Glenn Tipton Reflects On Future With Judas Priest Amid Parkinson’s Battle

Glenn Tipton Reflects On Future With Judas Priest Amid Parkinson’s Battle

Since revealing his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis in 2018, the guitarist has faced challenges. Tipton scaled back from full-time touring, and many believed his last show with the band was at last year’s Power Trip festival. However, he surprised everyone by returning to perform again.

But Halford’s comments in an interview were taken the wrong way. Earlier, Halford was asked about the possibility of Tipton’s involvement in the band in the upcoming shows. As a response, he mentioned that it wasn’t clear whether or not he would join.

He later clarified his comment about it though. In a separate interview with Metal Hammer. He said:

“It was just beautiful when he came out and the audience went, ‘Glenn!’ He’s such a hero and he received so much love and respect, as he deserves, because he’s one of the greatest ever metal guitar players that’s lived. There is no other guitar player like Glenn Tipton. That was a special moment for Glenn. It was almost like a complete cycle because – I won’t say this with my hand on my heart – but there’s a possibility that was the last time that you saw Glenn play live.”

Since the interview, Tipton appeared in many shows on the band’s tour.