Guyana Alerts 'relevant Authorities' As Venezuela Increases Troops At Border | RJR News - Jamaican News Online

Guyana alerts 'relevant authorities' as Venezuela increases troops at border

Guyana's Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo says he has alerted the relevant authorities of continued aggression by Venezuela, including the buildup of troops at the shared border.
Dr. Jagdeo was questioned Thursday about a video circulating on social media that shows Venezuelan troops building a bridge on Ankoko Island.
Dr. Jagdeo reminded citizens that Ankoko Island forms part of the border between Guyana and Venezuela and is shared by both countries, but he said Venezuela "forcibly took over" that island and acknowledged the buildup of troops there.
He said Guyana has notified the relevant agencies about the continued attempts by Venezuela to build up a presence at the border in a threatening posture, and that it is inconsistent with what was agreed.  
He reiterated that both countries signed the Argyle Declaration in December 2023, and that agreement stated, among other things, that the two countries will not threaten or use force against each another.
The presidents of both countries have also engaged each other, hoping to advance bilateral relations outside of the substantive border controversy.

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