Deteriorating Situation in El Fasher, Sudan Raises Concerns of Famine Threat by UN

Deteriorating Situation in El Fasher, Sudan Raises Concerns of Famine Threat by UN

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El Fasher

The city of El Fasher is once again engulfed in violent clashes between the Sudanese army and paramilitary forces. Since Friday, May 10th, the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have launched an offensive on this major city in Darfur, the last to resist their control. The United Nations expresses deep concern for the residents of El Fasher – 1.5 million individuals, including 800,000 displaced persons – and calls for an immediate ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian access.

According to a resident of El Fasher reached by phone, the intensity of the fighting escalated on Monday, May 14th, with artillery exchanges and aerial bombardments destroying several neighborhoods in the eastern part of the city, where paramilitary forces had infiltrated. The resident speaks of numerous civilian casualties being evacuated to the southern hospital, one of the two remaining functional hospitals in the city.

Despite the perilous situation, many inhabitants have chosen not to flee the city due to the numerous checkpoints – controlled by both the army and paramilitary forces – which exact exorbitant fees for passage. Additionally, there is fear of ethnic targeting, as noted by a researcher.

Food insecurity has reached alarming levels in El Fasher. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, previously alarmed by the escalating violence in the city, expresses deep concern for the residents facing “the threat of famine and the consequences of over a year of war,” according to one of his spokespersons. Recent clashes around the city have impeded the delivery of much-needed food aid, with only 5% of the required assistance reaching El Fasher, as reported by an NGO. This aid has primarily reached the most vulnerable: the 800,000 displaced individuals who had already fled conflicts in neighboring provinces. Despite remaining provisions in local markets, prices have soared. On Monday, May 15th, a shortage of flour led to a bread crisis.

The deteriorating situation in El Fasher underscores the urgent need for international intervention to halt the violence, ensure humanitarian access, and prevent a looming humanitarian catastrophe.


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