrugging:t2:

Yes you would just go back to your normal dose after the cycle.

I would def give your TRT protocol at least 6-8 months before you change anything or add anything.

Totally agree. I’m staying on what I have. I’m new to all this.

Why did lots of bodybuilders die young in the 1980’s etc ? Was it through taking too much steroids without the education we now have ?

A lot of the wwf wrestlers died young and they were all on something.

I don’t think it was the steroids directly as they took a less shit than the normal guy takes today. I think it was secondary issues due to things like high blood pressure and other issues associated with being heavily muscled and constantly pushing your body.

Steroids help build muscle, so yep, take more and you are likely to build more muscle.