Passage Press Founder Responds to Identity Dox by Guardian Writer | SCNR
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Passage Press Founder Responds to Identity Dox by Guardian Writer

Lomez: ‘This person has been stalking [me] for months. He is a Portland-based ANTIFA activist paid by a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate’

Passage Press Founder Responds to Identity Dox by Guardian Writer

The founder behind independent publisher Passage Press has responded to having his identity doxxed in a new report from The Guardian.

“Breaking: the Guardian has exposed a family man with a loving wife and many beautiful children, who played college basketball, worked for Google, traveled the world, then had a 10-year career in academia before starting a highly successful publishing company,” wrote the publisher’s founder, who goes by the name Lomez on X. “I’m shook.”

“This person has been stalking ‘Lomez’ for months,” he continued. “He is a Portland-based ANTIFA activist paid by a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate to harass people. He's been emailing and texting presumed former colleagues. Texting my wife. Attempting to get friends fired from their jobs for merely knowing me. Invoking my deceased father. Threatening to 'expose' my blog posts from 20 years ago, my high school and college athletic achievements (please do), and even my nickname from middle-school.”

The article, titled “Revealed: US university lecturer behind far-right Twitter account and publishing house,” was written by Jason Wilson, who lives in Portland, Oregon.

The report, which runs about 3,500 words, identifies Lomez by his real name and attempts to position him as “the man behind the prominent ‘new right’” and “a key player and influential tastemaker in a burgeoning proto-fascist movement [that] came after years of involvement in far-right internet forums.”

The author refers to living and deceased “far-right” authors published by Passage Press, including critic and commentator Steve Sailer; neo-reactionary Curtis Yarvin; World War I German soldier Ernst Jünger; Peter Kemp, a Spanish Civil War volunteer fighter under Franco; and Pyotr Wrangel and Prince Serge Obolensky, two Russian counterrevolutionaries.

The article quotes a University of Notre Dame professor who claims publishers like Lomez operate “on the level of ideas – scary ideas – but it’s also about wanting to be recognized, and finally it’s about money.”

Wilson relied on property and company records, interviews and “open-source online materials” to uncover the publisher’s identity and background.

Shortly after the article appeared, Lomez referred to the author as “a truly deranged individual” in an X thread.

“There is no story here of course,” he contends. “None of this passes even the lowest of journalistic standards. It’s obsessive, delusional behavior intended to activate the violent leftist mobs who he calls his friends and who share in his delusions. Legal action is certainly on the table.”

He went on to say that Passage Press will surpass $1 million in sales this year.

“I founded Passage Press on the thesis that Americans desire new and innovative ideas and don’t want to be stuck in the same cul-de-sac of stale thinking and empty pieties represented by has-been, failing publications like the Guardian," Lomez continued. "I was right."

“I regret nothing. I apologize for nothing,” he concluded. “God bless you all, even the haters.”

At the urging of writer and activist Christopher F. Rufo, Lomez announced the Guardian writer’s last name, Wilson, would be featured as a promocode on the publisher’s website for free shipping on all products.

Wilson’s report drew criticism from several X users. One person tagged Elon Musk and quoted past posts where the platform’s owner said doxing will result in account suspension.

Echoing Lomez, others suggested that Wilson works with or for Antifa, a violent extremist group whose effort have been prominently documented by journalist Andy Ngo.

A Quillette article titled “It’s Not Your Imagination: The Journalists Writing About Antifa Are Often Their Cheerleaders" raised questions about Wilson’s affiliation with the group in 2019.

The outlet reports:

Interestingly, while other Portland journalists such as Genevieve Reaume of KATU NewsMaggie Vespa of KGW News and Quillette’s own Andy Ngo (who has voiced concerns about Antifa’s actions) have been harassed and assaulted by Antifa activists, Wilson seems welcome to mingle freely among Antifa, and has even been photographed standing close to [Portland Antifa leader Luis Enrique] Marquez. … Wilson is not simply a pro-Antifa activist who also happens to write for the Guardian: He actively leverages his role as a regular Guardian writer to promote Antifa, whitewash its violence, and signal-boost its leaders (whom he presents as “experts”)—often under the guise of neutral news reporting.

In 2018, Wilson wrote a column for The Guardian that suggested doxxing is an effective tactic.

“By ‘doxxing’ people who participated in online organizing or offline street action, antifascists aimed to defuse the danger that believers in violent ideologies present, and to extract a social or economic cost for participation in far right movements,” he wrote. “Doxxing campaigns – aimed at Proud Boys, neonazis, and individuals who attended events like Charlottesville – have fed into reporting on these movements, and even, eventually, into prosecutions.”

Wilson also quoted Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Antifascist Handbook, who said “some of the greatest success perhaps in recent anti-fascist organizing have come from [doxing].”

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