《神探伽俐略 沉默的遊行》9月22日 神之歸位 | 【🎁英皇戲院請你睇 #神探伽利略 沉默的遊行 】 福山雅治X柴崎幸X北村一輝 相隔九年再埋班揭開沉默真相! 東野圭吾神作 ,全亞洲推理迷期待度NO.1電影 - 《神探伽利略 沉默的遊行》9.22 今個星期四上映! ⚡即睇預告,答問題仲有機會贏取指定場次戲飛添~ 留意以下參加辦法! 如何參加︰... | By Emperor Cinemas 英皇戲院 | Dr. Inagawa? There was actually an incident. I have nothing to do with it. There is no land or sand. They often say there is no blood or tears. Filters components such as hemoglobin from the blood. It's good for the brain. The eldest daughter who went missing three years ago was found dead. Rise up as a suspect was a vibe. Showing the crest and questioning didn't say anything. 緘黙 There's such a thing as a beauty crime. I guess there's a metal wood. Even when it comes to chasing down a mule, still a teacher. Even I don't want to repeat the same time. Flag Parade, will you continue the silence?