Stroud Masters make a splash | Stroud Times

Stroud Masters make a splash


Stroud Masters Swimming Club bagged a plethora of medals at the Gloucester Masters Open.

The team landed six golds, five silvers and a bronze.

The club – which has 40 members – proved that age isn’t a barrier to racing.

Andrew Lelliot, 71, posted new club records for his age group. Meanwhile as a relative newcomer to club swimming, Mike Joffe, in the 45-49 age group, was racing in only his second swim meet and broke PBs in the 400 metre freestyle and 50 metre breaststroke.

The club’s results reflect the dedication that the club commits to combining swimming, fitness, competition, and inclusion. 

The club has five training sessions per week, as well as experience in regional, national and international competition.  More information on the club can be found at

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