Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice - Characters - BBC Bitesize


There are many characters in Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice. Take an in-depth look at the main ones identifying their key attributes and relationships and analysing their part in the play.

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Overview of characters

The characters in this play are grouped into those from Venice and those from Belmont. Venice was an important trading centre where merchants bought and sold all manner of goods from around the world. The characters Antonio (the merchant of the title), Bassanio, and Shylock, the Jewish money lender are all based in this city.

Shylock: A GREEDY MONEYLENDER; PORTIA: Saves Antonio's life; ANTONIO: A good friend to Bassanio

Portia and her lady-in-waiting, Nerissa live in Belmont, an imaginary place that seems to be a few days’ sail away from Venice.

The three main characters in the play are:

  • Portia
  • Shylock
  • Antonio
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Portia is an extremely wealthy heiress, who is bound by her father’s will, which states she can only marry the man who chooses correctly from three caskets. One of the caskets is made of gold, another silver and the final one, lead. When we first meet her she is talking to her lady-in-waiting, Nerissa, about the faults of the suitors who have tried their luck with the caskets so far.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Ruthless; Intelligent; Witty, Character attributes

She is delighted when Bassanio arrives and chooses the correct casket, and is distraught when she learns that his friend Antonio is in trouble on his behalf. She shows her wit and courage by disguising herself as a lawyer and taking Antonio’s side in court. Her challenges to Shylock are clever and ultimately she saves Antonio’s life.

Character attributes

  • Witty - when Portia talks about her suitors with Nerissa, she is clever and funny in the way she picks out their faults.
  • Intelligent - Portia’s arguments in court are strong and thought-provoking.
  • Ruthless - when Shylock finally asks for money instead of the pound of flesh that he has so far insisted upon, Portia refuses to let him change the bond.


  • Nerrisa – Portia’s lady-in-waiting.
  • Bassanio – Portia’s suitor and then husband.
  • Antonio – Bassanio’s friend, and therefore Portia’s too.

Changes in character

  • Portia may seem tied by at first, but she later shows her freedom of spirit and independence when she presents herself as Balthazar, the lawyer.
  • She gives Bassanio a ring as a token of her love and insists that if he loses it or gives it away, their love will be over. Later, however, she forgives Bassanio for giving the ring as a gift of thanks to the ‘lawyer’ (actually Portia).
  • She takes risks to defend Antonio in court. Later she gives him a letter showing that some of his ships and money were safe all along. However, it isn’t altogether clear how or when Portia acquired this letter.

Character analysis


Portia shows little regard for the French suitor. How does she describe him?


Shakespeare’s leading lady is very cunning. How does she treat Shylock in the courtroom before turning the tables to save Antonio?


Portia also has a playful streak. Why does she mock Bassanio?

Listening task

In Act 4 Scene 1, Shylock and Antonio are in court. Portia arrives disguised as a young lawyer Balthazar. She speaks to Shylock about mercy.

The Merchant of Venice characters - Portia


What does Portia compare the quality of mercy with?


What does she say they should pray for?

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Shylock is a Jewish moneylender in Venice. He is unpopular with other characters who accuse him of practising usury. This means lending money with outrageously high rates of

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Greedy; Victimised; Stubborn, Character attributes

Shylock offers to loan Antonio (and therefore Bassanio) the sum of 3000 ducats, but instead of charging any interest he says he will take one pound of Antonio’s flesh if the money is not repaid within three months. When Antonio’s ships and wealth are lost, Shylock demands his pound of flesh.

The character of Shylock has been performed in many different ways. He is sometimes portrayed as evil and other times his behaviour is shown as the result of the bullying he suffers in Venice.

Character attributes

  • Greedy – Shylock seems to be more upset about the money that Jessica takes from him than the fact that his only daughter has run away.
  • Stubborn – when news of Antonio’s misfortune reaches Shylock he becomes set on claiming his pound of flesh, even though this will most likely kill Antonio.
  • Victimised – Shylock is hated by the merchants in Venice not only for his methods of making money, but also for his religion. One of the main topics of discussion about this play is whether Shylock is actually a villain or a victim.

Friends and enemies

Shylock’s friends are limited to:

  • Tubal – a Jewish friend and fellow moneylender
  • Jessica – his daughter runs away because 'our house is hell'.

His enemies are:

  • Antonio – who lends money without interest, undercutting Shylock
  • Portia – disguised as Balthazar she ensures that Shylock loses all his wealth

Changes in character

  • Shylock is quick to reject Bassanio’s invitation to dinner on the basis that he will not be friends with Christians. However, later he delivers a powerful speech about the common humanity that Jews and Christians share.
  • Initially he seems entirely concerned with money and material wealth, yet later when he learns that Jessica has sold a turquoise ring we see a sentimental side to this character.
  • Shylock takes the bond that he strikes with Antonio more seriously as the play progresses. He becomes increasingly obsessed with claiming the pound of flesh that he has been promised.

