Years ago, I made a mistake that taught me an immediate lesson. I was meeting with a gentleman for the first time. I made the mistake of saying, "I understand you used to be an Eagle Scout." He immediately but smilingly replied, "I AM an Eagle Scout."

Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout.

Andrew Sorrell became an elected state representative at a young age. He followed that by a statewide office, State Auditor.

Sorrell was a success in the book sales business and in a guitar and gold shop, again at a young age.

Much of Sorrell's leadership training came from the Boy Scouts, where he earned the rank of Eagle Scout at age 17.

Sorrell told 1819 News in an interview that he was disappointed and concerned at changes in the Boy Scouts of America, including the recent changing of its name to "Scouting America" to promote inclusiveness

Here is the interview with Sorrell by 1819 News.

1819 NEWS: At what age did you start scouting?

SORRELL: When I was in second grade, someone from the Boy Scouts came and made a presentation in our school lunch room and asked if anyone was interested in joining.  I thought it sounded fun, so I spoke to my parents about it.  They were both fine with it, and my older brother Matthew ended up joining as well.  Both of us went on to earn our Eagle Scout.

1819 NEWS:  What age did you become an Eagle Scout?

SORRELL: I was 17 years old when I became an Eagle Scout 

1819 NEWS:  What benefits did you get from BSA? 

SORRELL: I made lasting friendships, learned wilderness survival skills, learned how to safely shoot a rifle, shotgun, and bow and arrow, and even how to swim a mile, which I did one year at summer camp. 

1819 NEWS:  What are the problems with the changes in BSA?

SORRELL: The BSA, like so many other organizations is being invaded by the "woke" left at the highest levels. There's a movement afoot in our society to blend the genders and eliminate gender "barriers" and distinction between the two sexes. 

1819 NEWS:  Can anything be done to halt and reverse the changes? 

SORRELL:  Yes! I remain committed to the original values of the organization. We need more Eagle Scouts to speak out and fight back against the changes the BSA is currently undergoing. Like all organizations I am a member of, traditional conservative values must be defended.  Harvard University was founded in 1636 to train clergy, but today they have an atheist as their chaplain.  Traditional values are typically not lost all at once, but eroded away over generations. This is why I felt the need to speak out on this issue. 

Sorrell said in a statement, "The Boy Scouts have been a well-respected organization for over a hundred years! As I have campaigned for political office, I proudly displayed 'Eagle Scout' on my campaign literature. I want the Boy Scouts organization to continue to thrive. As a legislator, I routinely awarded grant money to Camp Westmoreland in Lauderdale County."

"The people at the top of the organization do not represent Alabama scouting in my opinion," he added. "I am good friends with many Boy Scout volunteers and troop leaders here in Alabama. These individuals are certainly not 'woke' and I have every confidence they will fight to keep traditional values in Alabama scouting."

Sorrell is the Republican State Auditor of Alabama from Muscle Shoals. He was elected to the State House from Colbert County. He and his wife, Hannah, have two daughters, Liberty and Glory. Sorrell was elected by the Trump delegates to be chairman of the Alabama delegation to the 2020 GOP National Convention. He was a featured speaker at the Alabama rally for Trump in Cullman.  

Jim' Zig' Zeigler writes about Alabama's people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

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