University invests in video surveillance and strengthens security for 10,000 people | Ventas de Seguridad
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University invests in video surveillance and strengthens security for 10,000 people

Universidad invierte en videovigilancia y robustece seguridad de 10 mil personas

Mexico. Universidad Anáhuac Campus Querétaro has just installed more than 600 cameras, while improving its access controls and intercoms to ensure the protection of its academic community.

Directors of the institution reported that the renovation and improvement of its infrastructure dedicated to security was carried out, thanks to the implementation of a security system composed of network cameras, speakers and speakers, intercoms and access controls with advanced analytics from the manufacturer Axis.

"Thanks to this, the university has set a new standard in terms of security, positioning it as a pioneer in the use of this type of technology within the educational sector in Mexico," they said.

- Publicidad -

Since 2019, the higher education institution began to improve the security of its facilities, as part of its commitment to education in a safer environment. To achieve this, it partnered with the Guardian Alarms Group, which developed the engineering design for the placement of security solutions.

"We started a long-term project, whose objective was to replace the video surveillance tools of that time, with technological solutions that would allow us to seamlessly supervise all areas, such as classrooms, offices and common spaces," said Francisco Reyes, Security Manager and head of the General Services Headquarters of the Universidad Anáhuac Campus Querétaro.

For his part, Eric D. Moreno, Director of Corporate Projects of the Guardian Alarms Group, stressed that "a unified video surveillance system was required, focused on the detection and identification of threats within the university. This new system needed tools that would provide high-quality video streaming for forensic analysis, which helps with crime mitigation and prevention, while reducing response times."

Both the university and Guardian Alarms chose the solutions and technology of Axis Communications, whose cameras, speakers, intercoms and access controls make use of advanced data and analytics based on Artificial Intelligence. Such tools make it possible to monitor people in public spaces, as well as play back pre-recorded messages that help improve access control and communication across the campus.

The result of these improvements has been the reduction of incidents and risk situations for approximately 10,000 people.

"The implementation of state-of-the-art solutions has not only raised the bar for campus safety, but also demonstrates the transformative potential of technology in protecting communities, representing a significant moment in our mission to strengthen educational safety," added Francisco Reyes.

- Publicidad -

According to the director, this security project is of great importance for the education sector, as the successful installation of more than 600 new cameras on campus was achieved, contributing to improving the infrastructure dedicated to security in general and allowing students, professors and staff to develop in a safer academic environment. productive and reliable.

The campus located in the state of Querétaro has experienced great growth, as the educational workforce has been increasing in recent years. However, the campus is expected to grow by an additional 30% by 2025, which poses a challenge to current and future security.

"It is essential that the security infrastructure grows hand in hand with Axis network cameras, speakers and access control devices," said Francisco Reyes, who also explained that during the next stage of this project, the use of portable devices such as Axis body cameras will be implemented, which will allow documenting interactions with security guards to use them as evidence in case of incidents.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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