Character analysis


Why does Shylock hate Antonio so much?


How does Shakespeare portray Shylock’s stubbornness?


At what point do we see a sentimental side to Shylock?

Listening task

In Act 3 Scene 1, Shylock reveals to Salarino that Antonio has lost all his ships at sea. He talks passionately about what makes us human.

The Merchant of Venice characters - Shylock


What does Shylock suggest he will use Antonio’s flesh for?


Which things does he mention that are the same for all human beings?

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Antonio is the merchant of the title and is the first character we meet in this play. He has invested all his money in cargo that is currently on numerous ships. When his best friend Bassanio asks for a loan of 3000 ducats, he is unable to offer cash, but agrees to act as a bond. He enters a contract with the moneylender, Shylock, which says Antonio will owe Shylock one pound of his flesh if the loan is not repaid within three months. By agreeing to this bond, Antonio shows his great love for Bassanio. It has been suggested that Antonio and Bassanio have had a homosexual relationship.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, Loyal; Honest; Generous, Character attributes

Character attributes

  • Loyal – Antonio is a good friend to Bassanio and puts his own life on the line to help him out.
  • Honest – when Shylock demands his pound of flesh, Antonio does not fight or complain but accepts that he has entered into a contract, no matter how unpleasant.
  • Generous – we learn from Shylock that Antonio often gives loans without charging interest. Shylock complains that this makes business difficult for moneylenders like himself.

Friends and enemies

Antonio’s friends are:

  • Bassanio – Antonio’s best friend
  • Portia – his best friend’s wife disguises herself as a young male lawyer to save his life

Antonio’s only enemy is:

  • Shylock – the Jewish moneylender admits his hatred for Antonio early on

Changes in character

  • Antonio is melancholy at the start of the play but cannot name the cause of his sadness. Later, he behaves aggressively towards Shylock who claims that Antonio curses him in public.
  • Antonio declares his love for his best friend, Bassanio, and seems prepared to even die for him.
  • Although he berates Shylock for being merciless, he doesn’t really show much mercy to the moneylender at the end of the play. Antonio insists that the moneylender give up his faith and convert to Christianity.

Changes in character


In what ways does Antonio show his love for Bassanio?


How does Shakespeare portray Antonio’s honesty?


How do we see Antonio react when Portia asks Shylock to take his pound of flesh?

Listening task

In Act 4 Scene 1, before Portia has pointed out that Shylock’s bond makes no mention of blood, she asks him to come forward and take his pound of flesh from Antonio. Here he speaks his apparently final words.

The Merchant of Venice characters - Antonio


What misery does Antonio say he will avoid by dying now?


How does he say he will repay his debt to Shylock?

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Additional characters


Bassanio is a nobleman in Venice and Antonio’s best friend. He asks to borrow 3000 ducats from Antonio so that he can go to Belmont and try to win Portia’s hand in marriage. Some interpretations of this character suggest that he only wants Portia for her money. Others suggest that he has a homosexual relationship with Antonio.

To you, Antonio,
I owe the most in money and in love

Act 1 Scene 1

Character attributes

  • Spendthrift
  • Light-hearted


Gratiano is Bassanio’s friend who accompanies him to Belmont and to the courtroom. He is light-hearted and often makes crude jokes and comments. He marries Portia’s lady-in-waiting, Nerissa.

Let me play the Fool.
With mirth and laughter

Act 1 Scene 1

Character attributes

  • Good-humoured
  • Cheeky


As Portia’s lady-in-waiting, confidante and advisor, Nerissa shows loyalty and love. She listens to Portia’s complaints about her suitors and later accompanies her to the courtroom in Venice disguised as the lawyer’s clerk. She and Gratiano’s relationship seems to parallel that of Portia and Bassanio’s. Both couples marry and quarrel at the same time.

Nerissa teaches me what to believe

Act 5 Scene 1

Character attributes

  • Clever
  • Loyal


Jessica is Shylock’s daughter. However, she is very unhappy at home and is even prepared to become a Christian in order to leave. She sneaks away one night to marry Lorenzo, taking a casket of Shylock’s money and jewels with her. Her father is upset when he learns of the way she has squandered his wealth. She and Lorenzo eventually make it to Belmont and stay with Portia.

Alack, what heinous sin is it in me
To be ashamed to be my father’s child!

Act 2 Scene 3

Character attributes

  • Determined
  • In love


Lorenzo, like Bassanio, is a gentleman of Venice. He is in love with Jessica for her beauty, intelligence, and commitment to him. With no income of his own, Lorenzo is delighted when Jessica elopes with him (bringing with her plenty of Shylock’s cash).

Beshrew me but I love her heartily!

Act 2 Scene 6

Character attributes

  • In love
  • Playful
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