39 Facts about the movie Wonder - Facts.net
Gillan Gainer

Written by Gillan Gainer

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Primevideo.com

Welcome to the fascinating world of cinema, where stories come to life on the silver screen. In this article, we will delve into the popular movie “Wonder” and uncover 39 fascinating facts about this heartwarming film. Released in 2017, “Wonder” captivated audiences worldwide with its powerful message of kindness, empathy, and acceptance. Based on the bestselling novel by R.J. Palacio, the movie follows the extraordinary journey of a young boy named Auggie Pullman, who faces the challenges of living with facial differences as he attends a mainstream school for the first time. As we explore the behind-the-scenes details, intriguing trivia, and memorable moments of “Wonder,” get ready to be inspired and gain deeper insight into this remarkable cinematic experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Wonder” is a heartwarming movie that teaches us to embrace differences and be kind. It shows the power of empathy and leaves a lasting impact on viewers of all ages.
  • The movie “Wonder” inspires us to be resilient, kind, and accepting. It encourages us to see the world through a different lens and sparks empathy in our hearts.
Table of Contents

Wonder was released in 2017

Wonder is a heartwarming film that captured the hearts of audiences when it was released in The movie, directed by Stephen Chbosky, is based on the best-selling novel of the same name written by R.J. Palacio.

A story of compassion and acceptance

Wonder tells the inspiring story of Auggie Pullman, a young boy with facial differences who bravely faces the challenges of attending a mainstream school for the first time. The film explores themes of compassion, acceptance, and the power of kindness.

The stellar cast

Wonder boasts an impressive cast, including Jacob Tremblay as Auggie Pullman, Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson as Auggie’s parents, and Noah Jupe as Auggie’s friend Jack Will. The performances of the actors bring depth and authenticity to the characters.

A powerful message

The movie Wonder delivers a powerful message about embracing differences and treating others with kindness. It encourages viewers to look beyond physical appearances and celebrate individuality.

A critical and commercial success

Wonder was not only well-received by audiences but also received positive reviews from critics. It was a commercial success, grossing over $300 million worldwide, making it one of the most successful films of 2017.

A collaboration of talented minds

The movie Wonder brought together a talented group of individuals, including director Stephen Chbosky, screenwriter Jack Thorne, and producers Todd Lieberman and David Hoberman. Their collaboration resulted in a touching and impactful film.

Filmed in Vancouver, Canada

Wonder was predominantly filmed in Vancouver, Canada. The city’s scenic locations provided a beautiful backdrop for the story, adding depth and visual appeal to the film.

A story that resonates with all ages

Wonder is a film that appeals to audiences of all ages. It highlights the universal themes of acceptance and empathy, making it relatable and enjoyable for both children and adults.

A supportive family dynamic

The movie showcases the importance of a supportive family in overcoming challenges. Auggie’s parents, played by Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, provide a loving and nurturing environment for him to thrive.

A celebration of friendship

Wonder explores the power of friendship and the impact it can have on an individual’s life. Auggie’s friendship with Jack Will, played by Noah Jupe, is particularly heartwarming and demonstrates the strength of bonds formed through kindness and understanding.

The prosthetics used in the film

To create the realistic facial differences for the character of Auggie, the film utilized prosthetics that were custom-made for Jacob Tremblay. This attention to detail added authenticity to the portrayal of the character.

Adapted from a beloved novel

The movie Wonder is based on the highly acclaimed novel of the same name by R.J. Palacio. The book’s powerful story resonated with readers worldwide, and the film adaptation captured the essence of the original work.

Inspiration for acts of kindness

Wonder inspired a wave of kindness and empathy, with people around the world performing random acts of kindness in response to the film’s message. The movie serves as a reminder of the impact small acts of compassion can have on others.

Soundtrack that tugs at the heartstrings

The movie Wonder features a poignant soundtrack that perfectly complements the emotional journey of the characters. The music adds depth and enhances the overall viewing experience.

A tale of resilience

Wonder showcases the resilience and strength of its main character, Auggie Pullman. Despite the challenges he faces, he demonstrates courage and determination, inspiring viewers to overcome their own obstacles.

Cinematography that captures emotion

The cinematography in Wonder is thoughtfully done, capturing the emotions conveyed by the characters. The film uses visual techniques to immerse viewers in Auggie’s world and evoke empathy.

The impact on the education system

Wonder sparked discussions about inclusivity and empathy within the education system. It prompted educators to address the importance of creating a welcoming environment for all students, regardless of their differences.

The film’s lasting legacy

Wonder continues to be celebrated for its positive impact on audiences and its enduring message. It serves as a reminder to choose kindness and acceptance in a world that can often be judgmental.

A story that promotes empathy

Wonder encourages viewers to put themselves in the shoes of others and understand their experiences. It promotes empathy and understanding, fostering a sense of compassion in those who watch it.

A triumph of the human spirit

Wonder is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. It highlights the resilience and bravery of its characters, leaving audiences feeling uplifted and inspired.

Positive representation of individuals with disabilities

Wonder provides positive representation of individuals with disabilities, challenging stereotypes and promoting inclusivity. It showcases the abilities and potential of all individuals, regardless of physical appearance.

