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Item Discussion #9: Rock Bottom

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I'm doing bad, y'all. Living at home with my parents, sitting in my room all day, doing nothing except staring at a screen. What do I have to look forward to, except seeing u/YoshiShorts replies? I guess this is it, huh, I've reached...Rock Bottom? Wait, I guess that means, heck, there's nowhere to go but up 🕶

Welcome back, dorks and dweebs, it's Item Discussion #9! We strayed from the holy path yesterday with a little bit of Baphomet, but now we're back on track, coming at you with a piping hot secret room item. Repentance really said, hmm, let's add all the coolest items to the pool nobody ever gets to see items from, it'll be zany. And oh boy, zany it has been—R Key, Damocles, Red Key, Wavy Cap, R Key, Spindown Dice, Glitched Crown, Keeper's Kin, and, of course, the item of honor, Rock frickin Bottom. I know there's a lot of love around here for this bad boy which I'd appreciate if I'd ever seen this item I wasn't kidding before so let's get rockin', yo.

Rock Bottom |

It's only up from there

Item Effect|

• Locks attributes to their highest values reached, including values attainted via temporary buffs

• Maintains a separate record of "actual" attribute values, and only permanently increases stats if the current value passes the previous high—e.g. using Book of Belial => +2 Damage, later picking up Stapler will not reflect in a new maximum (Stapler is +1 Damage, putting "actual" damage at +1), but using Book of Belial afterwards will increase Damage to +3.

Unlock: Boss Rush as Jacob & Esau

Passive Item

Pool: Secret Room

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u/torncarapace avatar

A conceptually simple item with a TON of potential for crazy synergies - anything that decreases some stats in exchange for others or gives temporary bonuses can give you permanent crazy stats with this item, and in my experience even if you don't get something crazy like soy milk, rock bottom is always at least quite helpful. Really cool and powerful addition!

It's quite rare because it is only in the secret room pool, but thankfully repentance added a lot of new ways to generate items from whatever pool you want, like the Stars? card and Magic Skin.

u/dr_Kfromchanged avatar

Imagine takinh rock bottom while being under the effect of the chariot? Card. Also does it locks at the highest value if you drop it and take it back as tainted isaac?

Agreed This Item Has A Shitton Of Potential Some synergies are Prettey Good Like rock bottom + Ipecac. as we all Know Ipecac Fives A flat 40 Damage with A Bit If Explosion To Your Current Tears But It you were to Get Something Like Mom's knife or Brimstone You would Lose The 40 flat Damage Because Those Items DONT Need It But rock Bottom Insists anyways Making That A Won Run. But yeah Secret Rooms Is Decent Enough For The Overpowered Effect If Gives


Why do you capitalize so many words unnecessarily? Stop it.

Well For Some Reason my Autocorrect Puts Everything in Capital Letters

Ok Kanaya

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Turn off auto-correct then. You're not a toddler, right?

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u/Nathansbud avatar

please somebody help me i haven't seen anybody under the age of 40 in a year


Tell me about it buddy, my parents are starting to drive me insane, being stuck with them for months with nothing to do is agonizing v.v

u/Nathansbud avatar

At least I've got 600 more hours of Isaac to play lol


Hell yeah! The best game for retaining your sanity!

this is a cry for help

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u/Sauronek2 avatar

It's very good when you find it early. It only takes 1 Soy Milk / Red Stew / The Chariot? / Huge Growth etc. to make it the best offensive item in the game.

But you don't even need to break it to have it pay for itself. Random Empress and Strength cards turn into big damage ups, Feels Like I'm Walking On Sunshine caps your speed at 2.0 and there's a TON of small synergies like these ones. As a secret room exclusive it's very rare but with how good it is it's probably for the best.

u/OhmahBoi avatar

Wait what? Card power-ups are also permanent? holy shit

u/Theownerer7 avatar

You can also pick up a trinket like perfection, get the +10 luck then drop it and keep the luck

u/OhmahBoi avatar

Welp time to buff up J&E with Eden's blessings then starts playing T. Cain

u/Othello_The_Sequel avatar

Tainted Cain with Rock Bottom was so fun

I got Rock Bottom, Kidney Stone, Polyphemus, Soy Milk, Purity and Spirit Sword

I literally just stood on the Beast and they died

u/lampenpam avatar

Do people even try to play J&E? I feel like this sub is a total drama queen about them. They are really not that hard, just takes a bit to get used to and realizing their advantages. It's not worth skipping on that content.

