Is it just me, or is there too much stuff in WoW now? I left retail at the start of the mole people, and I came back pretty much a week before “dark heart”. There will always be tasks I need to do for not playing non stop, but as a collector, there is vendors all over every zone selling so much gear/transmog. You go to wrathion/sabellion and they have gear. Colbalt assembly has gear, each reputation (obviously), rifts have gear, the thousands of world drops, the list goes on.

I’m happy blizzard is creating, but for collectors it just seems like soooo much. I really only collect tabards, but I just noticed if anyone is a true collector, they have to somewhat hate everything they have to farm and get right?

Just my thoughts.


I agree.

So many different factions all vying for importance. There have always been factions in the past, but it’s like every update adds a new one we have to deal with.

Hopefully they handle things better in the expansion, but I’m honestly doubting that.


If you are a collector and you are forcing yourself to do content you hate for a look you will probably never use. Please seek help.

Also, you will never 100% this game. They have removed to much content. Just accept that.


Yea, I think in general the community complained too much and now Blizzard is just throwing everything on the table. But I guess it could be better with war within, where your paladin can get a bow and it’s not wasted transmog opportunity.

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The returning player experience in DF has been a crap show at best since the beginning. This is a valid complaint.


Oh I definitely don’t want everything. I just collect tabards. But I was thinking of the more hardcore collectors.

I know what you mean. I log in and every character gets spammed with ! all over the screen, no matter where I go.


No. It’s a frequent complaint, especially from collectors.

Like I wrote a few months ago in another thread:


This is one of the most ridiculous threads I’ve seen on the forums, ever, and I’ve been playing nonstop since 2008.

Ever single expansion players have complained about a lack of content, too much time between patches, and how they’re so bored with nothing to do they unsub to go play something else until the next content patch.

And you guys are whining about too much content to choose from less than half a year from the next expansion?

Seriously? How is that a bad thing? Especially those of you who left for several months and just came back.

Do you avoid Baskin-Robbins because they have too many awesome flavors of ice cream?


Yeah, I remember when you wrote that.

You do understand that most of the content you want to collect isn’t like AOTC, right? You can still farm legacy content.

And just because your free time doesn’t allow you enough time to collect everything as fast as you’d like, doesn’t mean it’s a bad design on Blizzard’s part.


I acknowledge it is an issue for those of us with OCD tendancies in collecting. I’m definitely in that camp.

That being said, I have learnt over time to just slice it up and compartmentalise the issues. So at the moment I’m focusing on Frenzy Heart rep in Northrend. My level 70 main is parked there and my hs point is also there currently. I’m also still working on the Big Dig collectibles but that is pretty easy since you can only do it once per week since nobody spams it anymore. You’ll also find as you out-level all of it, the speed at which you can acquire it all, also increases (with the exception of artificial time-gating like the Big Dig).

Also remember you can come back to this stuff later during luls in the expac. Which is exactly what I’d be doing more of if not for the fact that the mop event is about to start and I’m gonna be railroading my way through that on a Vulpera. And at some point I need to get my awakened achieve and mount, but I’ll just buy those as ain’t no one got time to pug 5+ hour per raid, lmao. The advantage of dabbling in the AH on the side and collecting some gold in the process.


Correction: People who don’t do anything complain about these things.

And now that there’s a tsunami of content? Those people still don’t do anything.

You fell for the line, the same way the developers did.


I’m thankful the developers, “fell for it,” because I’m having more fun than I did in Legion with all the amazing content in Dragonflight, so much so that I’m in no hurry for TWW.

I rarely run current instanced content and usually wait a few expansions until that stuff is soloable to run it for mogs, toys, and mounts. So having such a wealth of enjoyable open world content has been a dream come true!

And it’s alt-friendly on top of it!

I finally got both the Sha & Nalak mount drops at the beginning of DF when the upped the drop rate, and two weeks ago during the BC Timewalking I got Ashes from running BT because they added it to the loot table along with the Awakened gear! Ashes! I’d given up farming that mount several years ago.

One of the main reasons I only play WoW and love it so much, other than flying, is the never ending wealth of content there is that I’ll likely never completely finish.

Shadowlands and WoD were so bad mostly because they had so little content that I ended up getting a lot of legacy farming done and leveled a bunch of alts.

Dragonflight has set the bar so high, I hope they keep this up going forward!


You’ve done so little that you would have been fine without the flood every couple months.

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over saturation just means people stop collecting.


is not about content

is about DF faction vendors with tons of transmog , collections , and yeah there is 1 on every zone + others (rifts for example)

for ppl that want to collect all is months of work , to max all the reps


Df content is not amazong.

Superblooms? Lolololol


Not playing constantly and collecting everything is overwhelming. I stopped being an avid collector after legion.

Events like panda remix which enables collecting otherwise far too time consuming to get consumables maybe one solution. The trading post is also useful for collectors.

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Maybe just don’t do the things you don’t like doing.


I don’t think any of us are foaming at the mouth angry about this. Just stating it’s pretty overwhelming.


If they’re angry about it then they should manage expectations and they’ll no longer be angry about it. Take it in whatever bites you can manage and accept that you’ll never 100% WoW.

If having things to do in a game makes a person angry then that is a them problem. Especially when those things are specifically catering to their wants in the game.

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