The Meaning Behind The Song: Fourth Man by The Statler Brothers - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Fourth Man by The Statler Brothers

The Meaning Behind The Song: Fourth Man by The Statler Brothers


The Statler Brothers are renowned for their iconic country and gospel music, and “Fourth Man” stands as one of their most treasured pieces. Released in 1966, this heartfelt song captures the essence of the Statler Brothers’ signature harmonies while delving into deeper spiritual themes. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song “Fourth Man” by diving into its lyrics, the historical context surrounding its creation, and the impact it continues to have on listeners.

The Lyrics: A Journey into Faith

“Fourth Man” tells a profound story that resonates with believers and non-believers alike. The lyrics describe a man who stands trial for his faith, refusing to renounce his beliefs despite the consequences. The song takes us back to biblical times, drawing inspiration from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s defiance in the face of the fiery furnace.

The chorus, “And the fourth man was a preacher, yeah the fourth man was a king, and the third that walked beside them was a firey-throwing wing, they wouldn’t bend, they wouldn’t burn, they wouldn’t bow, and they wouldn’t turn, and the king could not scorch a hair of their heads, and the fourth man was a shepherd, yeah the fourth man was a son, and they would not bow to the statue that the king stepped up to run,” beautifully captures the unwavering faith and courage displayed by the three men in the biblical story.

The Historical Context: A Time of Spiritual Revival

The early 1960s were marked by a significant shift in social and cultural dynamics, and this was also reflected in the music industry. Gospel music gained immense popularity during this era, as many artists sought to express their faith through their art. The Statler Brothers, known for infusing gospel elements into their country music, exemplified this trend.

During a time when many questioned their religious beliefs and struggled to find solace, “Fourth Man” emerged as a powerful anthem for those seeking spiritual strength and guidance. The song’s message of unshakeable faith and courage resonated deeply with individuals navigating their own personal trials.

The Impact: A Timeless Message

Though “Fourth Man” was released over five decades ago, its impact has endured through the years. The song’s success sparked a renewed interest in gospel-inspired country music and influenced countless artists in the genre. Even today, it continues to be played on radio stations and cherished by fans of both gospel and country music.

Through its timeless message, “Fourth Man” reminds listeners of the importance of standing firm in one’s beliefs, even in the face of adversity. Its profound lyrics and powerful harmonies command attention and evoke a sense of reflection, leaving a lasting impression on all who hear it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What year was “Fourth Man” released?

The song “Fourth Man” by The Statler Brothers was released in 1966.

2. What is the biblical inspiration behind the song’s lyrics?

The lyrics of “Fourth Man” draw inspiration from the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the Bible. It mirrors their unwavering faith in the face of adversity.

3. Are the lyrics of “Fourth Man” relevant today?

Yes, the message conveyed in “Fourth Man” resonates even in contemporary times. The song serves as a timeless reminder of the strength that comes from holding onto one’s beliefs, regardless of the challenges faced.

4. Did the success of “Fourth Man” influence other artists?

Absolutely. The success of “Fourth Man” had a significant impact on the gospel and country music scenes, inspiring many artists to explore the fusion of these genres and incorporate spiritual themes into their music.

5. Why is “Fourth Man” considered a significant song in The Statler Brothers’ discography?

“Fourth Man” holds great significance in The Statler Brothers’ discography due to its timeless message, unforgettable harmonies, and its impact on the gospel and country music genres as a whole.

6. Has “Fourth Man” won any awards?

While “Fourth Man” may not have won any specific awards, it holds a special place in the hearts of fans and critics alike who recognize its impact and enduring popularity.

7. What is the central theme of “Fourth Man”?

The central theme of “Fourth Man” revolves around faith, courage, and unwavering belief in the face of adversity.

8. Is “Fourth Man” a gospel or country song?

“Fourth Man” can be considered a fusion of gospel and country music. The Statler Brothers’ unique style combines harmonies prevalent in gospel music with the storytelling aspects of country music.

9. How does “Fourth Man” relate to the broader gospel and country music scene of the time?

During a period marked by a religious and musical revival, “Fourth Man” exemplified the fusion of gospel and country music that was gaining popularity. The song became a representation of the spirit of that era.

10. Are there any cover versions of “Fourth Man” by other artists?

While not as numerous as some of their other hits, there have been cover versions of “Fourth Man” performed by various artists over the years.

11. Can “Fourth Man” be categorized as a gospel music classic?

Yes, “Fourth Man” is considered a gospel music classic, known for its enduring popularity and its ability to capture the essence of faith and spirituality in a powerful way.

12. What made The Statler Brothers’ harmonies so distinctive in “Fourth Man”?

The Statler Brothers’ harmonies in “Fourth Man” were distinctive due to their seamless blend of voices and perfect synchronization. These harmonies contributed to the overall impact and success of the song.

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