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u/3163560 avatar

They are. But the way rock bottom works is that then any item you get afterwards won't increase the stat until it goes past what the card gives you.

So say you get rock bottom on tainted isaac. You can pick up jesus juice, drop it for stapler, drop it for steven, drop it for pentagram and gain the stat up for all four items, you get the highest one only.

You can of course pick up all four at once, then drop all four and get the benefit of all four.

u/OhmahBoi avatar

So if i have something like blank card and the empress i dont need to grab other dmg ups? Cool, you could make a tarot card only build with this (blank card, tarot cloth and rock bottom plus starter deck only) might be a fun "challenge" tho

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u/Lift_For_Swift avatar

Breh so is Succubus' aura

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"Oh boy! I sure am glad I finally beat Bosh Rush as that nightmare of a character so I can finally use this awesome item everyone's been talking about!"

proceeds to never see it once because it's a secret room item

I have only ever had Rock Bottom in Tainted Cain runs because secret room items are just too dang rare! And it's a real shame because this item is a treat. It's probably the most synergy-dependent item in the game, in that it literally does nothing on its own but gets nutty with certain other items, meaning I feel like it's sometimes just gonna fill you with empty promises of a broken run that are never fulfilled. But then you slap soy milk and/or polyphemus on this bad boy and you're in for a world of fun.

I really love items like this - it has such a simple effect, yet it manage to open the floodgates to some of the wildest zane you've ever seen. Here's some of the crazy shit I've tried with it:

Soy Milk: duh

Polyphemus: also duh

Deadeye: no need for accuracy, spray and pray all day because that double damage is gonna stick no matter what.

Red Stew: it never fades! EVER!

Star of Bethlehem: normally this item is a pain in the ass to work with because the star has a mind of its own, but with Rock Bottom, just touch the thing once and be on your merry way with a bonkers tears up. Combine with Soy Milk to achieve a 30+ tear rate and a hefty damage up.

Bloody Lust/Gust: find a blood donation machine, hit it a bunch, bing boom bam super crazy damage and firerate that isn't lost on the next floor.

Dark Arts: all you need is one bullet-hell boss like The Stain and you can just eat all its bullets to gain a permanent huge chunk of damage, AND just using the thing once permanently caps out your speed.

I imagine this is also super great with trinkets like Broken Syringe or Liberty Cap because after going through enough rooms they'll basically just give you all the effects they can give permanently. (Right?)

I dunno what more to say man, it's such a brilliant item that just gets better and better as I learn more about it. I may never see it outside a Tainted Cain run, but as Tainted Cain, I'm never seen without it.

(tho pls add it to the item room pool at reduced weight pls pls pls pls pls)

Update 3 days later that nobody will see: just got my Tainted Lost Mega Satan kill thanks to Rock Bottom + Star of Bethlehem. My beloved.

Star of Bethlehem: normally this item is a pain in the ass to work with because the star has a mind of its own,

Star of Bethlehem gives you ludicrously high Tears, ludicrously high Damage, and gives you homing. The fact that it forces you to take the path straight to the boss to benefit from it is a small price to pay, and is actively beneficial once treasure rooms are out of the picture.


Oh yeah I'm not at all saying the item is bad, the benefits more than make up for the downside, it just annoys me sometimes.


it also gives you a chance to block hits ontop of all that

If it works like the hallowed poop, it's a chance to avoid damage. That poop works great with blood donation and devil beggars.

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u/zarawesome avatar

yeah, i'm working on unlocking inverted Stars just so i have more options to spawn items in the secret room just so I can get Rock Bottom.

in a way i have already reached rock bottom

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u/Mrblade654 avatar

Really cool item in concept, but do to the fact it's in the secret room pool you never see it.

u/RGodlike avatar

New cards like Lovers and Stars give you a pretty good chance

u/thetdotbearr avatar

Always save those for angel/devil rooms usually but I’ll give it a try in secret rooms to see if I can rock bottom myself

u/RGodlike avatar

The Secret Room pool got buffed big time in Repentence, it suprised me too but [have a look]( The percentage of amazing items is better than any other room pool I think. Mega Mush, Red Key, R Key, Spindown Dice, Epic Fetus, Glitched Crown, Echo Chamber; each of those can just carry the run by itself. On top of that there's a bunch of stuff that really helps with consumables, and just generally good items like Lost Contact, Infamy and Odd Mushroom. Plus the room is more easily accessible than Angel/Devil Rooms, allowing you to carry another consumable over to the next floor.

