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The Greens and The Blacks

Chapter 34: The Tower


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alicent knew that she was queen. But with Rhaenyra in King's Landing, it felt like she was no more than a commoner. 

Viserys ordered feasts and balls for his precious heir, who grew great with child as the months passed. The princess strutted through the halls of the Red Keep on the arm of Ser Laenor, both clothed in rich fabrics and glittering jewels. 

The Velaryons were as smug as ever. Lord Corlys delighted in spoiling his grandson, who, until the birth of another son, was the heir to Driftmark after Ser Laenor. Princess Rhaenys kept her attentions on Rhaenyra, and the two would often be spotted arm in arm in the gardens by Alicent's spies.

And the princess's rise in power hadn't gone unnoticed.

"She parades herself around as if she is already queen," Ser Criston seethed as they watched Rhaenyra flit about court with her ladies.

Alicent nodded sourly. "If the babe in her belly proves to be another boy, the Blacks will think themselves victorious."

"Your grace has sons."

She sighed. "If only the king would devote half the time he spends with his daughter to his children."

Ser Criston pursed his lips. "His grace is blinded by the princess's charms."


Months passed until, finally, Rhaenyra was brought to bed in Maegor's Holdfast.

"Let us pray this one proves to be a girl," the Hand said as he paced in his chambers. 

Alicent, attended by her cousin Lynesse, smoothed down her dark green skirts. "And if it is another son?"

He shook his head. "Then Lord Corlys will have his heir."

"What if it is a girl and he names her heir?"

"Then the Realm shall descend into chaos."

Lynesse chewed on her lower lip. "Forgive me, uncle, but if the babe proves to be a girl, wouldn't it be wise to betroth her to Prince Aemond?"

Alicent gasped. "Lyn!"

Her cousin flushed. "I-I mean to say that having one of the princess's children here at court would prove to be in our favor. In the event that his grace-Gods forbid-suddenly finds himself in the arms of the Mother Above!"

The queen blinked. "Why, cousin! You have said something sensible!"

"Thank you?"

Otto Hightower was positively giddy. "Surely the king would have no grounds for objection. It would be a peace offering in his eyes."

Alicent nodded along. "And should the princess reject the proposal, she would be seen as petty and wild."

The Greens had found their opportunity.

The queen returned to her husband's side, making a show of praying for the princess in her hour of need.

After nearly three hours of waiting, a servant came rushing into the royal chambers.

"Well?" Viserys demanded.

The servant swallowed. "Twins, your grace! A boy and a girl!"

For a moment, Alicent was jubilant. A girl! Their plan to betroth Rhaenyra's brat to Aemond would go through! 

But then it hit her.

A girl and a boy.

Lord Corlys had his heir.


Quick! Baby names! Go!
Keeping with the Targaryen tradition of naming their boy/girl twins the same thing just spelled differently, I personally favor the names Lucerys and Lucaera.