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On the Steel Breeze (Poseidons Children Book 2) (English Edition) Versión Kindle

A thousand years in the future, mankind's influence expands into the universe. Alastair Reynolds' epic vision of our journey into deep space will redefine Space Opera.

Chiku Yellow is earthbound: living a peaceful life on a changing world as humanity explores a thousand new ways to experience life.

Chiku Red is space-bound: blasted into deep space to investigate Eunice Akinya's last journey, and maybe discover the final secrets of space travel.

Chiku Green is planet-bound: travelling thousands of lightyears to the planet Crucible. A new home for humankind; it's a habitable planet hosting a fascinating alien labyrinth.

All three are Chiku Akinya.

All three are pivotal to our future in space.

All three are in danger ...

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Praise for On the Steel Breeze

"Clever and creative with lots of twists, tense moments and a perfectly balanced structure...On the Steel Breeze is Reynolds in top form."--SF Book

"For SF fans, the possibilities and imagination that has gone into the book will remind them of the heady days of Asimov and Clarke, of an age where imagination and people were more important in telling the story of humanity and guessing about its future."--British Fantasy Society

"Few SF writers merge rousing adventure with advanced futuristic technology as skillfully as Alastair Reynolds."--Toronto Star

"Reynolds is a master of the slow build up leading to apocalyptic action, and On the Steel Breeze is no exception."--National Space Society

Nota de la solapa

A thousand years in the future, mankind's influence expands into the universe. Alastair Reynolds' epic vision of our journey into deep space will redefine Space Opera.

Chiku Yellow is earthbound: living a peaceful life on a changing world as humanity explores a thousand new ways to experience life.

Chiku Red is space-bound: blasted into deep space to investigate Eunice Akinya's last journey, and maybe discover the final secrets of space travel.

Chiku Green is planet-bound: travelling thousands of lightyears to the planet Crucible. A new home for humankind; it's a habitable planet hosting a fascinating alien labyrinth.

All three are Chiku Akinya.

All three are pivotal to our future in space.

All three are in danger ...

Detalles del producto

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00C74SHMU
  • Editorial ‏ : ‎ Gollancz; 0 edición (26 septiembre 2013)
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Tamaño del archivo ‏ : ‎ 1728 KB
  • Texto a voz ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Lector de pantalla ‏ : ‎ Compatibles
  • Tipografía mejorada ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Notas adhesivas ‏ : ‎ En Kindle Scribe
  • Longitud de impresión ‏ : ‎ 492 páginas
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4,3 de 5 estrellas
4,3 de 5
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L. Pope
5,0 de 5 estrellas A fabulous reread of this classic
Revisado en Canadá el 5 de marzo de 2019
There's no point and going on about the plot and characters of this book. It Carries On from Blue remembered Earth. If you know anything about Alastair Reynolds you know that you will not be disappointed if you read this book.
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Tom Alaerts
5,0 de 5 estrellas A novel brimming with cosmic awe
Revisado en los Estados Unidos el 6 de noviembre de 2013
This is the second book in a trilogy, and while I think you can enjoy it on its own, for optimal enjoyment you really should start with the first novel Blue Remembered Earth. While I love most Reynolds' work, i was not completely convinced by book 1. A story set in a colonised solar system, it felt more like a treasure hunt across the planets, lacking that cosmic awe that worked so well in his Revelation Space series. Still, it was interesting enough with a generally convincing depiction of the future - something Reynolds does so very well, much better than most writers in the genre.
In this book humanity starts with interstellar colonisation. How we tackle the transport for millions of colonists is something I leave for you to discover, it is a neat idea. Exactly like in his Revelation Space universe, there is no faster than light travel. This in contrast to most other SF books where hyperspace jumps are dead easy. This realistic (at least with current understanding of physics) approach makes these books extra interesting.
Just as with Peter Baxter's Proxima there is a logical issue with the colonisation travel: it turns out that people can sleep for a long time, as to not to suffer from the long time of the travel. Ok, but then you'd expect nearly all colonists to be asleep aside from as skeleton crew. Of course then we would not have "parallel" story lines in the solar system and amongst the traveling colonists. I put the quotes there because the information between the two areas takes decades to transfer, something that Reynolds handles well in the story.
Several subtopics abound in the book, making it rich and interesting. There is the concept of altered post-humans. One of the character is a 3rd gender - something that is otherwise not further explained. There are interesting concepts about cloning, consciousness, big brother-like supervision, intellectually elevated elephants, and especially the problem of truly independent AI. This rich tapestry, and the alien situation on the colonisation target, gives the book the book that sense of remarkably believable cosmic awe, and in fact makes this novel a better, more satisfying read than the first volume. It is really a work of a contemporary master of the genre, so much deeper and more satisfying than popular B movie-like SF books like the Dire Earth Cycle.
Of note is also that Reynolds' writing style has improved over time. The big ideas were there in his early books, but these sometimes had technical info dumps interrupting the story. This new trilogy is much more character driven without sacrificing on believable world building.
So, a very good, well crafted modern SF novel. I already look forward to the concluding volume. My only wish for that book would be to have little focus on augmented elephants, it is a subplot that didn't really captivate me.
A 2 personas les ha parecido esto útil
Dr. C. K.
5,0 de 5 estrellas Endlich mal wieder Qualität von Reynolds
Revisado en Alemania el 28 de octubre de 2014
Vier oder fünf Sterne - das war für mich die Frage. Nach einer Durststrecke mittelmäßiger bis schwacher Bücher von Alastair Reynolds liegt nun endlich wieder ein Roman vor, der mich richtig fesseln konnte. Seine Lektüre hat mir im Nachhinein sogar den eher zähen ersten Teil "Blue Remembered Earth" der Trilogie versüßt. Der war zwar nicht besonders erbaulich, bildet aber die zwingende Voraussetzung für ein Verständnis von "On the Steel Breeze".