I think if your run is great but you desparately need defense then Angel Room is better, but if you just need good items Secret Room is the best pool.

u/Sauronek2 avatar

Depends on what you need but Secret Room should be the default room to use them. There's a reason Member Card lets you buy Devil/Angle items for 15-50c while Secret Pool items are priced at 15-99c.

Angle pool may be more consistent (fewer bad items) but after Repentance, the Secret Pool is what you should actively look for. Any form of rerolling helps get those insane items much more often.

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u/FuzzyCuddlyBunny avatar

The first run I played after unlocking it I got it out of a tinted rock playing as tainted Isaac, which got my hopes up that it remained in the tinted rock pool like in Antibirth. Sadly not the case. Probably for the best that it's rare in the secret room pool, it's a very strong item.

While it doesn't drop from tinted rocks, using tainted jacob that way wouldn't have worked regardless.

Tainted jacob pulls from the current pool of the room, which means that a tinted rock in a normal room would still pool from the treasure room pool.

If yoy don't believe me, I would (assume) that this would mean that blood donation machines would cycle into a treasure room item, so you could go check.

u/The2ndUnchosenOne avatar

"tainting jacob"

Tainted jacob (sic) pulls from the current pool of the room, which means that a tinted rock in a normal room

Tinted rock was probably in a secrety room

No, what the commenter was referring to was that you could get rock bottom from a tinted rock in anitbirth.

No, what the commenter was referring to is that they were playing Tainted Isaac, blew up a Tinted Rock in a Secret Room, and it alternated between Small Rock and Rock Bottom, and they mistakenly believed that meant Rock Bottom was still available from Tinted Rocks like it was in Antibirth, when it isn't actually.

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u/Blahpman11 avatar

This item sounds like it's practically a won run if you find it. I mean, temporary stat ups turn into permanent stat ups? Items with stat downs for that silly thing called "balance" turning into an absolute victory? Sign me up!

I've yet to see it in action, but I'm fine with that. I think these singular run-breaking items should be relatively rare, and sticking 'em into the secret item pool ensures that you'll only be getting them every so often.

u/SomeoneUnknowns avatar

In practise, due to temporary stat buffs not lasting internally, it's not a won run by itself.

Sure, Soy Milk, Almond Milk, Brimstone, Quad Shot.... all of these hit hard. Buuuut... None of these appear every run either. (and by themselfes some of them aren't run winning instantly either). And Strenght being permanent is still weaker than a Magic Mush.

That said, it's still an insanely strong and awesome item. And if you find a synergy, it's really incredibly fun and will win you the run.

u/Blahpman11 avatar

True, it seems like can range from "incredibly busted item that carries your entire run" to "eh, it's good". At the very least it's an always-take though.

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u/CondoSlime avatar

I have had only 2 runs so far with rock bottom early. In my first run I got a rock bottom wisp from tainted bethany but I ended up dying in the mirror world due to a glitch (suffocating while the mirror was intact). In the run right after that I could roll something into rock bottom with spindown dice. The rest of the run was an absolute wreck. Glitched crown for items. Many damage multipliers. Kidney stone + soy milk wisp for attack speed and an R key at the end to top it off.


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u/Downs_Yndrome avatar

AB+ was impossibly easy to break. I played only eden hard mode runs, and broke the game every other run at minimum. Repentance is so much more rewarding to find that crazy combo that just wins the game.

u/torncarapace avatar

Agreed, you could break AB+ like every 2 or 3 runs once you knew how to.

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u/tom641 avatar

probably the single coolest item added, and thankfully it doesn't have the downside it did in Antibirth where it reset your stats to starting values before applying it's upside. As it is in Repentance, it's super fun to see (and also stupidly rare) and can lead to some incredible runs.

u/ToiletHum0ur avatar

Coming off of a single 4 hour "Cain" run in which I got every single completion mark possible in a regular run minus Mega Stan, holy fuck Rock Bottom is an amazing item for breaking the game. Rock Bottom + Red Stew + Soy Milk and you destroy literally everything in your way.

rock bottom new SS+ tier item

Fun fact, this item has a quality of 2 for some reason.