A source of motivation

Wonder serves as a source of motivation for individuals facing their own personal challenges. It reminds us that we have the power to overcome adversity and make a positive impact on the world around us.

Emotional performances

The cast of Wonder delivers powerful and emotional performances that tug at the heartstrings of viewers. They bring depth and authenticity to the characters, making the film even more impactful.

Awards and recognition

Wonder received several nominations and awards, including the Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie – Drama. The film’s impact and positive reception in the industry further solidify its status as a must-see film.

A story that starts conversations

Wonder prompts discussions about acceptance, empathy, and the power of kindness. It encourages viewers to reflect on their own actions and how they can positively impact the lives of others.

A memorable and relatable protagonist

Auggie Pullman is a memorable and relatable protagonist, navigating the challenges of adolescence while maintaining his unique perspective on the world. His character resonates with audiences of all ages.

A source of inspiration for children

Wonder serves as an inspiration for children, encouraging them to embrace their differences and celebrate the diversity of the world around them. It teaches valuable life lessons about empathy and compassion.

A call for kindness

Wonder emphasizes the importance of kindness in our interactions with others. It reminds us that a small act of kindness can have a ripple effect, transforming lives and fostering a more compassionate society.

A beautifully crafted narrative

The movie Wonder weaves together a beautifully crafted narrative that draws viewers in from start to finish. It balances moments of heartache with moments of joy, creating a truly immersive cinematic experience.

International success

Wonder’s message resonated with audiences around the world, making it an international success. Its universal themes and relatable characters crossed cultural boundaries, connecting with viewers across different countries.

Educating about empathy

Wonder is not only a movie for entertainment purposes; it also serves as an educational tool to teach empathy and encourage discussions in classrooms. Its impact is felt beyond the silver screen.

A reflection on society

Wonder holds up a mirror to society, challenging us to examine our own biases and judgments. It encourages us to be more accepting and understanding towards others, reshaping our perspective.

A timeless story

The story of Wonder is timeless, as it explores themes that are relevant in any era. It will continue to resonate with audiences for generations to come, reminding us of the power of compassion and acceptance.

The importance of self-acceptance

Wonder highlights the journey towards self-acceptance, as Auggie learns to embrace himself and his uniqueness. It teaches viewers the importance of loving and accepting oneself, regardless of external appearances.

A movie that sparks empathy

Wonder has the ability to spark empathy in its viewers, encouraging them to see the world through a different lens and appreciate the struggles and triumphs of others. It fosters a greater understanding of the human experience.

The power of a smile

In Wonder, Auggie’s infectious smile serves as a powerful symbol of resilience and strength. It reminds us of the transformative power of a simple gesture, bringing joy to those around us.

Lessons in resilience and courage

Wonder provides valuable lessons in resilience and courage, showing that adversity can be overcome with determination and a positive mindset. It inspires viewers to face their own challenges with bravery.

A film that leaves a lasting impact

Wonder leaves a lasting impact on its viewers, prompting them to take a closer look at their own actions and attitudes towards others. It challenges us to be kinder and more understanding individuals.

The legacy of Wonder

The legacy of Wonder extends beyond the film itself. It continues to inspire individuals to embrace differences, spread kindness, and create a more inclusive and accepting world.


In conclusion, “Wonder” is a truly inspiring and heartwarming movie that captivates audiences with its powerful message of acceptance and kindness. With exceptional performances and a well-crafted storyline, the film serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion in our lives. Through the journey of Auggie Pullman, the movie beautifully conveys the power of embracing differences and choosing love over judgment. “Wonder” has left a lasting impact on viewers of all ages, teaching valuable lessons about friendship, family, and the resilience of the human spirit. This critically acclaimed film is a must-watch for anyone seeking an emotional and uplifting experience that will leave you with a renewed sense of hope and appreciation for the beauty of the world around us.


Q: What is the movie “Wonder” about?

A: “Wonder” tells the story of Auggie Pullman, a young boy with facial differences, as he faces the challenges of attending a mainstream school for the first time. The movie explores themes of acceptance, friendship, and self-discovery.

Q: Is “Wonder” based on a book?

A: Yes, “Wonder” is based on the best-selling novel of the same name by R.J. Palacio. The movie beautifully captures the essence of the book and has received critical acclaim for its faithful adaptation.

Q: Who stars in the movie “Wonder”?

A: The movie features a talented ensemble cast, including Jacob Tremblay as Auggie Pullman, Julia Roberts as his mother, Isabela Merced as his sister, and Owen Wilson as his father.

Q: Is “Wonder” suitable for children?

A: “Wonder” is a family-friendly film that promotes important values such as kindness, empathy, and inclusivity. While it deals with themes of bullying and adversity, it delivers a positive and uplifting message that can resonate with viewers of all ages.

Q: Did “Wonder” receive any awards or nominations?

A: Yes, “Wonder” has been recognized for its outstanding performances and storytelling. It received numerous nominations, including several Teen Choice Awards and Critics’ Choice Movie Awards.

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