Kim Yun-ji, who was pregnant after three years of marriage, expressed her feelings about entering he.. - MK
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Son Jina
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2024-04-30 00:58:19

Kim Yun-ji, who was pregnant after three years of marriage, expressed her feelings about entering her eighth month.

On the 30th, Kim Yun-ji said, "The precious baby who prepared and planned for the wedding finally came to our couple after three years."

"I'm having a happy and grateful time by cherishing every moment," he said. "I'm already 8 months pregnant." I can't believe I'm meeting my baby soon. I still can't believe it," he said with a happy scream.

Kim Yun-ji, who was pregnant after three years of marriage, expressed her feelings about entering her eighth month.
Kim Yun-ji, who was pregnant after three years of marriage, expressed her feelings about entering her eighth month. Photo = Kim Yoon-ji SNS

In addition, the photo released shows Kim Yoon-ji's eight-month pregnancy status on camera. Kim Yun-ji created a happy atmosphere while holding hands with her husband Choi Woo-sung.

In another photo, Kim Yun-ji drew attention as she showed off her D-line with jeans and a sleeveless T-shirt.

Kim Yun-ji married Choi Woo-sung, the son of comedian Lee Sang-hae and Korean traditional musician Kim Young-in, in 2021. The two have revealed their newlyweds through SBS's Dongsang Imong 2-You are My Destiny (hereinafter referred to as Dongsang Imong).

Kim Yun-ji, who was pregnant after three years of marriage, expressed her feelings about entering her eighth month. Photo = Kim Yoon-ji SNS
Kim Yun-ji, who was pregnant after three years of marriage, expressed her feelings about entering her eighth month. Photo = Kim Yoon-ji SNS

Kim Yoon-ji and Choi Woo-sung, who also appeared in Dongsang Imong, which aired on the 29th, reported that they were pregnant after three years of marriage and confessed why they had hidden their pregnancy. In particular, the two said, "In fact, something sad happened last year. I've never tried to get pregnant, I've been in the exam twice, and then thankfully I became a natural pregnancy last year. However, on the day I went to hear the sound of my heart, I heard about the miscarriage," he said, confessing the pain of the miscarriage.

the full text below

The precious baby who prepared and planned for the wedding finally came to our couple after three years. I'm having a happy and grateful time, cherishing every moment! What do you mean you're already 8 months pregnant? I can't believe I'm meeting my baby soon. I still can't believe it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who heard the news and congratulated me!

[Son Jin, reporter of MK Sports]

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