Die Hauptpersonen sind mir wie im ersten Teil nicht besonders sympathisch, aber endlich hat mal wieder ein zeitgenössischer Autor den Mut, eine richtige Space Opera zu konstruieren. Einige Motive sind nicht besonders neu. Böswillig formuliert könnte man sagen, dass manche Ideen von der "Neuromancer"-Trilogie geklaut sind. Positiv ausgedrückt: Reynolds erweist etlichen Klassikern des Genres seine Referenz.

Da es sich um den Mittelteil einer Trilogie handelt, erwartet den Leser natürlich das übliche Schicksal eines zweiten Bandes: ein fieser Cliffhanger. Denn natürlich will Reynolds seine Käufer für Teil 3 anfüttern, ohne gleich sein ganzes Pulver zu verschießen. Trotzdem kommen genügend Handlungsfäden zu einem halbwegs befriedigenden Ende, und ich werde die Zeit bis zum Erscheinen des letzten Teils ohne nervöses Nägelkauen überstehen.

Jetzt hoffe ich inständig, dass Reynolds den dritten Teil in Ruhe und sorgfältig schreibt und nicht aufgrund eines vorverhandelten Abgabetermins hinschludert. Während man gemeinhin sagt "Die Oper ist erst vorbei, wenn die fette Frau nicht mehr singt", so wünsche ich mir nun das Motto "Die Space Opera ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Welten erkundet sind."
Mr. Paul J. Grenyer
5,0 de 5 estrellas Fantastic! I loved this book
Revisado en Reino Unido el 16 de abril de 2014
I really struggled to put it down and was reading it at every opportunity. I was even reading it for the three minutes it took to microwave my lunch at work each day.

It’s great not to have to start my review saying that this book is excellent, but not as good as Revelation Space, because it is, although it’s not as broad in terms of the scope of the story.

Unlike Blue Remembered Earth, you’re straight into the action with On the Steel Breeze and there’s none of the slow character building. It sits so well on the foundations created by Blue Remembered Earth that I wish I’d gone back and read it again first. I also liked all the characters this time.

There’s a great sense of mystery right up to the end. Most science fiction stories based around a paranoid machine intelligence remind me of HAL. However, HAL was a well intentioned, mislead child. Arachne, at least the version of her integrated into the Earth mech is clearly evil.

Science fiction is usually a look at possible future societies and many of them are utopian futures where there is no more conflict or murder and all of them are wavering on the brink of falling back into chaos. It’s the same in the future painted by On the Steel Breeze. And of course the characters acting for the good of everyone push it over the brink.

Following an experiment that went catastrophically wrong and destroyed a holoship, all development of the engines needed to slow the holoships down and allow them to reach their goal was prohibited. I was frustrated with the authorities making this decisions all the way through the book. It just felt so short sighted, but this is often how governments are. I also missed why the holoships couldn’t turn themselves over and use the engines they’d used to reach their transit velocity to slow down.

The end only answers about 90% of the questions asked by the rest of the book and sets the scene perfectly for the third and final part of Poseidon's Children. In the meantime I’ll be readying Doctor Who: Harvest of Time, also by Alastair Reynolds.
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5,0 de 5 estrellas Fascinating
Revisado en Australia el 15 de septiembre de 2016
Great collection of futuristic ideas and masterly brought together in succinct story line. Recommendable for all scifi readers. A great read!
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