Mythic Mondays- Mandy and Akachi try to save the Museum, Part II | Herald's Call | BoardGameGeek

Herald's Call

I am an historical archaeologist and a linguist by training, a retail expat, and a writer. Gaming keeps me sane. This blog (my first) will be a place to chronicle my escapades (in gaming, in writing, and in life). Welcome! Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee, and feel free to stay awhile. Cheers, Rachel/Herald Selenay
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Mythic Mondays- Mandy and Akachi try to save the Museum, Part II

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Welcome to another Mythic Monday! Today, I'm reporting on my continuing investigations with Elder Sign. More specifically, today's report is the (hopefully) thrilling conclusion of last week's adventure: Mythic Mondays- Mandy and Akachi try to save the Museum, Part I.

After-action report from confrontation with Shub-Niggurath in the Arkham Museum on Friday, September 1, 2023, Part the second:

When last we left our intrepid investigators:

Rookie Cop Tommy Muldoon had gone off to check-in with his training officer. Dexter Drake and Monterey Jack were still incommunicado in the Tropics. Darrell Simmons was holding the line against the Killing Cold in Alaska. And Dr. Mandy Thompson and Shaman Akachi Onyele had teamed up to set the Arkham Museum to rights, fending off eldritch creatures whilst distracting museum patrons. Seriously, who thought that it was a good idea to host a gala for wealthy museum patrons in the middle of an otherworldly crisis? (Stupid board of directors, that's who.) Mandy and Akachi had managed to collect 10 Elder Signs when we left off. They only needed 2 more to lock Shub-Niggurath away for long enough to get the patrons out and to re-establish some state of normalcy in the museum. Could they do it? Or would the patrons start noticing things they shouldn't and pull their funding (causing an even bigger crisis). There's also that pesky leak in the Arkham Investigators' Association that Mandy was concerned with... Is an investigator actively helping eldritch forces? And if so, who's the leak?

From gallery of Herald Selenay

As Mandy and Akachi continued their investigation, Doom gathered, but an unexpected turn of good fortune was certainly more than welcome.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Still, Mandy got a bit turned around in the Hedge Maze.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Getting lost took its toll.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

But luckily, Akachi found her! Unluckily, Akachi got turned around too!

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Akachi finally made it out, but without Mandy in tow... She went for help

From gallery of Herald Selenay

and used the Flute of the Elder Gods to get rid of a monster that stood between her and help.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Successful, she gained valuable resources (a spell, a unique item, and she freed the red die too).

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Way to go, Akachi!

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Meanwhile, Mandy was still fighting her way free of the Hedge Maze.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

This time, she made it out!

From gallery of Herald Selenay

But the wasted time was costly, and with more monsters on the way, the girls had to get their act together or risk the Museum's patrons getting caught up in Shub-Niggurath's rise...

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Akachi returned to the Storage Closet that had thwarted her earlier efforts.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

It wasn't easy and sucked up a lot of valuable resources,

From gallery of Herald Selenay

but in the end, the Storage Closet revealed its secrets.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

including a gateway to the Great Hall of Celeano!

From gallery of Herald Selenay

And she still had a few tricks left up her sleeve.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Mandy wasted no time and made the trek to the Otherworld herself. Time was running short and the patrons were getting nosier by the hour...

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Her investigation was successful! Using all of her skills as a researcher, she uncovered the final Elder Sign!

From gallery of Herald Selenay

And together, she and Akachi were able to seal Shub-Niggurath away, at least for today.

From gallery of Herald Selenay

And, even better, none of the Museum patrons were any the wiser .

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Mandy and

From gallery of Herald Selenay

Akachi made one heck of a good team.

"Whew," Mandy breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the last of the museum patrons leave the gala. "That was close."

Akachi simply raised an eyebrow.

"It was," Mandy reiterated.

"Yes, and things would not have gotten so far out of hand if you had not run off and kept secrets."

"I'm sorry."

"So you said, but it does not change things."

"No, I can't fix the past, but I can keep you in the loop going forwards."

"You better."

"I will."

Akachi raised an eyebrow, again.

"I will," Mandy said earnestly.

"Hmmm, we will see," said Akachi, "now, what about this leak?" the shaman asked.

"I was certain that it was one of the boys, but they're too out of the loop nowadays... that mess in Alaska."

Akachi nodded.

"Well, I'm almost certain that things devolved so quickly because the Cultists knew to watch out for Darrell. His delay in Nome was no accident. He was setup. Then, I guess they went after Sister Mary and Rex Murphy when they started investigating..." Mandy's voice trailed off.

"So the leak is in Alaska." Akachi stated.

"I'm not sure," Mandy admitted.

"It looks like we have another investigation on our hands," said Akachi. Mandy nodded.

"But first... coffee," said Akachi. Mandy smiled and went to put a fresh pot on.


Quick Summary:
Investigators: Mandy Thompson and Akachi Onyele
Old One: Shub-Niggurath
Elder Signs Collected: 12/12
Expansions: Elder Sign, Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham (events and skills), Elder Sign: Grave Consequences, and Elder Sign: Omens of Ice (item and ally cards only).
Mode: Base game/Standard Museum mode
Time: 1 hour 20 minutes


General Observations:
This was my first play against Shub-Niggurath. This old one proved difficult, but not unsurmountable. I really do think that Elder Sign: Unseen Forces is going to be a necessary purchase before much longer though. As much as I appreciate the base game's Arkham Adventure cards (I even encountered a few that I don't recall seeing in prior plays), the base game does lack some of the oomph of the Streets of Arkham play mode. Blessings could come in handy too. Additionally, it was nice to play with an over-powered girl power team again. Mandy and Akachi complement each other well. I do miss Amanada Sharpe though. Her ability to complete multiple tasks with a single roll saved many a play. Still, it'll be fun to see how the characters and story develops as I keep up with this little campaign. I wonder when the boys are coming back from the tropics... And what's Monterey Jack going to think about Mandy and Tommy getting back together? What about Dexter Drake? Hmmmm. The plot thickens .

Happy Monday and happy playing!
- Rachel

Eight Elephants is LIVE and has been formally entered into the 54-Card Game Design Contest! Also, 10 Minutes to Midnight (the game) and the Minutes to Midnight (series) now have a joint "Ideas Phase" WIP thread HERE. Exciting progress for a Monday, right?

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