Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte on the Second of December © Constantin Guys

We’ll let this reader-submitted meme tell the story:

Meat Loaf once sang “two out of three ain’t bad” — but then again he passed away about a year and half before FTAV’s Friday charts quiz launched.

Here’s what was on the menu this time around:

Line chart of $ showing Chart 1

That Bart pattern is in the share price of Meta, as several of you guessed.

Line chart of $/Tonne showing Chart 2

And that’s the LME copper price, as several of you guessed.

Line chart of % showing Chart 3

So what’s that? Here’s a small sample of the guesses we received:

No, no and no.

The correct answer is the short interest as a percentage of shares outstanding for Darktrace, as measured by S&P/IHS Markit.

Unfortunately, nobody got that, which means we have no winner and our t-shirt supplier gets no business, a failure on both GNH and GDP terms.

Oh well. There’s always this Friday to try again.

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