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Independent living with 24/7 support

Safe at Home provides technology and safety equipment to help you stay safe and living independently in your own home

Home Safety Telecare

Our purpose is helping you to stay safe and live independently in your own home.

Getting older, living with a long-term condition or recovering from an illness can make it harder to cope on your own. Safe at Home offers peace of mind by making sure that help is always at home when needed, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Safe at Home offers a range of technologies – called telecare and home safety equipment – that helps people of all ages.

Telecare works by linking you to a monitoring centre if you need support. Some products let you sound the alarm yourself, while some products will call for help automatically if you are unable to do it yourself.

We work with you to find the right tools to help you live your life well.

There are lots of options – from personal or emergency alarms you can wear as you go about your day to equipment to remind you to do certain tasks – so it’s easy to find a set of products that work for you. We recognise that everyone’s needs are different, and that your circumstances can change over time – so our friendly team is on hand to offer advice when you need us.

Home safety with Telecare

Why choose Safe at Home?

Safe at Home is run by Portsmouth City Council. We’ve been offering technologies to help people live safely at home for over 10 years, and our teams are committed to helping people live full and independent lives.

As well as being experts at what we do, the income we make is invested straight back into local services – meaning that we can help more people in Portsmouth to live well at home.

Quality guaranteed

Our monitoring service is a member of the TEC Services Association who regulate the industry.

Cancel at any time

We only charge a weekly rental fee, and you only need to hire products as long as you need them.

24 hour coverage

Our monitoring centre is open 24/7. Friendly operators are only a call away – you’re never alone.

Multiple price packages

We pride ourselves on the fact that our service is affordable – pick the level of support you need.

In-house installation team

We can do it all for you. Our PCC in house team will install and assess based on your individual need

Part of a community that cares

Stop Domestic Abuse

Any questions?

Getting the right support in place is important. Our guide to all things telecare can help find the right products for your needs.