Also...Kilburn said that it "never reset your stats" in antibirth, despite the fact that it definitely did. Maybe this was a bug, and that's why it didn't return in Repentance?

u/ZMBanshee avatar

Probably because it's not guaranteed to do anything for you. I've seen multiple cases of that.

u/spoopy-memio1 avatar

Fun fact, Kilburn’s right. It never actually did reset stats. The whole resetting stats thing was a misconception from a video that somehow got onto the antibirth wiki and spread from there.

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If you know how to use it, it's pretty fucking good.

u/apothioternity avatar

Rock Bottom has single-handedly reshaped synergies in repentance.


An item I'll never get to use because there's no way I'm completing boss rush with J & E.

u/Canadiancookie avatar

I don't think it'll actually do much for you a lot of the time. You need to 1. Find the item in the first place by digging through one of the rarest item pools in the game, 2. Grab it reasonably early, and 3. Find items or pills with a downside in order to get a benefit. It is definitely awesome to get this item along with something like Soy Milk, Crown of Light, or False PHD though.

Edit: Somehow forgot about temporary buffs from cards and actives. You only need 1 damage up card and it's already great.

really strong with tainted judas or money = power

u/Hammamama1 avatar

My first run I got rock bottom I played normal Samson, found it early, then kidney stone, later polyphemus...just sick

On the other hand on tainted cain I failed using rock bottom,because I crafted soy milk first after rock bottom and never got over my starting damage....its not always just op ;)

Okay, where the hell do I even start?

Rock Bottom is amazing overall, because of it's ability to cockblock anything that would lower your stats, like Soy Milk, Polyphemus, pills, and Ipecac, including things that technically don't lower your stats but give you something that wears off for a bit, but will keep what it gives you permanently with rock bottom, like Wavy Cap, Lusty Blood, or Red Stew... However, all of this comes with one, singular, but major catch (make sure to write down your notes everybody); "Stat Resistance".

Y'see, while effectively and visually, it seems cut and dry with how it works, making no stat unable to go down, it's a lot more... complicated then that. Rock Bottom's "stat resistance" isn't necessarily an actual "stat resistance" per-say, however while effectively you can only get permanent positive stats, it actually still calculates everything as if you DID lower your stats behind the scenes. This makes the order you pick things up in extremely important, as despite the fact that nothing technically went down, it still behaves like it does in calculation. This makes this otherwise busted item require a lot more strategy than people tend to think, while still making the overall item itself has immense potential 100% of the time.


If you had Rock bottom, would it be better to pick up Polyphemus or Soy milk first? Does it matter?

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Honestly, on its own, it's a meh item. But it opens up so much synergy opportunities. With soy milk, polyphemus, and so on it can get insane. 10/10 item. Fun, overpowered, and a great item.

What do you mean it’s a “meh” item on its own? It does nothing if it’s the only item you have. That’s like saying more options is “meh” if you don’t have item rooms left...

u/Avatarobo avatar

Sacred heart is a meh item if you have no bosses or enemies to fight against anymore.

The Binding of Isaac is a meh game if you don't have a PC.

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u/Xilkozuf avatar

This item can be amazing and with the right items will make your run looks amazing.

Too bad I never find it.

Well, in a Eden run I started with it and I died on the second floor. It's only up from there indeed

u/mrbuttsavage avatar

I unlocked it weeks ago and still have never seen it. Maybe someday.

u/Varhur avatar

Now about the increasing stats with the temporary sources, like mentioned Book of Belial - how does it work? If I use Empress card, is next 1.5 dmg gonna not count, because it's below "actual damage"? Does it work like that with all temporary stat ups?

Yes, it does work like that.

u/Varhur avatar

Huh, makes you think twice about whether you should get that stat up asap or wait and potentially get more.

