Is anyone else’s baby NOT eating as much food? - June 2023 Babies | Forums | What to Expect
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Is anyone else’s baby NOT eating as much food?

My baby still drinks a LOT of formula, and hasn’t been eating as much food lately. He started getting his first teeth a few weeks ago and ever since, he is not wanting as much food. He won’t hardly eat any food for breakfast, it’s a struggle to get him to eat lunch and will eat okay for dinner. I try to do snacks too. But I feel like there’s no way he could just cut out bottles if he’s like this next month. Anyone else experience this or have any tips?? I plan on asking his doc at his 1 year appointment but would like to get a handle on this now.

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Following because same! Except my son hardly eats anything for any meal. I keep sitting him down 3 times a day for a meal and can hardly get him to eat a couple tiny pieces of food a day. I'm worried because I want to wean from the pump soon but I don't think I can take him off breastmilk by a year.. so hard.

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