Year 5 Blog 17.5.24 | Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 5 Blog 17.5.24

Good afternoon parents and carers,

This week we have finished writing a diary entry from the point of view of the Hobbit. the children worked hard to show off a range of past tenses, modal verbs, parenthesis and a variety of language features in the old fashioned and polite style of how the Hobbit might write.

In Maths the children have enjoyed learning to measure angles with protractors. We have also learnt how to find angles on straight lines and around a point. On the whole the children have done really well with this. However, they need to keep reminding themselves of the key knowledge. 180 degrees on a straight line and 360 degrees around a point.

While 5KH have been catching up on Geography, practicing our map reading skills and learning about migration, 5HB have been catching up on their science.

In Science, 5HB investigated and identified reversible and irreversible changes during their Solutions and Mixtures topic. Part of the lesson involved watching what happened when lemon juice was added to hot milk. Once the children had been reassured that the initial results weren’t something from a sicky baby, and then the liquid part was strained from the solids, they quickly realised that we had made cheese. In fact, this is the process of making paneer. Have a go yourself. When thinking about reversible changes, we thought that melting chocolate could then be re-solidified, although quite a lot of the class wanted to do this test at home!

The children are very excited for residential next week. Please remember for both classes to bring their main bags/cases on Monday. All children will also require a smaller back pack to be brought on the day they are setting off. The children need to arrive at school at the usual time of 8:40 on the day they are setting off.

We hope you enjoy your weekend and good luck packing!

Mrs Kroon and the Year 5 team


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