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All I can say is this potentially ranks among the most powerful items in the game. Making trinket and card effects on stats permanent and no debilitating stat downs from items from items like Eve's Mascara and Soy Milk? Extremely powerful.

u/CondoSlime avatar

One of my favorite items in the game. An absolute powerhouse if found early on and still great if found later. It makes you think more big about some temporary buffs to get much greater use out of them. The devil tarot card, soul of judas, mega mush, wavy cap. All those things become permanent. And when you've got those stats, you can beat anything.

u/rubberhosed avatar

i swear to christ this item had a collective mandela effect on everyone who played antibirth into thinking this rock lowered all your stats back to their defaults and then applied its main effect. in fact i've seen people still recently (including myself!) think that rock bottom used to do that. some people still do apparently! i guess it makes thematic sense that it would but that would make an otherwise great item into a far more situational one.

otherwise it's pretty great where it's at, though i think it'd be fun if maybe like 10% of the time it could replace small rock spawning from tinted rocks.

u/StormStrikePhoenix avatar

Good but overbalanced by being Secret-exclusive, something Repentance loves a little too much; I think balancing an item by doing that basically makes it so that the item doesn't exist in 99.9% of runs, which is not a fun way to do it. It's especially tragic for something like this that must have some other synergies, finding it on the Womb 2 or later probably means that it will be almost irrelevant.

u/eltiolavara9 avatar

but you get more ways to spawn items now! reverse the stars, reverse the lovers, that one thing that spawns a restock machine, mystery gift + d6, butter, etc etc etc
it's all about using the games mechanics to your advantage

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u/Landpaddle avatar

Rock Bottom is one of the more memorable items added to Repentance. However, it does fill the an uncomfortable space with items like Echo Chamber in that it's a little too easy to curbstomp the game with this and just one good synergy. I can easily grab a moderately common shop item like Red Stew in conjunction and get +21.6 damage up permanently. The same applies to so many Treasure Room items with built-in tradeoffs, time limits, conditions, etc.

A potentially more balanced approach would be to set your current stats as the new baseline, so that any stat downs can never lower your stats below the threshold it saves on pickup. That would would still be thematically appropriate, and it would still be fantastic with items like the D8 or Data Miner to avoid going into a stat-down death spiral. The issue there is that it has a higher risk of doing absolutely nothing for you in any given run, rendering it a wasted Secret Room item if you don't acquire anything that would have pushed your stats below its saved threshold.


I feel like... It's fine if you get it before you pick up soy milk or the item that gives you a ton of temporary damage. Otherwise... Meh?

You know, I take that back. It makes data miner actually usable.

I feel like it’s better than eh tbh. strength, devil and empress become really big permanent damage ups. plus, it also makes active items that give stat ups permanent, like book of belial. it also pairs very well with bloody lust, lusty blood, red stew, that one candle item from angel rooms I forgot about, etc


Yeah, but the thing is you have to get those items in conjunction with it.

In the runs I've done, I've basically either had very few temporary stat ups, or the run was good enough that it wouldn't have mattered at all (going from 20 to 22 damage, ex).

It's not that it's bad, it's just not great. Low A tier or high b tier imo.

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I'll never get this, J&E can get fucked. It's fine though, I recently found Sausage in a Secret Room, that was plenty of excitement for me.

u/SomeoneUnknowns avatar

I completely forgot sausage existed.

I got it once in curse of the Blind, since then never (to compare, got Rock Bottom thrice since then).

Also means I have no idea how the sausage item looks.

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u/BigPapaBust avatar

this item is just annoying. i've seen it three times and only once it actually mattered in any way other than preserving the stats from an empress card. this was just made for build showcases on youtube that are nigh impossible to ever see in a normal run and just clogs up the secret room pool. C

u/Saigot avatar

Idk red stew isn't rare, neither is fake PhD, soul of Judas isn't rare and getting ipecac followed by something like mom's knife or Brimstone isn't too hard (also Brimstone on its own), experimental syringe, adrenaline, Boss rush + book of Belial, epiphora, dead eye... There are shit tons of synergies?

u/BigPapaBust avatar

i just don't like taking items on speculation that they may make the run stronger in the future. early on i see why rock bottom has value as you still have a lot of potential items to pick up that could lower your stats, but i find that very few items give temporary benefits or lower stats. most of the items that have powerful synergies with rock bottom are just good enough on their own anyway. this is also from experience so idk if i've just been unlucky every time.

u/JacqN avatar

I mean... why don't you like taking it based on the fact that it will maybe be good later?

There's no downside to having this item, and as it's in the secret room pool you're also basically never paying anything for it except for a bomb you'd have been using anyway.

At worst it did nothing but also didn't cost you anything, at best it's extremely good.

