15+ Movies And Shows With Sunrise In The Title
Photo: Before Sunrise / Sunrise Earth

15+ Movies And Shows With Sunrise In The Title

Jason Bancroft
May 10, 2024 15 items

Sunrises symbolize new beginnings and the promise of a fresh start. It's no wonder that this magical time of day finds its way into the titles of various movies and shows, capturing the essence of hope and renewal. From romantic flicks to introspective dramas, each title with “sunrise” hints at inspiration and new perspectives.

This list rounds up some standout movies and shows where sunrise isn't just a part of the day but a pivotal element in storytelling. Whether it's about love rekindled or adventures sparked by the dawn, these selections promise to deliver stories that resonate long after the credits roll. Get ready for a mix of timeless classics and modern gems that make every morning worth waking up for.