Can't log in with blackberry ID after entering new sim card - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. EBSNW1's Avatar
    So I recently put a new sim card into my 9900, and it requires me to enter my blackberry ID details in order to use it.

    I reset my password after a couple failed attempts, and it still tells me that I am not able to sign into my blackberry ID account.

    What on earth is going on?

    Any help is much appreciated. Merry christmas...
    12-23-11 06:49 PM
  2. igotberryfever's Avatar
    what is happing is the phone is not on the network. it cant verify your user id or password. can you put ur old sim i and connect it to wifi then switch the sim?
    12-23-11 07:02 PM
  3. EBSNW1's Avatar
    No it definitely is connected to my wifi network, otherwise I couldn't have reset my password using the "forgot password" option that is available on-screen.
    12-23-11 07:07 PM
  4. EBSNW1's Avatar

    Its christmas and I can't use my phone
    12-24-11 03:08 AM
  5. BlackberryFan2009's Avatar
    I hate BB ID cause I had the same issue. Put an old sim card into a new BB and it wouldn't recognize it. It asked me 2 put in name & password & I did, but it was associated with another device & only gave me a 2nd option of wiping the device clean and I was livid, so I popped the old sim back into the old BB. Seriously, RIM needs 2 find an easier way 4 people 2 transfer every content from an old BB 2 a New BB when customers upgrade.

    I don't have any advice 4 u cause I only had 2 options, signing in, or wiping device clean. Neither worked. I couldn't find a way around it.
    Last edited by BlackberryFan2009; 12-24-11 at 03:12 AM.
    12-24-11 03:10 AM
  6. CBS_toca's Avatar
    try to recovery your password from blackberry ID website... it work for my friend

    or try to using another blackberry ID
    12-24-11 03:17 AM
  7. emirozmen's Avatar
    Take your new sim card out and wait for 3-5 mins. It happened to me and I solved it this way.
    12-24-11 08:35 AM
  8. tazmaniandevil's Avatar
    i am about to switch from blackberry if this ever happens to me again. i dont know if its just the 9900s but ive never had this problem ever with any other blackberry. I had to wait 2 hours for it to recover after i had too many log in attempts, which is bull because i know my password is correct. when the will they correct this problem, im just in livid right now. its bull
    12-25-11 04:58 PM
  9. tazmaniandevil's Avatar
    Take your new sim card out and wait for 3-5 mins. It happened to me and I solved it this way.

    yeah, i tried taking my sim card on on several occasions, and it still forced me to put in the password.....

    is there an actual solution to this problem........
    12-25-11 05:02 PM
  10. EBSNW1's Avatar
    I still have not managed to make it work...I travel often and hence change sim cards on a regular basis, and this issue is forcing me to use only 1 sim card alltogether.

    I read that resetting the device after doing a backup may solve the problem, however, I just don't have the time to do that every time I travel.

    What a bunch of bull, I am seriously angry, this is starting to cost me a whole lot of money for roaming.
    Last edited by EBSNW1; 01-17-12 at 04:13 AM.
    01-17-12 03:42 AM
  11. Angelo_Campher's Avatar
    Had the same problem today. I just waited a couple of minutes for the service books to register before I entered it again.

    PS. Make sure that the sim card you inserted has an active BIS subscription or else it will not be able to connect to BlackBerry ID.
    01-17-12 03:59 AM
  12. EBSNW1's Avatar
    Had the same problem today. I just waited a couple of minutes for the service books to register before I entered it again.

    PS. Make sure that the sim card you inserted has an active BIS subscription or else it will not be able to connect to BlackBerry ID.

    The sim card I am trying to enter has a subscription. I waited over 2 hours now and it still won't work.

    Wtf is this crap?

    On top of that there is no blackberry support hotline that I can call...
    01-17-12 05:41 AM
  13. Angelo_Campher's Avatar
    I feel your pain.

    Yesterday I went through all the effort of installing 7.1 only to find that I don't have the hotspot option. I phoned my carrier and they said my sim card is provisioned for all data channels and I should contact RIM. Left a message for them on twitter and I'm still awaiting a reply.

    Seriously, RIM need to jack up their efforts because I am getting tired.
    01-17-12 05:48 AM
  14. EBSNW1's Avatar
    I feel your pain.

    Yesterday I went through all the effort of installing 7.1 only to find that I don't have the hotspot option. I phoned my carrier and they said my sim card is provisioned for all data channels and I should contact RIM. Left a message for them on twitter and I'm still awaiting a reply.

    Seriously, RIM need to jack up their efforts because I am getting tired.

    I don't get how they can sell $650 phones without offering any support for them. If I ask my carrier about my issues they will be even more clueless than I am right now.

    It makes me so angry because I use BBs in order to travel and still have access to all my emails/messenger etc, and then it won't even work with a different sim card.

    Don't understand if this is only an issue with my specific phone, because I can't find that much info on this.
    01-17-12 09:22 AM
  15. robsteve's Avatar
    Was the second sim used in another Blackberry and possibly associated with another BBID? Can you get your carrier to give you a new sim card?

    As mentioned by another poster, the BBID login will not work unless your second sim has Blackberry service on it. This second sim may not activate unless you are on the home network of that sim, so the service books can be sent and it can use its network to sign into the BBID. You may have to get support help from the supplier of the second sim.
    01-17-12 09:41 AM
  16. crackberry-9900's Avatar
    I travel between 4 countries often and usually use a local SIM card as to avoid expensive calls and data. I encounter this issue all the times when I switch to a new sim initially.