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u/StormStrikePhoenix avatar

red stew isn't rare

It's an item in only one big pool; by default you are not seeing it in 90% of runs, and you still have to see it after you've found a Secret-exclusive item for it to matter, like the rest of your examples.

neither is fake PhD,

That's more true but you still need stat pills, which are certainly more common but not guaranteed by any means.

soul of Judas isn't rare

It's a single rune out of like twenty of them now, and runes aren't the most common thing to begin with.

and getting ipecac followed by something like mom's knife or Brimstone isn't too hard (also Brimstone on its own),

Not much point to Rock Bottom in a run you've already won anyway.

experimental syringe, adrenaline

These barely do much to begin with, though I guess adrenaline can conditionally be pretty strong.

Boss rush + book of Belial,

Could you have given a more niche example?

epiphora, dead eye

Items that are not only in only one pool, but in the biggest pool at that.

Everything cool that synergizes with it is rare enough that I imagine a good 40% of runs will not get anything stronger than "I got to keep a Strength card forever". It's still a good item but it being Secret-exclusive is excessive, though that's true of most Secret-exclusive items just by virtue of how uncommon everything in that pool is.

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u/torncarapace avatar

I mean even if all it does is make an empress card permanent, that's still basically giving you Whore of Babylon for free - wouldn't call that C tier at all.

u/BigPapaBust avatar

it's good if you could guarantee an empress card or something with temporary benefits. its a strong item if you have the means to activate it but the rarity of the item and the ability for it to do nothing in certain situations hampers the rating for me. i would rather just have Whore of Babylon to ensure the stats instead of the possibility of having the stats later if i'm lucky.

u/torncarapace avatar

That's fair, I just feel like it's incredibly rare to get nothing that synergizes with rock bottom - unless you get it in like the Chest or something. I get why it could feel bad to get an item that does nothing on it's own but in my experience basically every run this item is at worst good, and often game breaking.

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Am I crazy or did this item reduce your stats to their base values when picked up in Antibirth?

It did yes, though I think that was a bug, which us why they removed it.

(Lol, honestly I feel like it should still do that, considering how OP the item is.)

Also makes sense because you hit rock bottom and there is no where to go but up.

u/twow443 avatar

I feel like it's fine how it is, given the rarity it is to even see the darn thing.

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u/spoopy-memio1 avatar


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u/AlexBear012 avatar

One of the best items in the game

Sadly it's way too rare but it's understandable

u/Chairzard avatar

You're basically guaranteed to get good stats out of it via tarot cards or pills at bare minimum and breakage is extremely likely if you get it early.

Unfortunately, I've only seen it twice since unlocking it. Once in a doomed tainted Keeper run, once in a tainted Jacob run. It's one of a couple of new S tier secret room items that probably make secret rooms the second best to generate items in when you have the means to do so (after angel/devil rooms).

Apparently pretty good although the one time I found it I didn't find any items that synergize with it, it's a neat concept but it's a useless item by itself

Best synergy item, quite rare tho


Rock good, Unlock bad

u/Othello_The_Sequel avatar

This item is honestly up there as one of the best in the game

It has no DIRECT synergies (like Brinstone + Mom’s Knife, Dr. Fetus + Spoon Bender, etc) but the fact that it makes C, D-tier items and even already great A or S-tier items better by getting rid of the downside is amazing

Rock Bottom’s unlock is 100% worth the difficulty, too. In fact, of Jacob and Esau’s unlocks, I’d say it’s arguably one of the easier ones, which adds to how much I love this item.

Easy S-tier

u/AwesomeYears avatar

I'd like to thank this item for allowing me to unlock Godhead. Lusty Blood and Epiphoria combo too OP.

Didn't unlock the item yet so I wonder, how does it work with False PHD and stat down pills? Do you srill get the dmg up?

u/yugiohhero avatar


basically how it works is that your stats still get calculated behind the scene, but are locked at their highest point.

so lets say you have 3.5 damage. if you take an item that lowers your damage by 2, then take an item that increases it by 2, your stat still doesnt go up any.

because while visually the downgrade never happened, the game still calculated it in the background, but your stat was locked at its peak regardless. when you got the +2 damage up, it was applied to your background stats, which never broke the peak, so your damage never went up.

it isnt an immunity to stat downgrades. so you still get false phd value.


False PhD only cares that you took the pill. It doesn't care if the stat actually goes down. Even without Rock Bottom, going from 2.0 Speed to 2.0 Speed via Speed Down pill (because your Speed was just so much higher than the cap) still gives you a Damage Up.

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O. P