    If i purchase a new sim, i would get the counter staff to enable BIS service for me before pop it into my 9900. Usually I will wait for 5 to 10 mins before entering the username and password. If fail i will do a battery pull and wait for 5 to 10 mins again, most of the time the first attempt is sufficient.

    I have an unlock set, asia region unit and running on 7.0
    01-17-12 09:46 AM
  17. Ettasek's Avatar
    This happens if the new SIM card you put does not have a BIS plan since having no internet connection on your sim card, means, that no matter what BB ID you enter, it will not be able to verify it, that's why it is giving you a failed message.

    You need to have WiFi connected or have an active BIS connection
    01-17-12 10:20 AM
  18. 9900Boldfan's Avatar
    This is pretty messed up. What if a person travels often and needs to insert different SIM cards in their phone when they arrive at another country? They can't possible expect every person to be roaming and paying enormous roaming charges or can they? WTF?

    I travel often as well and If I have a BB Data plan in Taiwan and then head over to Thailand I will use my local SIM card number with the local BB Data package but I should be able to just log in. This is how it is with an iPhone and an Android system. Hello RIM... This is how companies lose customers and end up switching phones. At the moment I don't think RIM can afford to lose more customers and market share so the guys at RIM need to look into stuff like this and make sure issues like this are resolved promptly before people return their phones and cancel their plans.
    01-17-12 11:17 AM
  19. EBSNW1's Avatar
    Ok I'll clear this up: the sim I am trying to use has a BIS subscription...In fact, it is the sim card I got from the carrier I also got my BB from.

    Whether I enable wifi or use the BIS associated with the sim I am trying to use doesn't matter. The result is always the same: "unable to log in to blackberry ID"

    When I first received my 9900, I actually entered a foreign sim first because I was travelling at the time. The sim I am trying to use now was previously used with a 9700, and there was no change of BB ID ever.

    I have searching the net for hours now and I am not able to find a clear fix for this problem. If only I could call RIM and ask them for a solution.
    01-17-12 11:34 AM
  20. Ettasek's Avatar
    Ok I'll clear this up: the sim I am trying to use has a BIS subscription...In fact, it is the sim card I got from the carrier I also got my BB from.

    Whether I enable wifi or use the BIS associated with the sim I am trying to use doesn't matter. The result is always the same: "unable to log in to blackberry ID"

    When I first received my 9900, I actually entered a foreign sim first because I was travelling at the time. The sim I am trying to use now was previously used with a 9700, and there was no change of BB ID ever.

    I have searching the net for hours now and I am not able to find a clear fix for this problem. If only I could call RIM and ask them for a solution.
    This is a common problem, the only solution is for you to wipe the device with the NEW sim inserted and load the OS again
    01-17-12 12:41 PM
  21. EBSNW1's Avatar
    This is a common problem, the only solution is for you to wipe the device with the NEW sim inserted and load the OS again
    That is what I understood from hours of googling, but considering how often I switch sims and how little time I have, they can't really expect me to wipe my device and load the backup 4 - 5 times per month?

    This is some serious stuff...
    01-17-12 04:43 PM
  22. crackberry-9900's Avatar
    This is a common problem, the only solution is for you to wipe the device with the NEW sim inserted and load the OS again
    Lucky for me, I travel 2 to 3 times to other countries each month. If it happen to me i would been very pissed.

    Hopefully RIM would look into it. Why don't RIM store the username and password in event that BIS or network is still unavailable... security issue?
    01-17-12 07:45 PM
  23. 9900Boldfan's Avatar
    Lucky for me, I travel 2 to 3 times to other countries each month. If it happen to me i would been very pissed.

    Hopefully RIM would look into it. Why don't RIM store the username and password in event that BIS or network is still unavailable... security issue?
    They probably thought that the average Canadian or American probably leaves the country once or twice every two years and would most likely pay the stupid roaming charges. Those in Asia,Europe or the middle-east probably leave the country once a month at least and this is beyod messed up for them. This is a reason to carry an unlocked iPhone and or Android Smartphone as once you switch SIM cards everything works.

    The people over at RIM seriously need to look into this an issue an update immediately to revise this issue or Samsung will have another reason to offer RIM a Billion Dollars less on their offer to buy out RIM lol..
    01-17-12 09:39 PM
  24. gtreg's Avatar
    The easy solution is to setup a wifi connection and set it to auto connect BEFORE removing the current sim card.

    Then once the new card is in, it will use the wifi connection to authenticate your BB ID. No need to wipe your data.

    Or of course if the new SIM has an active BIS account, you should be able to authenticate once the phone is registered with BIS
    9900Boldfan likes this.
    01-18-12 08:52 PM
  25. EBSNW1's Avatar
    The easy solution is to setup a wifi connection and set it to auto connect BEFORE removing the current sim card.

    Then once the new card is in, it will use the wifi connection to authenticate your BB ID. No need to wipe your data.

    Or of course if the new SIM has an active BIS account, you should be able to authenticate once the phone is registered with BIS

    I don't think you read any of the posts above. Whether I try to do it over wifi or sim card with BIS doesn't matter, because it does not work...I talked to my carrier yesterday, they told me to wipe the device every time I enter a new sim.

    Whats the point then of getting such an expensive phone for travelling/business ?
    01-19-12 03:27 AM
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